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Clouded vs. Cloudy — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 9, 2024
Clouded describes an obscured or unclear state of mind or situation, whereas cloudy refers specifically to the sky filled with clouds.
Clouded vs. Cloudy — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Clouded and Cloudy


Key Differences

Clouded often implies a metaphorical or figurative obscurity, as in thoughts or perceptions being unclear or confused. Cloudy, on the other hand, specifically describes the physical appearance of the sky when it is covered with clouds.
When something is clouded, it can also suggest being overshadowed by emotions or complicated by factors that reduce clarity. Cloudy, whereas, is primarily used to describe weather conditions and does not imply emotional or mental states.
Clouded can be used in various contexts, such as a clouded judgment or clouded glass, indicating something is obscured or less transparent. Cloudy weather indicates a sky predominantly covered by clouds, often leading to overcast conditions.
The term clouded may also refer to a situation or outcome that is uncertain or unclear, suggesting complications. Cloudy skies suggest the potential for precipitation, focusing more on weather forecasts than metaphorical implications.
In literature, clouded emotions or memories can be a thematic element, symbolizing confusion or distress. In contrast, a cloudy day can set a somber or gloomy mood in a scene, focusing on the setting rather than internal states.

Comparison Chart

Primary Usage

Metaphorical for obscurity or lack of clarity
Describing sky filled with clouds


Mental, emotional, visual obscurity
Weather conditions


Uncertainty, confusion, obscured visibility
Potential for rain, overcast skies

Associated Conditions

Clouded judgment, clouded glass
Cloudy day, cloudy skies

Emotional or Physical

Often emotional or perceptual
Primarily physical and observable

Compare with Definitions


Covered or smeared with something that obscures.
The mirror was clouded with dust.


Covered with or characterized by clouds.
It was a cloudy afternoon.


Obscured or made less visible or clear.
The windows were clouded with steam.


Indicative of impending rain.
The forecast predicted a cloudy day with showers.


Overcast or darkened in expression.
His face clouded over when he heard the news.


Lacking transparency or clarity.
The juice was cloudy, not clear.


Confused or muddled in thought.
His judgment was clouded by anger.


Full of or resembling clouds.
The sky was cloudy and grey.


Made opaque or less transparent.
Her eyes clouded with tears.


Gloomy or somber in mood.
His mood was as cloudy as the weather.


A visible body of very fine water droplets or ice particles suspended in the atmosphere at altitudes ranging up to several miles above sea level.


Full of or covered with clouds; overcast.


A mass of particles or droplets, as of dust, smoke, or steam, suspended in the atmosphere or existing in outer space.


Of or like a cloud or clouds.


A large moving body of things in the air or on the ground; a swarm
A cloud of locusts.


Marked with indistinct masses or streaks
Cloudy marble.


A collection of particles or other small entities
An electron cloud.
A cloud of spores.


Not transparent, as certain liquids.


An opaque mass of particles suspended in water
A cloud of silt in the pond.


Open to more than one interpretation.


A dark region or blemish, as on a polished stone.


Not clearly perceived or perceptible.


A state or cause of sadness, worry, or anger
At the bad news a cloud fell over the celebration.


Troubled; gloomy
His future at the company is cloudy.


A state or cause of confusion or misunderstanding
Writing made difficult by a cloud of jargon.


Covered with or characterised by clouds; overcast.


A state or cause of suspicion or disgrace
A cloud of mistrust lingers among the signers of the treaty.


Not transparent or clear.


A large area of coordinated wireless internet service.


(of fruit juice) Containing pith


The collection of data and services available through the internet
Stored company data in the cloud.


Uncertain; unclear.


To cover or obscure with clouds
We could not see the moon because the sky was clouded over.


Using or relating to cloud computing.
A cloudy infrastructure


To make less clear or transparent
Smoke clouded the sky. Steam clouded the windows.


Shady; sketchy; suspicious


To make sorrowful, troubled, or angry
A bad memory that clouded his spirits.


