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Close Friend vs. Best Friend — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Published on October 19, 2023
A close friend is someone you share a deep bond with, while a best friend is often seen as the closest among all friends, like a confidant.
Close Friend vs. Best Friend — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Close Friend and Best Friend


Key Differences

A close friend refers to an individual with whom one shares a significant bond, encompassing trust, care, and mutual understanding. They are among the people you turn to for advice, support, or simply to share good times. On the other hand, a best friend is typically that one person among all your friends who stands out as the closest, the one you trust most and share everything with.
In our circles, it's common to have more than one close friend. These are individuals we've shared memories with, have mutual respect for, and consider important in our lives. In contrast, a best friend is often singular; it's that one person you might have known for years or even a short period, but the depth of connection and understanding surpasses others.
When discussing relationships, a close friend is someone who might know your secrets, your aspirations, and be there during challenges. They're integral to your social and emotional well-being. However, a best friend knows all these things and more. They might know you better than you know yourself, often being the first you go to with news, be it good or bad.
To put it simply, while all best friends can be considered close friends, not all close friends would necessarily be classified as best friends. The distinguishing factor often comes down to the intensity and depth of the bond shared.

Comparison Chart


An individual with a significant bond
The closest friend among all


One can have multiple
Typically singular

Depth of Relationship

Deep connection but might not know every detail
Profound connection, knows ins and outs


More common than best friends
Often unique in a person's life

Involvement in Life Events

Involved in significant life events
Involved in almost all aspects of life

Compare with Definitions

Close Friend

Part of your inner circle.
During the holidays, I always spend time with my close friends.

Best Friend

The closest among all friends.
Lucy is my best friend; we share everything.

Close Friend

A confidant but not necessarily the closest.
Although he's a close friend, there are some things I haven't told him.

Best Friend

Stands by you in all circumstances.
During the toughest times, my best friend was my rock.

Close Friend

Shares many memories with you.
My close friend and I reminisce about our childhood adventures.

Best Friend

Might have a history of shared experiences.
My best friend and I have known each other since kindergarten.

Close Friend

Someone you trust deeply.
I told my close friend about the challenges I'm facing.

Best Friend

Often knows you better than others.
My best friend could tell I was upset even before I said anything.

Close Friend

An individual with a significant connection.
Sarah is my close friend from college.

Best Friend

A relationship deeper than typical friendships.
With my best friend, we have an understanding that's hard to explain.

Common Curiosities

Can you have multiple best friends?

While traditionally "best" implies one, many people feel they have multiple "best friends" based on different aspects or phases of their lives.

How do you determine if someone is a close friend or best friend?

It's subjective and based on personal feelings, trust levels, shared experiences, and depth of connection.

Do close friends always hang out frequently?

No, close friends might not always see each other often but still maintain a deep bond.

Can family members be considered close or best friends?

Absolutely. Many people consider siblings or other family members as their close or best friends.

Can the terms be used interchangeably?

While related, they aren't always interchangeable. A best friend implies a deeper or unique bond compared to a close friend.

Can close friendships evolve into best friendships?

Yes, over time and shared experiences, close friendships can evolve into best friendships.

Do best friends always agree on everything?

No, like any relationship, disagreements occur. However, mutual respect and understanding are key.

Is a best friend always a close friend?

Yes, a best friend is always considered a close friend, but the reverse isn't necessarily true.

Can someone be both a close friend and a best friend at different times?

Yes, relationships can evolve based on life circumstances and shared experiences.

Is it essential to have a best friend?

While many find it fulfilling, it's subjective. Some people are content with having multiple close friends.

How does trust factor in these relationships?

Trust is foundational in both close and best friendships and is often stronger in best friendships.

Can distance affect a close or best friendship?

Physical distance might pose challenges but doesn't necessarily diminish the bond between close or best friends.

Is longevity a determining factor for a best friend?

Not necessarily. The depth of connection is more crucial than the duration of the friendship.

Can close friends drift apart?

Yes, like any relationship, changes in life circumstances can cause drifts.

Are these definitions of close and best friends universal?

While the general sentiment is similar, cultural and individual variations exist in how these terms are perceived and used.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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