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Chace vs. Chase — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 21, 2024
"Chace" is an incorrect spelling; the correct term is "Chase." Chase refers to the act of pursuing or following swiftly.
Chace vs. Chase — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Chace or Chase

How to spell Chase?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the "s" in "chase" is for "speed."
Associate the word with a fast "chase" scene in movies.
The word "face" can be a mnemonic, replacing the "f" with "ch" gives "chase."
Visualize the phrase "chase the ace" to emphasize the "ase" ending.
Recall that "chase" is spelled similarly to "base," both ending in "ase."

How Do You Spell Chase Correctly?

Incorrect: She decided to chace the opportunity of a lifetime.
Correct: She decided to chase the opportunity of a lifetime.
Incorrect: Kids love to chace each other around the playground.
Correct: Kids love to chase each other around the playground.
Incorrect: The dog started to chace the squirrel up the tree.
Correct: The dog started to chase the squirrel up the tree.
Incorrect: The police had to chace the suspect through the crowded streets.
Correct: The police had to chase the suspect through the crowded streets.
Incorrect: He loves to chace his dreams, no matter how big they are.
Correct: He loves to chase his dreams, no matter how big they are.

Chase Definitions

To follow or seek someone or something actively.
Dogs often chase their tails.
To expel or drive away.
He tried to chase the birds off his lawn.
Pursue in order to catch or catch up with
The dog chased after the stick
Police chased the stolen car through the city
Drive or cause to go in a specified direction
She chased him out of the house
Try to obtain (something owed or required)
The company employs people to chase up debts
Engrave (metal, or a design on metal)
A miniature container with a delicately chased floral design
An act of pursuing someone or something
They captured the youths after a brief chase
(in letterpress printing) a metal frame for holding the composed type and blocks being printed at one time.
The part of a gun enclosing the bore.
A groove or furrow cut in the face of a wall or other surface to receive a pipe or wire.
To follow rapidly in order to catch or overtake; pursue
The police officers chased the thief. The dog chased the cat across the yard.
To follow (game) in order to capture or kill; hunt
Chase foxes.
To seek the favor or company of persistently
Chased me until I agreed to a date.
To put to flight; drive
She chased the rabbits from the garden.
To cause (an opposing pitcher) to be removed from a game by batting well.
To swing at and miss (a pitch, especially one out of the strike zone).
To go or follow in pursuit
My friends and I chased after the loose dog.
(Informal) To go hurriedly; rush
Chased all over looking for us.
To groove; indent.
To cut (the thread of a screw).
To decorate (metal) by engraving or embossing.
The act of chasing; pursuit
The police arrested the driver after a wild chase.
The hunting of game
The thrill of the chase.
Something that is hunted or pursued; quarry
The hunters drove their chase into the open.
A privately owned, unenclosed game preserve.
The right to hunt or keep game on the land of others.
A rectangular steel or iron frame into which pages or columns of type are locked for printing or plate making.
A groove cut in an object; a slot
The chase for the quarrel on a crossbow.
A trench or channel for drainpipes or wiring.
The part of a gun in front of the trunnions.
The cavity of a mold.
The act of one who chases another; a pursuit.
A hunt; the act of hunting; the pursuit of game.
(uncountable) A children's game where one player chases another.
(British) A large country estate where game may be shot or hunted.
Anything being chased, especially a vessel in time of war.
(obsolete) A wild animal that is hunted.
(nautical) Any of the guns that fire directly ahead or astern; either a bow chase or stern chase.
(real tennis) The occurrence of a second bounce by the ball in certain areas of the court, giving the server the chance, later in the game, to "play off" the chase from the receiving end and possibly win the point.
(real tennis) A division of the floor of a gallery, marked by a figure or otherwise; the spot where a ball falls, and between which and the dedans the adversary must drive the ball in order to gain a point.
(cycling) One or more riders who are ahead of the peloton and trying to join the race or stage leaders.
(music) A series of brief improvised jazz solos by a number of musicians taking turns.
(printing) A rectangular steel or iron frame into which pages or columns of type are locked for printing or plate-making.
A groove cut in an object; a slot: the chase for the quarrel on a crossbow.
(architecture) A trench or channel or other encasement structure for encasing (archaically spelled enchasing) drainpipes or wiring; a hollow space in the wall of a building encasing ventilation ducts, chimney flues, wires, cables or plumbing.
(shipbuilding) A kind of joint by which an overlap joint is changed to a flush joint by means of a gradually deepening rabbet, as at the ends of clinker-built boats.
(transitive) To pursue.
(transitive) To follow at speed.
(transitive) To hunt.
(transitive) To seek to attain.
The team are chasing their first home win this season.
(transitive) To seek the company of (a member of the opposite sex) in an obvious way.
He spends all his free time chasing girls.
To pursue a vessel in order to destroy, capture or interrogate her.
(transitive) To consume another beverage immediately after drinking hard liquor, typically something better tasting or less harsh such as soda or beer; to use a drink as a chaser.
I need something to chase this shot with.
To attempt to win by scoring the required number of runs in the final innings.
Australia will be chasing 217 for victory on the final day.
To swing at a pitch outside of the strike zone, typically an outside pitch.
Jones chases one out of the zone for strike two.
To produce enough offense to cause the pitcher to be removed.
The rally chased the starter.
(transitive) To groove; indent.
(transitive) To place piping or wiring in a groove encased within a wall or floor, or in a hidden space encased by a wall.
Chase the pipe
(transitive) To cut (the thread of a screw).
(transitive) To decorate (metal) by engraving or embossing.
To pursue for the purpose of killing or taking, as an enemy, or game; to hunt.
We are those which chased you from the field.
Philologists, who chaseA panting syllable through time and place.
To follow as if to catch; to pursue; to compel to move on; to drive by following; to cause to fly; - often with away or off; as, to chase the hens away.
Chased by their brother's endless malice from prince to prince and from place to place.
To pursue eagerly, as hunters pursue game.
Chasing each other merrily.
To give chase; to hunt; as, to chase around after a doctor.
To ornament (a surface of metal) by embossing, cutting away parts, and the like.
To cut, so as to make a screw thread.
Vehement pursuit for the purpose of killing or capturing, as of an enemy, or game; an earnest seeking after any object greatly desired; the act or habit of hunting; a hunt.
You see this chase is hotly followed.
That which is pursued or hunted.
Nay, Warwick, seek thee out some other chase,For I myself must hunt this deer to death.
An open hunting ground to which game resorts, and which is private properly, thus differing from a forest, which is not private property, and from a park, which is inclosed. Sometimes written chace.
A division of the floor of a gallery, marked by a figure or otherwise; the spot where a ball falls, and between which and the dedans the adversary must drive his ball in order to gain a point.
A rectangular iron frame in which pages or columns of type are imposed.
The part of a cannon from the reënforce or the trunnions to the swell of the muzzle. See Cannon.
A groove, or channel, as in the face of a wall; a trench, as for the reception of drain tile.
A kind of joint by which an overlap joint is changed to a flush joint, by means of a gradually deepening rabbet, as at the ends of clinker-built boats.
The act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture;
The culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit
Go after with the intent to catch;
The policeman chased the mugger down the alley
The dog chased the rabbit
Pursue someone sexually or romantically
Cut a groove into;
Chase silver
Cut a furrow into a columns
The act of pursuing someone or something.
The police are on a chase after the suspect.
The hunt for wild animals.
The lion began its chase for the gazelle.
A carved design or engraving.
The artist gave a final touch to the chase on the metal plate.

