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Chalange vs. Challenge — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 28, 2024
"Chalange" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "challenge," which denotes a task or situation that tests one's abilities.
Chalange vs. Challenge — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Chalange or Challenge

How to spell Challenge?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall "challenge" contains two 'l's and ends with "enge."
Associate "challenge" with "gallery" for the double 'l.'
Think of "challenge" like "change" with an 'll' in the middle.
Remember "challenge" shares the same 'eng' sound with "revenge."
The word "challenge" has the element of "call" (call to action) within it.

How Do You Spell Challenge Correctly?

Incorrect: Overcoming this chalange will not be easy.
Correct: Overcoming this challenge will not be easy.
Incorrect: She accepted the chalange to run a marathon.
Correct: She accepted the challenge to run a marathon.
Incorrect: The chalange of climbing Mount Everest is daunting.
Correct: The challenge of climbing Mount Everest is daunting.

Challenge Definitions

A task or situation that tests someone's abilities.
Climbing Mount Everest is a significant challenge.
An invitation to participate in a competition.
She accepted his challenge to a chess match.
A call to prove or justify something.
He faced a challenge to his authority in the meeting.
A problem or difficulty that arises.
The main challenge of the project was a lack of funding.
An objection or query about the truth of something.
The lawyer's challenge was based on a lack of evidence.
A call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition
A challenge to a duel.
An act or statement of defiance; a call to confrontation
A challenge to the government's authority.
A demand for explanation or justification; a calling into question
A challenge to a theory.
A sentry's call to an unknown party for proper identification.
A test of one's abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking
A career that offers a challenge.
A claim that a vote is invalid or that a voter is unqualified.
A formal objection to the inclusion of a prospective juror in a jury.
A legal case testing the validity of an action taken, particularly by the government.
(Immunology) The induction or evaluation of an immune response in an organism by administration of a specific antigen to which it has been sensitized.
To call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition
Challenged me to a game of chess.
To invite with defiance; dare
Challenged him to contradict her.
To confront or struggle with (something) as a test of one's abilities
Rafters challenging the rapids.
To take exception to; call into question; dispute
A book that challenges established beliefs.
To order to halt and be identified, as by a sentry.
To take formal objection to (a prospective juror).
To bring a legal case testing the validity of an action, particularly by the government.
To question the qualifications of (a voter) or the validity of (a vote).
To have due claim to; call for
Events that challenge our attention.
To summon to action, effort, or use; stimulate
A problem that challenges the imagination.
(Immunology) To induce or evaluate an immune response in (an organism) by administering a specific antigen to which it has been sensitized.
To make or give voice to a challenge.
To begin barking upon picking up the scent. Used of hunting dogs.
A confrontation; a dare.
An antagonization or instigation intended to convince a person to perform an action they otherwise would not.
A bid to overcome something.
A challenge to the king's authority
(sports) An attempt to take possession; a tackle.
A summons to fight a duel; also, the letter or message conveying the summons.
The act of a sentry in halting a person and demanding the countersign, or (by extension) the action of a computer system demanding a password, etc.
An attempt to have a work of literature restricted or removed from a public library or school curriculum.
A difficult task, especially one that the person making the attempt finds more enjoyable because of that difficulty.
(legal) A procedure or action.
A judge's interest in the result of a case, constituting grounds for them to not be allowed to sit the case (e.g., a conflict of interest).
Consanguinity in direct line is a challenge for a judge when he or she is sitting cases.
The act of appealing a ruling or decision of a court of administrative agency.
The act of seeking to remove a judge, arbitrator, or other judicial or semi-judicial figure for reasons of alleged bias or incapacity.
We're still waiting to hear how the court rules on our challenge of the arbitrator based on conflict of interest.
(US) An act of seeking to have a certain person be declared not legally qualified to vote, made when the person offers their ballot.
(hunting) The opening and crying of hounds upon first finding the scent of their game.
(transitive) To invite (someone) to take part in a competition.
We challenged the boys next door to a game of football.
(transitive) To dare (someone).
(transitive) To dispute (something).
To challenge the accuracy of a statement or of a quotation
To call something into question or dispute.
New information challenged old hypotheses.
To make a formal objection to a juror.
(transitive) To be difficult or challenging for.
To claim as due; to demand as a right.
To censure; to blame.
To question or demand the countersign from (one who attempts to pass the lines).
The sentinel challenged us with "Who goes there?"
To object to the reception of the vote of, e.g. on the ground that the person is not qualified as a voter.
To take (a final exam) in order to get credit for a course without taking it.
An invitation to engage in a contest or controversy of any kind; a defiance; specifically, a summons to fight a duel; also, the letter or message conveying the summons.
A challenge to controversy.
The act of a sentry in halting any one who appears at his post, and demanding the countersign.
A claim or demand.
There must be no challenge of superiority.
The opening and crying of hounds at first finding the scent of their game.
An exception to a juror or to a member of a court martial, coupled with a demand that he should be held incompetent to act; the claim of a party that a certain person or persons shall not sit in trial upon him or his cause.
An exception to a person as not legally qualified to vote. The challenge must be made when the ballot is offered.
To call to a contest of any kind; to call to answer; to defy.
I challenge any man to make any pretense to power by right of fatherhood.
To call, invite, or summon to answer for an offense by personal combat.
By this I challenge him to single fight.
To question or demand the countersign from (one who attempts to pass the lines); as, the sentinel challenged us, with "Who comes there?"
To take exception to; question; as, to challenge the accuracy of a statement or of a quotation.
To object to or take exception to, as to a juror, or member of a court.
To object to the reception of the vote of, as on the ground that the person in not qualified as a voter.
To assert a right; to claim a place.
Where nature doth with merit challenge.
A demanding or stimulating situation;
They reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power
A call to engage in a contest or fight
Questioning a statement and demanding an explanation;
His challenge of the assumption that Japan is still our enemy
A formal objection to the selection of a particular person as a juror
A demand by a sentry for a password or identification
Take exception to;
She challenged his claims
Issue a challenge to;
Fischer challenged Spassky to a match
Ask for identification;
The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard
Raise a formal objection in a court of law

