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Climate vs. Environment — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 1, 2024
Climate refers to weather patterns over a long period, while environment encompasses all living and non-living things in an area.
Climate vs. Environment — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Climate and Environment


Key Differences

Climate is defined by the long-term patterns of temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation in a particular area. It plays a crucial role in shaping the natural ecosystems and the types of species that can thrive in those ecosystems. On the other hand, the environment includes not only the climate but also the land, water, air, plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as built environments created by humans. It represents the broader context in which climate operates, influencing and being influenced by it.
While climate is a major determinant of what kinds of plants and animals can live in a particular area, affecting seasons and weather patterns, the environment encompasses the interactions between these living things and their physical surroundings. This includes how species interact with each other and with elements like soil, water, and air, which are essential for life. Whereas climate change can alter these interactions significantly, affecting biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Climate changes can have profound effects on the environment, leading to shifts in ecosystems and altering habitats. This can result in species migration, changes in plant blooming times, and impacts on agricultural practices. Conversely, changes in the environment, such as deforestation or urbanization, can affect the local and global climate by altering the Earth's surface and atmosphere, affecting patterns of heat and moisture.
The study of climate is primarily concerned with atmospheric sciences, focusing on patterns and effects over decades to millennia. Environmental studies, however, draw on a broader range of disciplines, including biology, geology, and chemistry, to understand the complex interactions within ecosystems. While climatologists might focus on how greenhouse gases affect global temperatures, environmental scientists are concerned with both the causes of these changes and their wide-ranging impacts.
Public policies aimed at mitigating climate change, such as reducing carbon emissions, have direct implications for environmental protection and conservation efforts. Protecting forests, oceans, and other ecosystems can help regulate the Earth's climate, illustrating the interconnectedness of climate and environment. Thus, efforts to address climate change contribute to preserving biodiversity and ensuring the sustainability of our environment.

Comparison Chart


Long-term weather patterns in a specific area.
All living and non-living things in an area.


Focuses on atmospheric conditions.
Encompasses climate, ecosystems, and human-made surroundings.


Atmospheric sciences.
Biology, geology, chemistry, and environmental science.

Impact of Changes

Affects ecosystems, seasons, and weather patterns.
Alters habitat, biodiversity, and human health.

Conservation Efforts

Aimed at reducing greenhouse gases.
Include protecting ecosystems and reducing pollution.

Compare with Definitions


The average weather conditions in a region over a long period.
The Mediterranean climate is known for dry summers and wet winters.


The surroundings or conditions in which a person, plant, or animal lives.
Coral reefs are a critical part of the marine environment.


Influenced by factors like latitude, elevation, and ocean currents.
Ocean currents contribute to the mild climate of the British Isles.


Includes both natural and artificial (built) elements.
Urban environments differ significantly from rural ones.


Classified into various types, such as tropical, desert, and polar.
Polar climates are characterized by year-round cold temperatures.


Encompasses the interaction of all living species with each other and their non-living surroundings.
Bees play a crucial role in the environment by pollinating plants.


A key factor in determining ecosystems.
The rainforest climate supports a wide variety of plant and animal life.


The focus of conservation efforts to sustain biodiversity.
Protecting wetlands is essential for maintaining environmental balance.


Subject to change due to natural and human activities.
Industrial emissions have accelerated climate change.


Can be affected by climate change, pollution, and deforestation.
Plastic pollution is a growing concern for oceanic environments.


Climate is the long-term average of weather, typically averaged over a period of 30 years. More rigorously, it is the mean and variability of meteorological variables over a time spanning from months to millions of years.


The general set of conditions or circumstances
A terrible environment for doing business.


The meteorological conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind, that characteristically prevail in a particular region.


The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
Survival in an often hostile environment


A region of the earth having particular meteorological conditions
Lives in a cold climate.


The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity
The impact of pesticides on the environment
A parliamentary environment committee


A prevailing condition or set of attitudes in human affairs
A climate of unrest.


The totality of the natural world, often excluding humans
"Technology, of course, lies at the heart of man's relationship with the environment" (Mark Hertsgaard).


