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Champions League vs. Europa League — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 30, 2023
Champions League is UEFA's premier club football tournament featuring Europe's top teams, while Europa League is UEFA's secondary club football tournament, a tier below the Champions League.
Champions League vs. Europa League — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Champions League and Europa League


Key Differences

Both the Champions League and the Europa League are prestigious football tournaments organized by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). The Champions League, however, holds a special distinction as the premier club competition in European football. Featuring the continent's elite teams, its matches draw global attention, and winning this title is often viewed as the pinnacle of club football. The Europa League, on the other hand, stands as UEFA's secondary competition but is still highly regarded.
The Champions League showcases the top football clubs from Europe's premier domestic leagues, with participants often being the top finishers from the previous season. In contrast, the Europa League features teams that finished just below the Champions League qualifying spots in their domestic leagues. Additionally, teams eliminated in the early stages of the Champions League can find a second chance in the Europa League.
While both tournaments have group stages followed by knockout rounds, the number of participating teams differs. The Champions League typically starts with 32 teams in the group stage, while the Europa League begins with 48. Moreover, the financial rewards, broadcasting rights, and global viewership are generally higher for the Champions League compared to the Europa League.
One unique aspect of the Europa League is its link to the Champions League. The winner of the Europa League earns a spot in the following season's Champions League, providing an added incentive for teams. This intertwining ensures that the Europa League remains competitive and attractive, despite being UEFA's secondary competition.
In essence, while both the Champions League and Europa League are vital parts of the European football landscape, the former is often seen as the zenith of club competition, with the latter offering a mix of established teams and rising clubs seeking European glory.

Comparison Chart

Prestige Level

UEFA's premier club competition
UEFA's secondary club competition


Top teams from Europe's premier domestic leagues
Teams below Champions League qualifiers & early-stage CL dropouts

Number of Group Stage Teams


Financial Rewards

Generally higher
Comparatively lower

Connection to Other Tournament

Winners qualify for the next season's group stage directly
Winners qualify for next season's Champions League

Compare with Definitions

Champions League

Offers significant financial rewards to participants.
Qualifying for the Champions League group stage provides clubs with a substantial financial boost.

Europa League

Includes teams that narrowly missed Champions League qualification.
A fifth-placed finish in some leagues might secure a spot in the Europa League.

Champions League

A competition with a rich history and legacy.
Clubs cherish the Champions League trophy due to its symbol of European supremacy.

Europa League

UEFA's secondary club football competition.
Sevilla has had notable success in the Europa League over the years.

Champions League

Features Europe's elite football teams.
The Champions League final is one of the most-watched sports events globally.

Europa League

Provides a pathway to the Champions League for its winners.
Winning the Europa League offers clubs a coveted spot in the next Champions League season.

Champions League

UEFA's primary club football competition.
Real Madrid has won the Champions League multiple times, showcasing their dominance in Europe.

Europa League

Begins with more teams in the group stage compared to the Champions League.
The Europa League group stage is expansive, featuring 48 teams.

Champions League

Has a group stage followed by knockout rounds.
The Champions League group draw is a highly anticipated event every year.

Europa League

Features a mix of established and upcoming European clubs.
The Europa League offers rising teams a chance to compete on the European stage.

Common Curiosities

Which competition offers higher financial rewards?

The Champions League generally offers higher financial rewards to clubs compared to the Europa League.

Which teams typically participate in the Champions League?

The Champions League features top clubs from Europe's leading domestic leagues, usually those that finish highest in the previous season.

Is the winner of the Europa League granted any special privilege in the next season?

Yes, the winner of the Europa League automatically qualifies for the group stage of the following season's Champions League.

Which competition is older in terms of inception?

The Champions League, originally known as the European Cup, predates the Europa League.

Can a team compete in both the Champions League and Europa League in a single season?

Yes, teams eliminated from the Champions League's group stage can continue their European journey in the Europa League's knockout rounds.

Are there any performance-based coefficients for clubs in these competitions?

Yes, UEFA uses coefficients based on club performances in European competitions, influencing future seedings in both the Champions League and Europa League.

How do teams qualify for the Europa League?

Europa League participants often include teams that finish just below the Champions League spots in their domestic leagues, as well as those knocked out from early Champions League rounds.

Can teams from any European country participate in these competitions?

While teams from all UEFA member associations can enter the qualifying rounds, their progression to group stages, especially in the Champions League, often depends on the country's coefficient ranking.

What is the primary difference between the Champions League and the Europa League?

The Champions League is UEFA's premier club competition, while the Europa League is the secondary competition.

How are hosting cities for the finals of both competitions decided?

Hosting cities for the finals of both the Champions League and Europa League are decided through a bidding process managed by UEFA.

Are the broadcasting rights for the two competitions managed by UEFA?

Yes, UEFA manages the broadcasting rights for both the Champions League and Europa League, distributing them to various broadcasters worldwide.

How has the format of these competitions evolved over the years?

Both competitions have seen format changes, with expansions in the number of participating teams, introduction of new rounds, and adjustments in qualification criteria over the years.

How many teams start in the group stages of both competitions?

The Champions League starts with 32 teams in its group stage, while the Europa League begins with 48 teams.

Which clubs have won both the Champions League and Europa League?

Several clubs, including Manchester United, Chelsea, and FC Barcelona, have won both the Champions League and Europa League (or their previous equivalents).

Do both competitions have the same trophy design?

No, the Champions League and Europa League have distinct trophy designs, with each symbolizing their competition's heritage.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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