Overcast or obscured with clouds; clouded; as, a cloudy sky.


To cause to appear sorrowful, troubled, or angry
Worry clouded her face.


Consisting of a cloud or clouds.
As Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended.


To make difficult to know or understand; make obscure or uncertain
The economic downturn clouded the future of the project.


Indicating gloom, anxiety, sullenness, or ill-nature; not open or cheerful.


To confuse
Don't let your resentments cloud your judgment.


Confused; indistinct; obscure; dark.
Cloudy and confused notions of things.


To cast aspersions on; sully
Scandal clouded the officer's reputation.


Lacking clearness, brightness, or luster.


To become cloudy or overcast
The sky clouded over.


Marked with veins or sports of dark or various hues, as marble.


To become dark, obscure, or less transparent
The water in the tank clouded up.


Lacking definite form or limits;
Gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion
Nebulous distinction between pride and conceit


To show sorrow, worry, or anger
His face clouded at the news.


(of especially liquids) clouded as with sediment;
A cloudy liquid
Muddy coffee
Murky waters


Filled with clouds.


Full of or covered with clouds;
Cloudy skies


(figurative) Unclear; surrounded in mystery.


Made dim or blurry.
The clouded eyes of the sick man


Variegated with spots.
A clouded cane


Simple past tense and past participle of cloud


Made troubled or apprehensive or distressed in appearance;
His face was clouded with unhappiness


Filled or abounding with clouds


Mentally disordered;
A mind clouded by sorrow


Unclear in form or expression;
The blurred aims of the group
Sometimes one understood clearly and sometimes the meaning was clouded

Common Curiosities

Does cloudy always indicate that it will rain?

While cloudy skies suggest the presence of clouds that could lead to rain, it does not guarantee precipitation.

How do meteorologists define "cloudy"?

Meteorologists typically define "cloudy" as a condition where 80-100% of the sky is covered by clouds.

Can "cloudy" refer to materials other than air or sky?

Yes, "cloudy" can describe other substances that are opaque or milky, such as cloudy diamond or cloudy apple juice.

What is a "clouded leopard"?

The clouded leopard is a wild cat found in the Himalayan foothills, known for its cloud-like blotches on the fur.

Can "clouded" be used to describe water?

Yes, water can be described as clouded if it is murky or has reduced clarity due to suspended particles.

What are the emotional implications of a "cloudy" description in literature?

In literature, describing the setting as cloudy often sets a mood of uncertainty, gloom, or suspense.

How does "cloudy" affect solar panel efficiency?

Cloudy weather can significantly reduce the efficiency of solar panels by decreasing the amount of sunlight they receive.

What is the origin of the term "clouded"?

The term "clouded" originates from the Old English word 'clud', referring to a mass of rock or hill, metaphorically used to describe something obscured or hidden.

Is "clouded" commonly used in medical terms?

Yes, in medical terminology, "clouded" can be used to describe obscured physical conditions, like clouded urine or clouded consciousness.

Can mood be described as "clouded"?

Yes, someone's mood can be described as "clouded" when it is affected by confusion or sadness, making it less clear or joyful.

What literary devices use "cloudy" effectively?

Authors often use "cloudy" as a metaphor or symbol for confusion, mystery, or barriers in understanding.

Can the clarity of a photograph be described as cloudy?

Yes, a photograph can be described as cloudy if it lacks sharpness or has a haze that reduces visibility of details.

How does "clouded" interact with other senses in descriptive writing?

In descriptive writing, "clouded" can interact with senses like sight (clouded vision), taste (clouded flavors), or smell (clouded by smoke).

Is "cloudy" a permanent characteristic of weather in some regions?

In some regions, like the Pacific Northwest of the USA or the UK, "cloudy" can describe the predominant weather condition for long periods.

What impact does cloudy weather have on outdoor activities?

Cloudy weather can lead to cooler temperatures and reduced sunlight, which might affect outdoor activities, especially those requiring bright sunlight.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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