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Column vs. Collum — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 20, 2024
"Column" is the correct spelling referring to a vertical structural or printed element. "Collum" is an incorrect spelling. Columns can be architectural or informational.
Column vs. Collum — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Column or Collum

How to spell Column?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Key Differences

Remember "u" for upright; "Column" stands upright.
Columns hold things up, not "collumns".
Think of the "u" in "build" – buildings have columns.
"Collum" may call you, but always choose "column".
Newspapers have "columns" not "collumns".

How Do You Spell Collum Correctly?

Incorrect: The architect decided to add a collum to the entrance for aesthetic purposes.
Correct: The architect decided to add a column to the entrance for aesthetic purposes.
Incorrect: Each collum in the temple was carved with intricate designs.
Correct: Each column in the temple was carved with intricate designs.

Column Definitions

A vertical structural element in architecture.
Ancient Greek temples often feature large stone columns.
A vertical arrangement of figures or text.
Check the third column of the spreadsheet for totals.
A military formation in which soldiers march one behind another.
The troops marched in a column toward the capital.
A column or pillar in architecture and structural engineering is a structural element that transmits, through compression, the weight of the structure above to other structural elements below. In other words, a column is a compression member.
A vertical structure usually consisting of a base, a cylindrical shaft, and a capital, used as a support or standing alone as a monument.
Any slender vertical support, as of steel or reinforced concrete.
Something resembling an architectural column in form or function
A column of mercury in a thermometer.
One of two or more vertical sections of text lying side by side in a document and separated by a rule or a blank space.
An arrangement of numbers in a single vertical line.
A feature article that appears regularly in a publication, such as a newspaper.
A formation, as of troops or vehicles, in which all elements follow one behind the other.
(Botany)A columnlike structure, especially one formed by the union of a stamen and the style in an orchid flower, or one formed by the united staminal filaments in flowers such as those of the hibiscus or mallow.
(Anatomy)Any of various tubular or pillarlike supporting structures in the body, each generally having a single tissue origin and function
The vertebral column.
(architecture) A solid upright structure designed usually to support a larger structure above it, such as a roof or horizontal beam, but sometimes for decoration.
A vertical line of entries in a table, usually read from top to bottom.
A body of troops or army vehicles, usually strung out along a road.
A body of text meant to be read line by line, especially in printed material that has multiple adjacent such on a single page.
It was too hard to read the text across the whole page, so I split it into two columns.
A unit of width, especially of advertisements, in a periodical, equivalent to the width of a usual column of text.
Each column inch costs $300 a week; this ad is four columns by three inches, so will run $3600 a week.
(by extension) A recurring feature in a periodical, especially an opinion piece, especially by a single author or small rotating group of authors, or on a single theme.
His initial foray into print media was as the author of a weekly column in his elementary-school newspaper.
Something having similar vertical form or structure to the things mentioned above, such as a spinal column.
(botany) The gynostemium
(chemistry) An object used to separate the different components of a liquid or to purify chemical compounds.
A kind of pillar; a cylindrical or polygonal support for a roof, ceiling, statue, etc., somewhat ornamented, and usually composed of base, shaft, and capital. See Order.
Anything resembling, in form or position, a column in architecture; an upright body or mass; a shaft or obelisk; as, a column of air, of water, of mercury, etc.; the Column Vendôme; the spinal column.
A body of troops formed in ranks, one behind the other; - contradistinguished from line. Compare Ploy, and Deploy.
A number of ships so arranged as to follow one another in single or double file or in squadrons; - in distinction from "line", where they are side by side.
A perpendicular set of lines, not extending across the page, and separated from other matter by a rule or blank space; as, a column in a newspaper.
A perpendicular line of figures.
The body formed by the union of the stamens in the Mallow family, or of the stamens and pistil in the orchids.
One of a series of articles written in a periodical, usually under the same title and at regular intervals; it may be written and signed by one or more authors, or may appear pseudonymously or anonymously, as an editorial column.
A line of (usually military) units following one after another
A vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands
A linear array of numbers one above another
Anything tall and thin approximating the shape of a column or tower;
The test tube held a column of white powder
A tower of dust rose above the horizon
A thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite
An article giving opinions or perspectives
A vertical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (as a monument or a column of air)
(architeture) a tall cylindrical vertical upright and used to support a structure
A regular section in a newspaper or magazine.
She writes a weekly column for the local newspaper.
A tall, cylindrical thing resembling a pillar.
A column of smoke rose from the distant fire.

