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Clamed vs. Claimed — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 28, 2024
The incorrect spelling is "Clamed" while the correct one is "Claimed", which refers to the past tense of asserting or stating something.
Clamed vs. Claimed — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Clamed or Claimed

How to spell Claimed?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "claim" and "exclaimed" both use “ai” before the “m”.
Remember, "claim" already has an "i" so when you add "-ed", it's "Claimed".
Consider the root word "claim". Adding "ed" does not drop any letters.
Think of a "claim" as a statement. Statements have "I's" in them, so it's "Claimed", not "Clamed".
Envision someone saying, “I claimed it!” emphasizing the "I" to recall the right spelling.

How Do You Spell Claimed Correctly?

Incorrect: She clamed the first prize in the art competition.
Correct: She claimed the first prize in the art competition.
Incorrect: I have never clamed to be an expert in this field.
Correct: I have never claimed to be an expert in this field.
Incorrect: He clamed his luggage at the airport.
Correct: He claimed his luggage at the airport.
Incorrect: They have clamed that their product is the best on the market.
Correct: They have claimed that their product is the best on the market.
Incorrect: Clamed he had seen a ghost in the attic.
Correct: Claimed he had seen a ghost in the attic.

Claimed Definitions

"Claimed" denotes having stated or asserted something as a fact.
He claimed that he had seen the thief.
To demand, ask for, or take as one's own or one's due
Claim a reward.
Claim one's luggage at the airport carousel.
In legal terms, "Claimed" means to have formally requested or applied for something.
She claimed compensation for the damages.
"Claimed" implies having taken possession or ownership of something.
After winning, he claimed the prize immediately.
A basis for demanding something; a title or right.
A demand for something as rightful or due.
Refers to having been called or named in a specific manner.
The novel is claimed to be the best of the decade.
"Claimed" can also indicate causing a particular effect, especially an undesirable one.
The treacherous mountain has claimed many lives.
Simple past tense and past participle of claim
To take in a violent manner as if by right
A hurricane that claimed two lives.
To state to be true, especially when open to question; assert or maintain
Claimed he had won the race.
A candidate claiming many supporters.
To deserve or call for; require
Problems that claim her attention.
Something claimed in a formal or legal manner, especially a tract of public land staked out by a miner or homesteader.
A demand for payment in accordance with an insurance policy or other formal arrangement.
The sum of money demanded.
A statement of something as a fact; an assertion of truth
Makes no claim to be a cure.

Claimed Meaning in a Sentence

They claimed their rights were being violated.
She claimed a spot at the front of the line.
The lawyer claimed that his client was innocent.
He claimed he had been at the library at the time of the crime.
The athlete claimed victory in the final seconds of the game.
The scientist claimed to have made a significant discovery.
The survivor claimed to have seen the mythical creature.
I claimed my seat at the theater before the show started.
She claimed her prize with a big smile.
The company claimed that their product was eco-friendly.
The author claimed the title of best-selling novelist.
Parents claimed their children from the daycare.
The chef claimed to use only organic ingredients.
The witness claimed to have seen the suspect fleeing the scene.
Students claimed their diplomas at graduation.
The politician claimed to have a plan to improve the economy.
The teacher claimed that homework was essential for learning.
The musician claimed the stage with confidence.
Travelers claimed their baggage upon arriving at their destination.
She claimed a refund for the defective product.
The artist claimed a new style as his own.
The explorer claimed to have found a new land.
He claimed responsibility for the successful project.
The inventor claimed a patent for his new invention.
Protesters claimed that their voices were not being heard.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Claimed?

It's called "Claimed" because it's the past tense of the verb "claim", meaning someone has asserted or stated something previously.

Which vowel is used before Claimed?

The vowel "a" is used before the consonant "m" in "Claimed".

What is the verb form of Claimed?

The base verb form is "claim".

Which preposition is used with Claimed?

Prepositions used can vary based on context, but common ones include "by", "for", and "as".

What is the root word of Claimed?

The root word is "claim".

Is Claimed a noun or adjective?

"Claimed" is primarily a verb in its past tense. It can also be used as an adjective in specific contexts, such as "claimed property".

What is the singular form of Claimed?

"Claimed" is a verb in its past tense and does not have a singular or plural form. The verb "claim" is its base form.

What is the plural form of Claimed?

"Claimed", being a verb, doesn't have a plural form.

What is the pronunciation of Claimed?

It's pronounced as /kleɪmd/.

Which conjunction is used with Claimed?

Conjunctions such as "and", "but", and "because" can be used, depending on the sentence structure.

Is Claimed an adverb?

No, "Claimed" is not an adverb.

Is Claimed a countable noun?

"Claimed" is primarily a verb, not a noun, so it's not countable.

Is the word “Claimed” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Claimed" can be part of a verb phrase that has a direct or indirect object, but itself is not an object.

How many syllables are in Claimed?

"Claimed" has one syllable.

Is Claimed an abstract noun?

No, "Claimed" is not an abstract noun.

Is Claimed a collective noun?

No, "Claimed" is not a collective noun.

What is another term for Claimed?

Another term could be "asserted" or "stated".

Which article is used with Claimed?

Depending on context, both "a" and "the" can be used with "claimed", especially when referencing a specific claim.

How do we divide Claimed into syllables?

"Claimed" is one syllable and is not divided.

What is the first form of Claimed?

The first form is "claim".

What is the third form of Claimed?

The third form is also "claimed".

How is Claimed used in a sentence?

"She claimed the last piece of cake before anyone else could."

Is the Claimed term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in specific contexts.

Is the word Claimed is Gerund?

No, the gerund form of "claim" is "claiming".

Which determiner is used with Claimed?

Depending on context, determiners like "the", "his", "her", or "their" can be used.

Is Claimed a negative or positive word?

"Claimed" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Is Claimed a vowel or consonant?

"Claimed" is a word, not a letter, so it's neither a vowel nor a consonant.

Is the word Claimed is imperative?

No, "Claimed" is in the past tense and is not imperative.

What is a stressed syllable in Claimed?

The entire word "Claimed" is stressed as it's a single syllable.

What part of speech is Claimed?

"Claimed" is primarily a verb. It can also be an adjective in specific contexts.

What is the opposite of Claimed?

The opposite could be "denied" or "disputed".

What is the second form of Claimed?

The second form is "claimed".

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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