Challenge Meaning in a Sentence

Solving complex puzzles is a challenge that he enjoys.
Athletes often talk about the mental challenge of staying focused during competitions.
The team faced the challenge of finishing the project under a tight deadline.
Overcoming language barriers is a significant challenge for immigrants.
The challenge of running a successful business requires dedication and hard work.
Access to clean water remains a critical challenge in many parts of the world.
The challenge of balancing work and personal life is common for many.
Environmental conservation presents a global challenge.
She finds the challenge of learning new skills to be highly rewarding.
Technological advancements bring the challenge of keeping personal information secure.
The company faces the challenge of innovating to stay ahead of the competition.
Adapting to new technologies presents a challenge for older generations.
The challenge of public speaking is overcoming fear and anxiety.
The challenge of achieving work-life balance is increasingly discussed in modern society.
The challenge of protecting endangered species requires concerted efforts and resources.
Teachers face the challenge of engaging students in a digital age.
The challenge of poverty and inequality is widespread across the globe.
For many, the challenge of maintaining mental health has become more pronounced.
The challenge of restoring historical buildings is preserving their original character.
Accepting the challenge of change is necessary for personal growth.
The challenge of creating a vaccine was met with unprecedented global cooperation.
He embraces the challenge of solving mathematical problems.
The challenge of navigating the legal system can be daunting for those without resources.
Addressing climate change is perhaps the most urgent challenge of our time.

Challenge Idioms & Phrases

Up for the challenge

Being ready and willing to deal with a difficult situation.
Are you up for the challenge of climbing the highest peak in the region?

Rise to the challenge

To confront and engage with a difficult situation successfully.
Despite the odds, the team rose to the challenge and won the championship.

Meet the challenge

To respond to a difficult situation with appropriate action.
The community met the challenge of the natural disaster with resilience and unity.

Challenge accepted

A declaration that one is willing to tackle a difficult task.
When offered the chance to lead the project, she said, Challenge accepted.

Face the challenge

To confront a difficult situation directly.
The new CEO faced the challenge of turning the company around.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called challenge?

The term "challenge" comes from the Latin "calumnia," meaning "calumny" or "false accusation."

What is the pronunciation of challenge?

It is pronounced as /ˈʧæl.ɪndʒ/.

What is the verb form of challenge?

The verb form is "challenge" as in "to challenge someone."

What is the root word of challenge?

The root is from Old French "chalonge," meaning "accusation" or "reproof."

Which preposition is used with challenge?

Common prepositions include "to," "for," and "with."

Which vowel is used before challenge?

It depends on the sentence. There's no specific vowel that always precedes "challenge."

Is challenge a noun or adjective?

"Challenge" is primarily a noun but can also be a verb.

What is the singular form of challenge?

The singular form is "challenge."

What is the plural form of challenge?

The plural form is "challenges."

Is challenge a vowel or consonant?

"Challenge" is a word that contains both vowels and consonants.

Which conjunction is used with challenge?

Common conjunctions like "and," "but," and "or" can be used, depending on context.

Is the word challenge imperative?

No, but it can be used in an imperative sentence like "Challenge your limits!"

How many syllables are in challenge?

Two syllables.

What is the opposite of challenge?

Ease or simplicity.

Which article is used with challenge?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "challenge."

Is challenge an adverb?

No, "challenge" is not an adverb.

Is challenge a countable noun?

Yes, e.g., "There are many challenges ahead."

What part of speech is challenge?

"Challenge" is primarily a noun but can also be a verb.

Is the challenge term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

How do we divide challenge into syllables?


What is another term for challenge?

"Task" or "test."

What is the third form of challenge?

As a verb, the third form is "challenged."

How is challenge used in a sentence?

Example: Overcoming adversity is a challenge that builds character.

What is a stressed syllable in challenge?

The first syllable, "chal," is stressed.

Which determiner is used with challenge?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," and "their" can be used.

What is the first form of challenge?

As a verb, the first form is "challenge."

What is the second form of challenge?

As a verb, the second form is "challenged."

Is challenge an abstract noun?

Yes, as it refers to a concept or idea rather than a tangible item.

Is challenge a negative or positive word?

Neutral; its tone is determined by context.

Is challenge a collective noun?

No, "challenge" is not a collective noun.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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