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Cash Credit vs. Overdraft — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 25, 2023
Cash Credit is a short-term loan facility allowing businesses to withdraw money up to a limit, whereas an Overdraft allows individuals or businesses to withdraw more money than available in their account.
Cash Credit vs. Overdraft — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cash Credit and Overdraft


Key Differences

Cash Credit and Overdraft are both credit facilities provided by financial institutions, yet they function differently and serve varied purposes. Cash Credit is primarily designed for businesses, offering a short-term loan facility that enables withdrawal of funds up to a specified limit. This facility is often secured against collateral and is used to meet the working capital requirements of a business, such as purchasing inventory or clearing dues.
Conversely, Overdraft is a more versatile facility, accessible by both individuals and businesses. It allows account holders to withdraw funds exceeding their account balance, up to a predetermined limit. Overdrafts are generally unsecured and can incur high-interest rates and fees if the account balance remains negative. They serve to meet urgent, short-term financial needs and can act as a financial cushion for unexpected expenses.
While Cash Credit is specifically intended to address the operational needs of businesses, Overdraft can be utilized for a variety of immediate financial requirements by a wider range of clientele. Cash Credit usually mandates the submission of financial statements and requires collateral, focusing on fulfilling the cyclical financial demands of commercial entities.
On the other hand, Overdraft, with its broader applicability, focuses on providing temporary financial relief, whether for unforeseen personal expenditures or abrupt business outlays. The ease of access and flexibility make Overdraft a convenient option for transient financial shortfalls, while Cash Credit remains a go-to choice for business entities seeking to manage working capital efficiently.

Comparison Chart

User Base

Primarily Businesses
Individuals and Businesses


To meet the working capital requirements
To cover short-term financial needs


Usually secured against collateral
Generally unsecured


Requires submission of financial statements
Relatively easy access and flexible


Specific to operational needs of businesses
Broad, for a variety of immediate financial requirements

Compare with Definitions

Cash Credit

Cash Credit is typically secured against collateral and is intended to meet working capital needs.
To keep the production running, the firm accessed funds through its cash credit facility.


Overdraft can incur high-interest rates and fees if the account balance remains negative.
The account incurred overdraft fees due to the negative balance lasting several days.

Cash Credit

Cash Credit allows businesses to withdraw money up to a predetermined limit.
The manufacturer availed cash credit to meet its operational expenses.


Overdraft is versatile, serving the immediate financial needs of both individuals and businesses.
Mary’s overdraft helped her manage until her next paycheck after an unplanned medical expense.

Cash Credit

Cash Credit requires the submission of financial statements and is specific to businesses’ operational needs.
The retailer utilized cash credit to clear outstanding dues swiftly.


Overdraft is accessible and flexible, catering to a wide range of short-term financial requirements.
The entrepreneur used the overdraft facility to meet the sudden financial shortfall in his venture.

Cash Credit

Cash Credit focuses on addressing the cyclical financial demands of commercial entities.
Cash credit proved instrumental in stabilizing the company’s working capital during the financial crunch.


An Overdraft is a credit facility allowing withdrawals exceeding the account balance.
John used his overdraft to cover an unexpected car repair bill.

Cash Credit

Cash Credit is a short-term credit facility extended to businesses.
The company used its cash credit facility to purchase additional inventory.


Overdraft provides temporary financial relief and is usually unsecured.
The small business relied on its overdraft to pay suppliers when cash flow was tight.


The act of overdrawing a bank account.


Abbr. OD or o/d The amount overdrawn.


The maximum amount of credit extended to a customer.


A current of air made to pass over the ignited fuel in a furnace.


A series of flues in a brick kiln designed to force air down from the top.


The air so forced.


(uncountable) The act of overdrawing a bank account.


(countable) The amount overdrawn.
I have an overdraft of £1234.


(countable) The maximum amount that may be overdrawn.
The bank have given me an overdraft of $2000.


The extraction of groundwater from an aquifer beyond the safe yield or equilibrium yield.


A series of flues in a furnace; the current of air forced through them.


(transitive) To extract groundwater from (an aquifer) beyond the safe yield or equilibrium yield.


The act of overdrawing; a draft in excess of the credit balance; also, the amount or sum overdrawn.


A draft in excess of the credit balance

Common Curiosities

Who can avail Cash Credit?

Cash Credit is primarily availed by businesses to manage their operational needs and working capital.

What does Overdraft mean?

Overdraft is a facility allowing account holders to withdraw more money than is available in their account, up to a specified limit.

Is Overdraft generally secured?

Overdrafts are generally unsecured, making them easily accessible but potentially having higher interest rates.

Is Cash Credit suitable for purchasing inventory?

Yes, businesses often use Cash Credit facilities to purchase inventory and manage other operational expenses.

Can individuals use Overdraft?

Yes, overdrafts can be used by individuals as well as businesses to cover short-term financial needs.

Is Cash Credit secured or unsecured?

Cash Credit is usually secured, typically against collateral like inventory or receivables.

Does Cash Credit require the submission of financial statements?

Yes, availing Cash Credit usually requires the submission of financial statements and may involve a review of financial health.

Can Cash Credit be used to clear dues?

Yes, businesses can use Cash Credit to clear dues and manage their financial obligations efficiently.

What is Cash Credit?

Cash Credit is a short-term loan facility allowing businesses to withdraw money up to a specified limit to meet working capital needs.

How quickly can one access Overdraft funds?

Overdraft funds are usually readily accessible, providing flexibility and convenience for immediate financial needs.

Can Overdraft cover unexpected personal expenses?

Yes, individuals often use overdrafts to cover unexpected expenses like medical bills or car repairs.

Is interest charged on Cash Credit?

Yes, interest is typically charged on the amount of Cash Credit used, and the rates may vary.

Are there fees associated with Overdraft?

Yes, overdrafts often come with fees and can have high-interest rates if the account balance remains negative.

Does Overdraft focus on the recipient or the use of funds?

Overdraft primarily focuses on providing temporary financial relief to the recipient, regardless of the use of funds.

How do Cash Credit and Overdraft differ in applicability?

Cash Credit is specific to operational needs of businesses, while Overdraft has broader applicability, catering to a variety of immediate financial requirements for individuals and businesses.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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