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Cheaky vs. Cheeky — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Cheaky" is an incorrect spelling. "Cheeky" is the correct spelling, referring to someone being impudently bold.
Cheaky vs. Cheeky — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Cheaky or Cheeky

How to spell Cheeky?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Always double-check to see two e's together in the middle.
Think of a "cheek" on your face; "cheeky" comes from that.
"Cheeky" rhymes with "sneaky," not "sneaka."
Incorrectly spelled words might be "leaky" but "cheeky" has the "ee."
The word "cheat" has an "ea" in it; remember, so does "cheeky."

How Do You Spell Cheeky Correctly?

Incorrect: He made a cheaky comment during the meeting.
Correct: He made a cheeky comment during the meeting.
Incorrect: His response was too cheaky for a formal event.
Correct: His response was too cheeky for a formal event.
Incorrect: That was a very cheaky move in the game.
Correct: That was a very cheeky move in the game.
Incorrect: She wore a cheaky grin after playing the prank.
Correct: She wore a cheeky grin after playing the prank.
Incorrect: Her smile was rather cheaky when she found the hidden candy.
Correct: Her smile was rather cheeky when she found the hidden candy.

Cheeky Definitions

"Cheeky" describes someone displaying audacity, often playfully.
That was a cheeky remark!
"Cheeky" means showing a lack of respect in a playful or amusing manner.
He gave a cheeky grin.
"Cheeky" implies humorously bold or audacious actions or comments.
She made a cheeky comment during the meeting.
"Cheeky" often suggests brazen or boldly playful behavior.
His cheeky response made everyone laugh.
"Cheeky" can denote a mischievous or impudent person or action.
She stole a cheeky kiss.
Impertinently bold; impudent and saucy.
(informal) Impudent; impertinent; impertinently bold, often in a way that is regarded as endearing or amusing.
Tending to expose the cheeks of the buttocks.
(Australian Aboriginal) Poisonous (of animals such as snakes), dangerous, cunning, violent, potent.
Indulged in.
A Brazen-faced; impudent; bold.
Offensively bold;
A brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club
A nervy thing to say

Cheeky Meaning in a Sentence

She wore a cheeky grin after successfully pulling off the prank.
His cheeky comment lightened the mood in the room.
The child's cheeky behavior was amusing to the adults.
His cheeky smirk told me he had played a part in the surprise.
A cheeky reply often gets him in trouble at school.
She had a cheeky way of looking at the world that made her popular among her friends.
She sent a cheeky text, making fun of their earlier conversation.
The comedian is known for his cheeky humor.
A cheeky smile crossed her face as she outsmarted her opponent.
He found her cheeky confidence to be very attractive.
The teacher occasionally appreciated a cheeky but clever answer.
Her cheeky remarks always seemed to catch people off guard.
The puppy had a cheeky habit of stealing socks and running away.
Wearing a cheeky costume to the party, he became the center of attention.
She received a cheeky compliment that made her blush.
His knack for cheeky comebacks made him a great debater.
She wrote a cheeky caption for her photo, earning lots of likes.
The artist's cheeky interpretation of the classic painting amused art lovers.
In the midst of a dull lecture, a cheeky note passed between friends can be a welcome distraction.
After the cheeky performance, the audience couldn't stop laughing.
The book's character was cheeky and full of life, making readers adore him.
A cheeky wink can convey a playful intention.
Despite being in a serious meeting, his cheeky attitude brought some light-heartedness.
The mascot's cheeky dance moves entertained the crowd.
With a cheeky gesture, she invited him to join the adventure.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Cheeky?

There isn't a direct verb form for "cheeky."

What is the pronunciation of Cheeky?

Cheeky is pronounced as /ˈʧiːki/.

What is the root word of Cheeky?

The root word is "cheek."

Which vowel is used before Cheeky?

It depends on the sentence context, but generally no specific vowel is required before "cheeky."

What is the singular form of Cheeky?

Cheeky is already in its singular form.

What is the plural form of Cheeky?

Cheeky doesn't have a direct plural form since it's an adjective. The noun it modifies determines its plurality.

Which preposition is used with Cheeky?

It varies based on the context, but one might say "with a cheeky grin" or "in a cheeky manner."

Why is it called Cheeky?

It's called "cheeky" because it originates from the word "cheek," suggesting boldness as if speaking directly from one's face.

Which conjunction is used with Cheeky?

Any conjunction can be used with "cheeky" depending on the sentence structure.

Is Cheeky a noun or adjective?

"Cheeky" is an adjective.

Is Cheeky an adverb?

No, "cheeky" is not an adverb.

Is Cheeky an abstract noun?

No, "cheeky" is not an abstract noun.

Is Cheeky a vowel or consonant?

"Cheeky" is a word, not a single letter, so it contains both vowels and consonants.

Which article is used with Cheeky?

Either "a" or "an" can be used based on the noun it's modifying, e.g., "a cheeky child" or "an audacious, cheeky move."

What is a stressed syllable in Cheeky?

The first syllable "cheek" is stressed.

Which determiner is used with Cheeky?

Any determiner that fits the context can be used, e.g., "this cheeky boy" or "those cheeky comments."

What is the first form of Cheeky?

"Cheeky" doesn't have verb forms. As an adjective, it remains "cheeky."

Is Cheeky a countable noun?

"Cheeky" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is the word Cheeky is Gerund?

No, "cheeky" is not a gerund.

Is the word “Cheeky” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Cheeky" is an adjective, so it doesn't function as a direct or indirect object.

What is the opposite of Cheeky?

The opposite might be "respectful" or "deferential."

Is the word Cheeky is imperative?

No, "cheeky" is not imperative.

What part of speech is Cheeky?

"Cheeky" is an adjective.

Is Cheeky a negative or positive word?

"Cheeky" can be either positive or negative based on context, though it often carries a playful connotation.

Is the Cheeky term a metaphor?

"Cheeky" itself is not a metaphor, but it can be used metaphorically.

What is the third form of Cheeky?

Again, there is no third form since "cheeky" is an adjective.

Is Cheeky a collective noun?

No, "cheeky" is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in Cheeky?

There are two syllables in "cheeky."

How do we divide Cheeky into syllables?


What is another term for Cheeky?

A synonym could be "impudent" or "sassy."

What is the second form of Cheeky?

There is no second form since "cheeky" is an adjective.

How is Cheeky used in a sentence?

"She gave me a cheeky wink as she passed by."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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