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Cisco SNT vs. Cisco SNTP — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 14, 2023
Cisco SNT refers to Cisco's Smart Net Total Care, a technical support service. Cisco SNTP stands for Simple Network Time Protocol used in networking.
Cisco SNT vs. Cisco SNTP — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cisco SNT and Cisco SNTP


Key Differences

Cisco SNT, or Smart Net Total Care, is a comprehensive technical support service offered by Cisco. This service encompasses a wide range of features, such as 24/7 customer support, hardware replacement, and access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). The Cisco SNT service ensures that businesses can maximize the potential and longevity of their Cisco hardware and software.
On the other hand, Cisco SNTP stands for Simple Network Time Protocol. This is not a service like Cisco SNT but a protocol used in the realm of networking. Cisco SNTP is an adaptation of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and is used to synchronize computer clocks over a network. While Cisco SNTP is simpler and less accurate than its NTP counterpart, it is sufficient for many applications.
Furthermore, Cisco SNT, given its nature as a support service, is typically associated with cost implications. Businesses investing in Cisco SNT are essentially paying for the peace of mind that comes with dedicated support and maintenance. In contrast, Cisco SNTP, as a protocol, doesn't come with direct cost implications, but rather technical configurations and setup.
The importance of Cisco SNT becomes apparent when businesses face technical challenges or need guidance in optimizing their Cisco equipment. The immediate access to experts and resources can be invaluable. Conversely, the relevance of Cisco SNTP is felt in ensuring that devices on a network have synchronized time, which is critical for many processes and applications.
Lastly, while both Cisco SNT and Cisco SNTP are associated with Cisco, they serve very different functions. The former is about support, maintenance, and optimization, while the latter is about time synchronization in networked devices.

Comparison Chart


A technical support service by Cisco.
An adaptation of Network Time Protocol.


Provides support, maintenance & resources.
Synchronizes computer clocks over a network.

Cost Implication

Typically comes with a cost.
No direct cost; technical configurations.

Primary Users

Businesses using Cisco products.
Network administrators & devices.


Comprehensive service suite.
Simpler version of NTP.

Compare with Definitions

Cisco SNT

Cisco SNT ensures optimization of Cisco hardware and software.
Our network's performance improved significantly after consulting with Cisco SNT.

Cisco SNTP

Cisco SNTP is a simpler adaptation of the Network Time Protocol.
For our basic time synchronization needs, Cisco SNTP was sufficient.

Cisco SNT

Cisco SNT provides access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center.
Through Cisco SNT, our technicians were trained by the best at Cisco's TAC.

Cisco SNTP

Cisco SNTP is a foundational aspect of network configurations.
Setting up Cisco SNTP was one of the first tasks in our network deployment.

Cisco SNT

Cisco SNT is a technical support service provided by Cisco.
We subscribed to Cisco SNT to ensure our equipment gets timely maintenance.

Cisco SNTP

Cisco SNTP operates over networks to align device times.
Using Cisco SNTP, all our servers now have synchronized timestamps.

Cisco SNT

Cisco SNT offers 24/7 customer support for businesses.
With Cisco SNT, we were able to resolve our issues even on a weekend.

Cisco SNTP

Cisco SNTP is a protocol for synchronizing computer clocks.
We implemented Cisco SNTP to ensure all devices had the correct time.

Cisco SNT

Cisco SNT encompasses hardware replacement services.
Our router malfunctioned, but thanks to Cisco SNT, it was replaced promptly.

Cisco SNTP

Cisco SNTP aids in maintaining consistent time records across devices.
Ensuring time consistency was crucial for our logs, so we used Cisco SNTP.

Common Curiosities

Is Cisco SNTP a service like Cisco SNT?

No, Cisco SNTP is a protocol used for synchronizing computer clocks over a network.

Is Cisco SNTP similar to NTP?

Yes, Cisco SNTP is a simpler adaptation of the Network Time Protocol (NTP).

What is Cisco SNT?

Cisco SNT stands for Smart Net Total Care, a comprehensive technical support service offered by Cisco.

Can I access Cisco experts with Cisco SNT?

Yes, Cisco SNT provides access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and its experts.

Is hardware replacement part of Cisco SNT?

Yes, Cisco SNT encompasses hardware replacement services for Cisco products.

How is Cisco SNT beneficial for businesses?

Cisco SNT provides 24/7 customer support, hardware replacement, and access to Cisco's Technical Assistance Center.

Does Cisco SNT come with a cost?

Yes, Cisco SNT is a service with cost implications for the comprehensive support it offers.

Are there cost implications for using Cisco SNTP?

While Cisco SNTP itself doesn't have direct costs, there might be technical configurations and setup involved.

Do I need Cisco products to benefit from Cisco SNT?

Yes, Cisco SNT is specifically designed for businesses using Cisco hardware and software.

What does Cisco SNTP stand for?

Cisco SNTP stands for Simple Network Time Protocol.

Why is Cisco SNTP important?

Cisco SNTP ensures time synchronization across devices on a network, critical for many processes.

Can I synchronize my device clocks with Cisco SNTP?

Yes, Cisco SNTP's primary function is to synchronize computer clocks over a network.

Is Cisco SNTP accurate?

Cisco SNTP is less accurate than NTP, but it's sufficient for many applications.

How does Cisco SNT help with network optimization?

Cisco SNT provides resources, guidance, and expertise to optimize the performance of Cisco hardware and software.

Is 24/7 support a feature of Cisco SNT?

Absolutely, Cisco SNT offers round-the-clock customer support to cater to businesses' needs.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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