Column Meaning in a Sentence

The column in the center of the square was erected to commemorate the city's founder.
The column of smoke could be seen miles away from the burning building.
The newspaper editor assigned her a weekly advice column.
The column of soldiers marched in perfect formation during the parade.
In the spreadsheet, each column was filled with different categories of data.
The teacher asked the students to write their answers in the column on the right.
In the library, each column of shelves was labeled with a different genre.
She carefully adjusted the flowers to create a column arrangement for the wedding.
In the garden, they placed a sundial atop a short stone column.
The magazine's advice column offers tips on a wide range of topics.
The carvings on the column depicted scenes from ancient mythology.
The column of light from the lighthouse guided ships safely to shore.
The column of ants marched steadily towards the picnic basket.
Every Sunday, he looked forward to reading the humor column in the newspaper.
She kept a column in her journal for daily reflections.
In the meeting, they discussed the financial figures listed in the column of the report.
The structural engineer explained how each column supports the weight of the building.
The column of numbers added up to a total that exceeded their expectations.
The recipe column in the newspaper always featured interesting dishes to try.

Column Idioms & Phrases

Column inch

A unit of space one inch high by one column wide in newspapers or magazines.
The advertisement costs are based on the number of column inches.

Decorative column

A column that serves a decorative purpose rather than a structural one.
The courtyard featured several decorative columns with intricate carvings.

Column rule

The line that separates columns of text in printed material.
The newspaper layout used a bold column rule for aesthetic distinction.

To column off

To separate or organize into columns.
For clarity, the data was columned off by category.

Engaged column

A column embedded in a wall and partly projecting.
The engaged columns added depth and interest to the facade.

Leading column

The primary or most important column in a group.
The leading column of the march included veterans and active service members.

Backbone column

The central support structure in a system or organization.
The seasoned employees are considered the backbone column of the company.

Fifth column

A group of people who undermine a larger group, such as a nation or a besieged city, from within.
The spy was accused of being part of a fifth column working against the government.

Load-bearing column

A column designed to support the weight of the structure above it.
The architect calculated the load-bearing capacity of each column.

Support column

A structural element that supports the weight above it.
During renovations, they added a temporary support column.

Pillar to post (using pillar as a synonym for column)

Being forced to move from one place to another.
She felt like she was being sent from pillar to post with all the office relocations.

Column dress

A type of women's dress that has a straight silhouette.
She chose a sleek column dress for the evening event.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Column?

Column doesn't have a standard verb form.

Why is it called Column?

It comes from the Latin word "columna", meaning pillar.

Which vowel is used before Column?

Depends on context, but typically "a" as in "a column".

What is the singular form of Column?


What is the pronunciation of Column?


Which preposition is used with Column?

"In" as in "in a column" or "of" as in "column of soldiers".

Which conjunction is used with Column?

Any conjunction can be used based on sentence structure.

Is Column an adverb?


What is the root word of Column?

Derived from Latin "columna".

Is Column a noun or adjective?


What is the plural form of Column?


Is Column an abstract noun?

No, it's concrete.

Is Column a negative or positive word?


What is another term for Column?

Pillar or post.

Which article is used with Column?

"A" or "the".

Is the word “Column” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can function as a direct object, e.g., "I read the column."

How many syllables are in Column?


Is Column a vowel or consonant?

It's a word, not a letter.

Is Column a countable noun?


How do we divide Column into syllables?


What is the opposite of Column?


How is Column used in a sentence?

"The building is supported by large marble columns."

Is the Column term a metaphor?

It can be, e.g., "a column of strength".

Is the word Column imperative?


What part of speech is Column?


Is Column a collective noun?


Is the word Column a gerund?


What is the stressed syllable in Column?

"Col-" is stressed.

Which determiner is used with Column?

Determiners like "this", "that", "my", or "their" can be used based on context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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