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CID vs. CBI — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 30, 2023
CID (Criminal Investigation Department) is a state-level police unit in India for crime investigations, while CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) is a national agency handling high-profile cases and corruption investigations.
CID vs. CBI — What's the Difference?

Difference Between CID and CBI


Key Differences

CID, or Criminal Investigation Department, operates under the jurisdiction of individual state police forces in India. On the other hand, CBI, or Central Bureau of Investigation, is a central government agency that functions across the nation.
While CID deals primarily with criminal investigations within its respective state, CBI has a broader mandate, often delving into high-profile cases, corruption, and cases with inter-state or international ramifications.
CID personnel typically hold ranks within their respective state police forces, with their primary mission being to investigate crimes reported within that state. Conversely, CBI operates more autonomously, having its cadre and often being summoned for sensitive cases or when state authorities request its expertise.
Given its state-level operation, the jurisdiction of CID is confined to its specific state's boundaries, and it might require permissions for inter-state operations. CBI, being a central agency, can operate across states without such restrictions.
To summarize, while both CID and CBI serve the purpose of crime investigation, CID operates at a state level with a more localized jurisdiction, and CBI functions at the national level, often handling more complex and high-profile cases.

Comparison Chart


National level

Typical Cases

Local criminal investigations
High-profile, corruption, inter-state cases

Operational Authority

Operates under state police
Central government agency

Geographic Operation

Within specific state boundaries
Across the nation


Holds ranks within state police forces
Has its own cadre and operates more autonomously

Compare with Definitions


A specialized division of the state police for investigations.
He aspired to join the CID due to its reputation in solving complex cases.


India's central investigative agency for high-profile cases.
The CBI took over the case due to its national significance.


Requires permissions for inter-state operations.
For cases beyond its border, the CID had to coordinate with neighboring states.


Operates under the jurisdiction of the central government.
The central government ordered a CBI probe into the scam.


A state-level crime investigation unit in India.
The CID was called in to investigate the mysterious crime.


Handles corruption and inter-state or international cases.
Corruption in the government office led to a CBI inquiry.


Operates under individual state police jurisdictions.
The state police chief directed the CID to handle the case.


Can function across all states in India without restriction.
The CBI's national jurisdiction allowed it to investigate the case across multiple states.


Focuses on criminal cases within its respective state.
The local thefts increased, prompting CID intervention.


Known for handling sensitive and complex cases.
Given its intricacies, the case was handed over to the CBI for a thorough investigation.


Chief or commander; in Spanish literature, a title of Ruy Diaz, Count of Bivar, a champion of Christianity and of the old Spanish royalty, in the 11th century.


An epic poem, which celebrates the exploits of the Spanish national hero, Ruy Diaz.


The United States Army's principal law enfocement agency responsible for the conduct of criminal investigations for all levels of the Army anywhere in the world

Common Curiosities

How is CBI different from CID?

CBI is a national agency, while CID operates at the state level in India.

Which agency handles corruption cases at a national level?

The CBI often handles national-level corruption cases.

Can CID operate outside its state?

Typically, CID operates within its state boundaries and might require permissions for inter-state operations.

Does CID operate under the state police?

Yes, CID operates under the jurisdiction of its respective state police force.

What does CID stand for?

CID stands for Criminal Investigation Department.

What type of cases does CBI typically investigate?

CBI investigates high-profile, corruption, and cases with inter-state or international ramifications.

Who oversees the operations of the CBI?

CBI operates under the jurisdiction of the central government of India.

Can CID handle corruption cases?

While CID can investigate corruption cases at a state level, high-profile or national corruption cases are usually handled by CBI.

Is CID present in every Indian state?

Most Indian states have their own CID, operating under the state police's jurisdiction.

How do the ranks in CID work?

CID personnel typically hold ranks within their respective state police forces.

Can CBI operate across all Indian states?

Yes, CBI can function across all states in India without restrictions.

Which agency is more autonomous, CID or CBI?

CBI operates more autonomously, having its cadre, whereas CID operates under state police.

Can a state request CBI intervention in a case?

Yes, state authorities can request CBI's expertise for specific cases.

Are CID and CBI equivalents in their functions?

While both are investigative agencies, CID operates at a state level and CBI at the national level, often handling more complex cases.

How is the CBI's reputation in terms of investigations?

CBI is known for its expertise in handling sensitive and high-profile cases.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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