Chase Meaning in a Sentence

The children love to chase butterflies in the garden.
Athletes chase records and personal bests in their careers.
The cat will often chase its tail for entertainment.
The detective had to chase the clues to solve the mystery.
The bank robbers led the police on a high-speed chase.
They decided to chase the sunset on their evening walk.
To chase away the cold, they gathered around the campfire.
She's not one to chase fame or fortune, preferring a quiet life.
Investors chase opportunities to grow their wealth.
Dreams are worth the chase, no matter the obstacles.
The dog likes to chase the waves at the beach.
To chase away sadness, they shared stories of happy times.
Scientists chase discoveries that could change the world.
Parents often chase after their kids at the park.
To chase success is to also embrace the risk of failure.
He decided to chase a new career path later in life.
Photographers often chase the perfect light for their shots.
The storm chasers chase tornadoes to study them.
They chase the thrill of adventure in remote corners of the world.
To chase your fears away, confront them head-on.

Chase Idioms & Phrases

Wild goose chase

A futile search or pursuit.
Looking for the lost key in the park was a wild goose chase.

Chase the dragon

A slang term for trying to achieve the initial high from using drugs.
He warned about the dangers of chasing the dragon and the path to addiction.

Give chase

To pursue in order to catch or catch up with.
The police gave chase to the speeding car.

Chase your tail

To be very busy but not very productive by doing a lot of things quickly.
I've been chasing my tail all day, but I haven't actually finished anything.

Chase rainbows

To pursue unrealistic or impractical goals.
He's always chasing rainbows, trying to invent a perpetual motion machine.

Cut to the chase

To get to the point without wasting time.
Let's cut to the chase: are you resigning?

Chase down

To follow and catch someone or something.
The reporter chased down the lead until she found the truth.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Chase?

The term derives from the Old French word "chacier," meaning "to hunt."

What is the verb form of Chase?

Chase itself is a verb, as in "to chase."

What is the root word of Chase?

The Old French word "chacier."

Which vowel is used before Chase?

The vowel "a" is used in "chase."

What is the singular form of Chase?


What is the pronunciation of Chase?

It is pronounced as ch-ays.

Which preposition is used with Chase?

"After" as in "chase after."

Which conjunction is used with Chase?

There isn't a specific conjunction exclusive to "chase."

Is Chase a noun or adjective?

Chase can be both a noun and a verb.

Is Chase an adverb?


Is Chase an abstract noun?

No, it's a concrete noun.

What is the plural form of Chase?


Which article is used with Chase?

Either "the" or "a" can be used.

Is Chase a countable noun?

Yes, as in "several chases."

Is the word Chase imperative?

It can be used in the imperative form, e.g., "Chase him!"

What part of speech is Chase?

Noun and verb.

Is Chase a negative or positive word?

Neutral. Context determines its connotation.

What is the opposite of Chase?

Flee or escape.

Is the word Chase a gerund?

Chasing is the gerund form.

Is the word “Chase” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be a direct object, e.g., "I love a good chase."

How do we divide Chase into syllables?

Chase is a single syllable.

What is a stressed syllable in Chase?

The entire word "chase" is stressed as it's one syllable.

How is Chase used in a sentence?

The children love to chase each other around the park.

Is Chase a vowel or consonant?

"Chase" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Chase a collective noun?


How many syllables are in Chase?

One syllable.

What is another term for Chase?


Is the Chase term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, e.g., "a chase for success."

Which determiner is used with Chase?

Determiners like "the," "this," or "a" can be used.

What is the first form of Chase?

Chase (as a verb).

What is the second form of Chase?


What is the third form of Chase?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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