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Comute vs. Commute — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Comute" is an incorrect spelling; "Commute" is the correct spelling, denoting traveling between home and work or a reduced sentence.
Comute vs. Commute — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Comute or Commute

How to spell Commute?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "commute" contains two "m"s, similar to the word "momentum," which is also about movement.
The word "commute" shares its double "m" with "community," often associated with the areas people travel to and from.
The prefix "com-" often implies "together" or "with," which fits the concept of moving from one place to another, as in "combine" or "complete."
Visualize commuting as moving back and forth, symbolized by the two "m"s in the middle of "commute."

How Do You Spell Commute Correctly?

Incorrect: I have to comute to work every day.
Correct: I have to commute to work every day.
Incorrect: She finds it hard to comute from her house to the university.
Correct: She finds it hard to commute from her house to the university.

Commute Definitions

To travel as a commuter
She commuted each day to her office downtown by subway.
To make substitution or exchange.
To serve as a substitute.
To pay in gross, usually at a reduced rate, rather than in individual payments.
Mathematics & Logic To satisfy a commutative property. If a × b = b × a, then a commutes with b, regardless of whether the operation indicated by × is commutative.
To substitute (one thing for another); exchange.
To change (a penalty, debt, or payment) to a less severe one.
An act or instance of commuting, especially the trip made by a commuter
A 22-mile commute.
An easy commute.
To exchange substantially; to abate but not abolish completely, a penalty, obligation, or payment in return for a great, single thing or an aggregate; to cash in; to lessen
To commute tithes into rentcharges for a sum
To commute market rents for a premium
To commute daily fares for a season ticket
To pay, or arrange to pay, in advance, in a lump sum instead of part by part.
To commute the daily toll for a year's pass
To reduce the sentence previously given for a criminal offense.
His prison sentence was commuted to probation.
To pay out the lumpsum present value of an annuity, instead of paying in instalments; to cash in; to encash
To obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution;
Of an operation, to be commutative, i.e. to have the property that changing the order of the operands does not change the result.
A pair of matrices share the same set of eigenvectors if and only if they commute.
To regularly travel from one's home to one's workplace or school, or vice versa.
I commute from Brooklyn to Manhattan by bicycle.
To regularly travel from one place to another using public transport.
(intransitive) To journey, to make a journey
A regular journey between two places, typically home and work.
The route, time or distance of that journey.
To exchange; to put or substitute something else in place of, as a smaller penalty, obligation, or payment, for a greater, or a single thing for an aggregate; hence, to lessen; to diminish; as, to commute a sentence of death to one of imprisonment for life; to commute tithes; to commute charges for fares.
The sounds water and fire, being once annexed to those two elements, it was certainly more natural to call beings participating of the first "watery", and the last "fiery", than to commute the terms, and call them by the reverse.
The utmost that could be obtained was that her sentence should be commuted from burning to beheading.
To obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution; to effect a commutation.
He . . . thinks it unlawful to commute, and that he is bound to pay his vow in kind.
To pay, or arrange to pay, in gross instead of part by part; as, to commute for a year's travel over a route.
To travel regularly from a place of residence to another place, such as where one's daily work is performed. Often, such travel is performed between a suburb and a nearby city; as, to commute to work.
Transpose and remain equal in value;
These operators commute with each other
Travel back and forth regularly, as between one's place of work and home
Change the order or arrangement of;
Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word
Exchange a penalty for a less severe one
Exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category;
Could you convert my dollars into pounds?
He changed his name
Convert centimeters into inches
Convert holdings into shares

Commute Meaning in a Sentence

Biking is a healthy way to commute to work.
He decided to commute by train to save on parking fees.
Her daily commute takes about an hour each way.
The winter weather can make the commute more challenging.
Many workers commute from neighboring towns.
Carpooling is a cost-effective way to commute.
They chose to live in the suburbs and commute to the city.
Their company offers a shuttle service to ease the commute.
Finding a job closer to home can shorten your commute.
To commute long distances can be exhausting for many.
He uses his commute time to listen to audiobooks.
A long commute can be a major factor in job satisfaction.
The scenic route made their commute more enjoyable.
Commute times can vary significantly during rush hour.
Some prefer the quiet of an early morning commute.
The commute can be a good time to catch up on emails.
Telecommuting has reduced the need to commute for some.
Investing in a good bike can make your commute easier.
Public transportation is an eco-friendly commute option.
School buses help students commute safely.
Planning ahead can help avoid commute delays.
She had to adjust her schedule to accommodate her new commute.
He moved closer to his job to reduce his commute.
A reliable car is essential for a long commute.
She listens to podcasts during her morning commute.

