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Commercial Bank vs. Small Finance Bank — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 30, 2023
Commercial Banks are large-scale banking institutions providing diverse financial services, while Small Finance Banks focus on financial inclusion, serving marginalized and small-scale clients.
Commercial Bank vs. Small Finance Bank — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Commercial Bank and Small Finance Bank


Key Differences

Commercial Banks and Small Finance Banks both play critical roles within the banking sector but serve different primary objectives. Commercial Banks, established as large-scale institutions, cater to a broad clientele, offering a plethora of financial products and services ranging from savings accounts to business loans. Their operations span nationwide, if not globally, and they're recognized by vast infrastructures and presence in main commercial areas.
On the other hand, Small Finance Banks were introduced to focus on financial inclusion. Their primary objective is to serve the marginalized, the underserved, and the small-scale businesses. While Commercial Banks might overlook these sectors due to the scale of their operations, Small Finance Banks thrive by addressing the specific needs of these niche audiences. They provide basic banking services, small loans, and cater to microfinance requirements.
The regulatory requirements for these two entities differ as well. Commercial Banks, given their vast operations, are subject to stringent regulatory norms set by the central banking authority. Small Finance Banks, while still regulated, might have relaxed criteria, especially in terms of capital requirements, to promote their growth and purpose of financial inclusion.
In essence, while both Commercial Banks and Small Finance Banks serve the purpose of banking, they differ in scale, target audience, and the variety of services they offer. Commercial Banks are the giants of the financial world, while Small Finance Banks are the more localized, focused entities serving the grassroots of society.

Comparison Chart

Primary Objective

Offer a wide range of financial services
Financial inclusion for marginalized sectors


Large-scale operations
Limited scale operations

Target Audience

General public, businesses, large corporations
Underserved, marginalized, small businesses

Regulatory Requirements

Stringent regulations by central banking authority
Relatively relaxed criteria for promotion of growth

Services Offered

Diverse, from savings to business loans
Basic banking, small loans, microfinance services

Compare with Definitions

Commercial Bank

A bank that caters to both individual and business needs.
The Commercial Bank provided a loan for my startup.

Small Finance Bank

A bank with a more localized operation and reach.
The Small Finance Bank has branches only within our state.

Commercial Bank

A financial institution offering a broad range of banking services.
I opened a savings account with the Commercial Bank downtown.

Small Finance Bank

A bank aiming to uplift small businesses and micro industries.
My friend received a loan for her boutique from the Small Finance Bank.

Commercial Bank

A banking establishment with national or global operations.
The Commercial Bank has branches in multiple countries.

Small Finance Bank

A bank focusing on financial inclusion of the underserved.
The Small Finance Bank in our village provides microloans.

Commercial Bank

A bank governed by stringent regulatory norms.
The Commercial Bank regularly undergoes audits by the central bank.

Small Finance Bank

An institution serving marginalized sectors with basic banking.
Farmers often approach the Small Finance Bank for their credit needs.

Commercial Bank

The primary entity for financial transactions in the economy.
Most large corporations deal exclusively with Commercial Banks for their finances.

Small Finance Bank

A banking entity with relatively relaxed regulatory criteria.
Starting a Small Finance Bank is more accessible than a Commercial Bank due to regulatory differences.

Common Curiosities

Do Commercial Banks operate globally?

Many Commercial Banks have national or even global operations with branches in multiple countries.

Which bank is better for large corporations?

Large corporations typically prefer Commercial Banks due to the vast array of services they offer.

How does a Small Finance Bank differ from a Commercial Bank?

A Small Finance Bank primarily focuses on financial inclusion, catering to the marginalized and small-scale sectors.

Can Small Finance Banks offer savings accounts?

Yes, Small Finance Banks provide basic banking services, including savings accounts.

Are Small Finance Banks safe for deposits?

Yes, Small Finance Banks are regulated by the central banking authority, ensuring the safety of deposits.

Can one avail microloans from Commercial Banks?

While possible, microloans are more commonly associated with Small Finance Banks.

What is a Commercial Bank?

A Commercial Bank is a large-scale banking institution offering diverse financial services to individuals and businesses.

Which bank is more community-oriented?

Small Finance Banks often have a more localized, community-oriented approach.

Do Commercial Banks serve individuals or just businesses?

Commercial Banks cater to both individuals and businesses.

Are Small Finance Banks beneficial for small businesses?

Yes, Small Finance Banks specifically cater to the financial needs of small businesses and micro-industries.

Do Small Finance Banks have ATMs?

Yes, many Small Finance Banks offer ATM services to their customers.

Are the regulatory norms the same for both banks?

No, while both are regulated, Commercial Banks have more stringent regulations compared to Small Finance Banks.

What's the primary objective of Small Finance Banks?

The main aim of Small Finance Banks is to ensure financial inclusion for marginalized and underserved sectors.

Can I get a home loan from a Small Finance Bank?

Yes, many Small Finance Banks offer various loans, including home loans.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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