The long-term manifestations of weather and other atmospheric conditions in a given area or country, now usually represented by the statistical summary of its weather conditions during a period long enough to ensure that representative values are obtained (generally 30 years).


A subset of the natural world; an ecosystem
The coastal environment.


(figuratively) The context in general of a particular political, moral, etc., situation.
Industries that require a lot of fossil fuels are unlikely to be popular in the current political climate.


The combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, behavior, and survival of organisms
"Conditions in a lion's environment ... can drive it to hunt people" (Philip Caputo).


(non-standard) climate change


The complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual person or community.


(obsolete) An area of the earth's surface between two parallels of latitude.


The entire set of conditions under which one operates a computer, as it relates to the hardware, operating platform, or operating system.


(obsolete) A region of the Earth.


An area of a computer's memory used by the operating system and some programs to store certain variables to which they need frequent access.


To dwell.


The surroundings of, and influences on, a particular item of interest.


One of thirty regions or zones, parallel to the equator, into which the surface of the earth from the equator to the pole was divided, according to the successive increase of the length of the midsummer day.


The natural world or ecosystem.


The condition of a place in relation to various phenomena of the atmosphere, as temperature, moisture, etc., especially as they affect animal or vegetable life.


All the elements that affect a system or its inputs and outputs.


To dwell.


A particular political or social setting, arena or condition.


The weather in some location averaged over some long period of time;
The dank climate of southern Wales
Plants from a cold clime travel best in winter


(computing) The software and/or hardware existing on any particular computer system.
That program uses the Microsoft Windows environment.


The prevailing psychological state;
The climate of opinion
The national mood had changed radically since the last election


(programming) The environment of a function at a point during the execution of a program is the set of identifiers in the function's scope and their bindings at that point.


(computing) The set of variables and their values in a namespace that an operating system associates with a process.


Act of environing; state of being environed.


That which environs or surrounds; surrounding conditions, influences, or forces, by which living forms are influenced and modified in their growth and development.
It is no friendly environment, this of thine.


The totality of surrounding conditions;
He longed for the comfortable environment of his livingroom


The area in which something exists or lives;
The country--the flat agricultural surround

Common Curiosities

What is climate?

Climate refers to the long-term patterns of temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions in a region.

How does climate affect the environment?

Climate influences the types of ecosystems that can exist in a region, affecting biodiversity, seasons, and weather patterns.

Can changes in the environment affect the climate?

Yes, environmental changes like deforestation or urbanization can impact local and global climate by altering the Earth's surface and atmosphere.

What disciplines are involved in environmental studies?

Environmental studies integrate biology, geology, chemistry, and environmental science to understand ecosystem interactions.

How do human activities impact the climate and environment?

Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, contribute to climate change and environmental degradation.

How are climate and environment related?

Climate is a component of the environment, influencing and being influenced by other environmental factors.

What are some examples of climate change impacts on the environment?

Examples include rising sea levels affecting coastal ecosystems, changing precipitation patterns impacting agriculture, and temperature shifts affecting species migration.

Why is studying climate important?

Understanding climate helps predict weather patterns, prepare for climate change impacts, and inform conservation and policy decisions.

What role do policies play in protecting the climate and environment?

Policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions, preserving natural habitats, and regulating pollution are crucial for protecting the climate and environment.

What is the environment?

The environment encompasses all living and non-living things in an area, including the climate, ecosystems, and human-made structures.

How does biodiversity relate to the climate and environment?

Biodiversity is a measure of the variety of life in an area, directly influenced by the climate and environmental conditions, and vital for ecosystem health and resilience.

Can technological advancements help address climate and environmental issues?

Yes, technologies like renewable energy sources, carbon capture, and efficient recycling can mitigate climate change and reduce environmental degradation.

What is the significance of international agreements on climate and environment?

International agreements, like the Paris Agreement, aim to unify global efforts in reducing emissions and protecting the environment.

How do conservation efforts benefit both climate and environment?

Conservation efforts, such as reforestation and sustainable farming, can sequester carbon, reducing greenhouse gases and supporting ecosystem health.

How can individuals contribute to protecting the climate and environment?

Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint, support conservation projects, and advocate for environmental policies to contribute to climate and environmental protection.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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