Commute Idioms & Phrases

Commute time

The amount of time it takes to travel from home to work or school.
They're looking for a house with a shorter commute time.

Make the commute

To travel a particular distance to work or school regularly.
She makes the commute from Brooklyn to Manhattan every day.

Commute by ear

Adapting one's commuting habits based on experience or intuition, rather than a strict schedule.
He commutes by ear, deciding when to leave based on traffic reports.

Commute on a shoestring

To commute using the least amount of money possible.
As a student, she learned to commute on a shoestring, using bike shares and student transit passes.

Commute the sentence

To reduce a judicial sentence to one less severe.
The governor decided to commute the sentence of the inmate due to new evidence.

Split the commute

When a couple works in different locations and lives somewhere in between.
They split the commute by living in a suburb equidistant from their workplaces.

The commute grind

The daily routine of commuting, especially when it's long or arduous.
After ten years of the commute grind, he's thrilled to work from home.

Daily commute

The regular travel to and from one's place of work or study.
His daily commute involves a train ride and a short walk.

Commute culture

The behaviors, habits, and norms of commuters in a particular area.
The city's commute culture heavily relies on biking and public transit.

Green commute

Commuting in an environmentally friendly manner, such as biking or using public transit.
The company encourages a green commute by offering bike storage and showers.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Commute?

The term "commute" originally referred to the act of changing or exchanging something, and later to the substitution of one form of payment for another. Its modern sense regarding travel likely evolved from the idea of exchanging or substituting one's place of residence and work.

What is the root word of Commute?

The root of "commute" is derived from the Latin "commutare", which means "to change, exchange, interchange".

Which vowel is used before Commute?

The vowel "e" is used before the ending of "commute".

What is the pronunciation of Commute?

Commute is pronounced as /kəˈmjuːt/.

Is Commute a negative or positive word?

"Commute" is neutral; context determines any positive or negative connotations.

What is the verb form of Commute?

"Commute" itself is the verb form.

Which conjunction is used with Commute?

No specific conjunction is exclusively used with "commute". Any conjunction can be used depending on the context of the sentence.

Which article is used with Commute?

Both definite ("the") and indefinite ("a", "an") articles can be used with "commute", depending on context.

What is the plural form of Commute?

As "commute" is primarily a verb, it doesn't have a plural form in the sense nouns do. However, if referring to instances or acts of commuting, you could say "commutes".

Which preposition is used with Commute?

Typically, "to" and "from" are used with "commute" as in "commute to work" or "commute from home".

What is the singular form of Commute?

The singular form is "commute".

Is the Commute term a metaphor?

Not in its standard usage, but it could be used metaphorically in specific contexts.

Is the word Commute imperative?

Not in its standard form, but it can be used in the imperative mood, e.g., "Commute by bus!"

Is the word Commute a gerund?

No, "commuting" is the gerund form of "commute."

How many syllables are in Commute?

There are two syllables in "commute."

What part of speech is Commute?

"Commute" can be a verb or a noun depending on the context.

What is the opposite of Commute?

There isn't a direct antonym, but "stay" or "reside" might be opposites in certain contexts.

Which determiner is used with Commute?

Common determiners like "my," "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "commute."

Is Commute a collective noun?

No, "commute" is not a collective noun.

What is a stressed syllable in Commute?

The second syllable, "mute," is stressed.

Is Commute a noun or adjective?

"Commute" is primarily a verb, but it can also be used as a noun as in "my daily commute".

Is Commute a vowel or consonant?

"Commute" is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

Is the word “Commute” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Commute" can serve as a direct object, e.g., "She loves her commute." It's not typically an indirect object.

How do we divide Commute into syllables?

It's divided as com-mute.

What is the first form of Commute?

The first form is "commute."

How is Commute used in a sentence?

"I commute to work by train every day."

Is Commute an adverb?

No, "commute" is not an adverb.

Is Commute an abstract noun?

No, when used as a noun, "commute" refers to the concrete act or journey of commuting.

Is Commute a countable noun?

Yes, when referring to the act or journey, as in "She has a long commute."

What is another term for Commute?

Another term could be "travel" or "journey."

What is the second form of Commute?

The second form is "commuted."

What is the third form of Commute?

The third form is "commuted."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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