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Changable vs. Changeable — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Changable" is the incorrect spelling, while "changeable" is the right one. Changeable means capable of change or alteration.
Changable vs. Changeable — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Changable or Changeable

How to spell Changeable?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall the base word "change" and just add "able".
Memorize the phrase "able to change" to remember "changeable".
Remember that "changeable" contains the word "change".
Note that the "e" in "change" remains in "changeable".
The spelling "changeable" follows the pattern of "manageable," where the base word (change/manage) is followed by "able."

How Do You Spell Changeable Correctly?

Incorrect: The weather is very changable in the spring.
Correct: The weather is very changeable in the spring.
Incorrect: The schedule is somewhat changable, so check for updates.
Correct: The schedule is somewhat changeable, so check for updates.
Incorrect: This fabric is changable, showing different colors at various angles.
Correct: This fabric is changeable, showing different colors at various angles.
Incorrect: The terms of the agreement are changable under certain conditions.
Correct: The terms of the agreement are changeable under certain conditions.
Incorrect: Her moods are quite changable; you never know what to expect.
Correct: Her moods are quite changeable; you never know what to expect.

Changeable Definitions

Changeable weather: weather conditions that shift often.
The changeable weather required us to bring both sunglasses and umbrellas.
Changeable disposition: a personality that varies frequently.
His changeable disposition made it hard to predict his reactions.
Changeable fabric: a fabric that changes under different lighting conditions.
The changeable fabric of her dress seemed magical.
Changeable decisions: decisions that can be easily altered.
Her changeable decisions made planning difficult.
Liable to change; capricious
Changeable weather.
Being such that alteration is possible
Changeable behavior.
Varying in color or appearance when seen from different angles
Changeable silk.
Capable of being changed.
Subject to sudden or frequent changes.
The weather is very changeable today: we've had bright sunshine, clouds, wind and rain in the same half-hour.
(of a species) Capable of camouflaging itself by changing colour.
Capable of change; subject to alteration; mutable; variable; fickle; inconstant; as, a changeable humor.
Appearing different, as in color, in different lights, or under different circumstances; as, changeable silk.
Capable of or tending to change in form or quality or nature;
A mutable substance
The mutable ways of fortune
Mutable weather patterns
A mutable foreign policy
Such that alteration is possible; having a marked tendency to change;
Changeable behavior
Changeable moods
Changeable prices
Subject to change;
A changeable climate
The weather is uncertain
Unsettled weather with rain and hail and sunshine coming one right after the other
Varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles;
Changeable taffeta
Chatoyant (or shot) silk
A dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent
Changeable market trends: market trends that fluctuate often.
Investors should be wary of changeable market trends.

Changeable Meaning in a Sentence

Changeable weather makes it hard to choose what to wear.
His changeable attitude makes him unpredictable.
The room's layout is changeable, depending on our needs.
Fashion is always changeable, with new trends every season.
The software's settings are highly changeable.
Technology is a changeable and evolving field.
Her changeable nature keeps everyone on their toes.
Interest rates are changeable, affecting loan costs.
Prices are changeable based on market demand.
The theater's seating arrangement is changeable.
The color of the sky is changeable, from dawn till dusk.
The game's difficulty level is changeable.
Economic forecasts are inherently changeable.
The storyline in the video game is changeable based on player choices.
Changeable weather patterns can affect agricultural outputs.
Mood lighting is changeable to fit the atmosphere.
The availability of fresh produce is changeable throughout the year.
The length of the course is somewhat changeable, depending on the instructor.
The display settings on the device are easily changeable.
The company's strategies are changeable in response to competition.
The stage design was changeable for different scenes.
Consumer tastes are changeable and hard to predict.
The menu at the café is changeable, featuring seasonal dishes.
Political climates are notoriously changeable.
His commitment seems to be changeable lately.

Changeable Idioms & Phrases

As changeable as the weather

Something that is very unpredictable.
Her decisions are as changeable as the weather.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called changeable?

Because it describes something that is capable of undergoing changes or modifications.

What is the verb form of changeable?


Which vowel is used before changeable?

The letter "e" is used before -able in "changeable."

What is the pronunciation of changeable?


What is the root word of changeable?


Which conjunction is used with changeable?

"And" can be used with changeable, like "changeable and unpredictable."

What is the plural form of changeable?

Changeables (though it's rarely used in plural form).

Which article is used with changeable?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with changeable depending on the sentence structure.

What is the singular form of changeable?


Which preposition is used with changeable?

"On" as in "on changeable terms" or "in" as in "in a changeable manner."

How do we divide changeable into syllables?


What part of speech is changeable?


What is the opposite of changeable?


Is changeable a vowel or consonant?

Changeable is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

Is the word changeable imperative?


What is the first form of changeable?


What is the second form of changeable?

Not applicable as "changeable" is an adjective and does not have different forms like a verb does.

Is changeable a negative or positive word?

Neutral. It describes a characteristic and can have either positive or negative implications depending on the context.

Is changeable a countable noun?

No, it's not a noun.

How many syllables are in changeable?

Three syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in changeable?

The first syllable, "change."

Which determiner is used with changeable?

Determiners such as "the," "this," or "an" can be used with "changeable."

Is changeable an adverb?


Is changeable a collective noun?


Is the changeable term a metaphor?


What is another term for changeable?


What is the third form of changeable?

Not applicable (See answer to question 28).

Is changeable a noun or adjective?


Is changeable an abstract noun?


How is changeable used in a sentence?

"The changeable weather required us to be prepared for both rain and sunshine."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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