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Cloudy vs. Murky — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on September 24, 2023
Cloudy pertains to having a lot of clouds in the sky, or being obscured by clouds; Murky refers to being dark, gloomy, and unclear, often used to describe water or situations.
Cloudy vs. Murky — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cloudy and Murky


Key Differences

Cloudy and Murky, though they both pertain to obscurity and lack of clarity, have different connotations and applications. Cloudy typically refers to the presence of clouds in the sky, implying an overcast condition and is often used to describe weather. It conveys a sense of obstruction of light but does not necessarily imply total darkness or lack of visibility. Murky, conversely, implies a deeper level of obscurity, often used to describe water that is dark and unclear due to dirt and sediment, or situations that are unclear and complicated.
Cloudy is largely atmospheric and meteorological in its application, directly relating to the cloud cover in the sky, and it often implies temporary and changeable conditions. It signifies a reduction in brightness and visibility due to the presence of clouds but usually maintains a level of luminosity. Murky extends its implications to describe not just physical but also metaphorical states, describing situations, motives, or aspects that are unclear, dubious, or suspicious, hinting at a deeper, more ingrained level of obscurity and complexity.
While cloudy implies a simple obstruction or covering, usually by clouds, it does not inherently carry implications of dirtiness or contamination. It denotes a natural and often transient state of the atmosphere. Murky, on the other hand, implies a mixture of dirt, grime, or other substances, indicating contamination or pollution, and it often conveys a sense of murkiness that is harder to dispel, suggesting enduring obscurity or contamination.
In terms of perception, cloudy usually allows for a certain level of visibility and recognition, even though it might obscure finer details or distant objects. It denotes a veil of clouds diminishing the light and clarity. Murky substantially reduces visibility, portraying an environment where details are lost to darkness and obscurity, suggesting an atmosphere of ambiguity and uncertainty, where discerning details becomes a substantial challenge.
In conclusion, while cloudy is atmospheric, transient, and simply obstructive, portraying reduced brightness and visibility, murky is enduring, contaminative, and substantially obstructive, portraying a significant reduction in visibility and clarity, in both literal and metaphorical senses.

Comparison Chart


Having lots of clouds; obscured by clouds.
Dark, gloomy, and unclear.

Part of Speech


Contextual Usage

Weather, vision, atmospheric conditions.
Water clarity, situations, moral clarity.

Connotative Nuance

Temporary obstruction, reduced brightness.
Enduring obscurity, contamination, ambiguity.


Overcast, shadowy.
Opaque, obscure, unclear.

Compare with Definitions


Covered or obscured by clouds.
The sky was cloudy and threatened rain.


Dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist.
The forest was murky and filled with strange noises.


Lacking clarity or brightness; obscure.
His judgment was cloudy due to his bias.


Not fully explained or understood, especially with concealed dishonesty.
The company’s finances were in a murky state, raising suspicions of fraud.


Characterized by the presence of clouds.
It’s a cloudy day with no sign of the sun.


Hard to perceive or understand due to lack of clarity.
The legal situation was murky and unresolved.


Marked by overcast conditions.
The weather remained cloudy throughout the week.


Lacking clarity or distinctness due to being mixed with dirt or other impurities.
The murky water concealed the creatures lurking below.


Full of or covered with clouds; overcast.


Characterized by a lack of moral clarity; dubious.
His murky past was filled with unsavory incidents.


Of or like a cloud or clouds.


Dark or dim, as from mist
A murky sky.


Marked with indistinct masses or streaks
Cloudy marble.


Darkened, clouded, or blurry
Murky waters.
Murky images.


Not transparent, as certain liquids.


Not clearly known, understood, or expressed
A murky future.
The murky world of spies.
Murky writing.


Open to more than one interpretation.


Hard to see through, as a fog or mist.


Not clearly perceived or perceptible.


Dark, dim, gloomy.


Troubled; gloomy
His future at the company is cloudy.


Cloudy, indistinct, obscure.
Murky waters
Murky territory


Covered with or characterised by clouds; overcast.


(by extension) Dishonest, shady.


Not transparent or clear.


Dark; gloomy.
A murky deep lowering o'er our heads.


(of fruit juice) Containing pith


Obscured by haze or mist; clouded; turbid; as, poor visibility in the murky water.


Uncertain; unclear.


(of especially liquids) clouded as with sediment;
A cloudy liquid
Muddy coffee
Murky waters


Using or relating to cloud computing.
A cloudy infrastructure


So shaded as to be dark or gloomy;
A murky dungeon
Murky rooms lit by smoke-blackened lamps


Shady; sketchy; suspicious


Overcast or obscured with clouds; clouded; as, a cloudy sky.


Consisting of a cloud or clouds.
As Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended.


Indicating gloom, anxiety, sullenness, or ill-nature; not open or cheerful.


Confused; indistinct; obscure; dark.
Cloudy and confused notions of things.


Lacking clearness, brightness, or luster.


Marked with veins or sports of dark or various hues, as marble.


Lacking definite form or limits;
Gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion
Nebulous distinction between pride and conceit


(of especially liquids) clouded as with sediment;
A cloudy liquid
Muddy coffee
Murky waters


Full of or covered with clouds;
Cloudy skies

Common Curiosities

Does Cloudy always refer to weather conditions?

No, Cloudy can also describe anything lacking in clarity or brightness, like vision or liquid.

Can Cloudy imply temporary conditions?

Yes, Cloudy often implies temporary and changeable conditions, especially in meteorological contexts.

Does Murky imply contamination or pollution?

Yes, Murky often implies the presence of dirt, grime, or other contaminants, indicating pollution or contamination.

Does Murky imply something dark and unclear?

Yes, Murky describes something that is dark, gloomy, and lacking in clarity, often due to impurities.

Is Murky used to describe unclear situations or motives?

Yes, Murky can describe situations, motives, or aspects that are unclear, dubious, or suspicious.

Can Cloudy describe obscured vision?

Yes, Cloudy can describe vision that is obscured or lacking in clarity.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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