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Concequence vs. Consequence — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 28, 2024
Concequence is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is Consequence, a result or effect of an action or condition.
Concequence vs. Consequence — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Concequence or Consequence

How to spell Consequence?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Use the phrase: "Every action has a Consequence."
Think of "Consequence" as a sequence of events leading to a result.
Visualize "Consequence" as a chain of events, emphasizing the sequence.
Remember "Consequence" has three 'e's before the 'q.'
Associate "Consequence" with "sequence" since both have "seq."

How Do You Spell Consequence Correctly?

Incorrect: The concequence of his actions was severe.
Correct: The consequence of his actions was severe.

Consequence Definitions

A result or effect of an action or condition.
Not studying can have dire consequences for your grades.
An aftermath or repercussion.
The environmental consequence of the spill was devastating.
Importance or relevance.
The research is of great consequence to the medical community.
A logical outcome or result.
The consequence of his lies was a loss of trust.
Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition.
A punishment or negative repercussion
"Sometimes a cousin's first child was born six months after the wedding.
Aside from a moment's tsk-tsk, there were no consequences" (Donald Hall).
A logical conclusion or inference.
Importance in rank or position
Scientists of consequence.
Significance; importance
An issue of consequence.
That which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause.
A result of actions, especially if such a result is unwanted or unpleasant.
I'm warning you. If you don't get me the report on time, there will be consequences.
A proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions; any conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference.
Chain of causes and effects; consecution.
Importance with respect to what comes after.
The power to influence or produce an effect.
(especially when preceded by "of") Importance, value, or influence.
(transitive) To threaten or punish (a child, etc.) with specific consequences for misbehaviour.
That which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause; a result.
Shun to taste,And shun the bitter consequence.
Importance with respect to what comes after; power to influence or produce an effect; value; moment; rank; distinction.
It is a matter of small consequence.
A sense of your own worth and consequence.
A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon;
The magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise
His decision had depressing consequences for business
He acted very wise after the event
The outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual;
That result is of no consequence
Having important effects or influence;
Decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself
Virtue is of more moment that security
A punitive outcome for an action.
Breaking the rules will lead to serious consequences.

Consequence Meaning in a Sentence

The immediate consequence of the new policy was a drop in sales.
The consequence of not following the instructions was a malfunctioning device.
As a consequence of the accident, traffic was backed up for miles.
He didn’t think about the consequence of ignoring his health.
Every action has a consequence, whether good or bad.
One consequence of global warming is rising sea levels.
As a direct consequence of his leadership, the team thrived.
She underestimated the consequence of her words on her friend.
The consequence of such a high calorie diet can be weight gain.
The consequence of technological advancement is often job displacement.
A positive consequence of regular exercise is improved mental health.
The consequence of their hard work was a successful project.
The consequence of innovation is often change.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Consequence?

It derives from the Latin word "consequentia," meaning "following after."

What is the pronunciation of Consequence?

It is pronounced as /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/.

What is the singular form of Consequence?

Consequence is singular.

What is the verb form of Consequence?

Consequence is primarily a noun. However, "consequate" is a rare verb related to it.

What is the root word of Consequence?

The root word is the Latin "consequentia."

Which vowel is used before Consequence?

Typically, "a" or "the" can precede it, such as "a consequence" or "the consequence."

Which article is used with Consequence?

Both "a" and "the" can be used.

Is Consequence a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but can carry negative or positive connotations based on context.

What is the plural form of Consequence?


Which preposition is used with Consequence?

"Of" is commonly used, as in "consequence of."

Is Consequence an adverb?

No, it is not.

Is Consequence a noun or adjective?

Consequence is a noun.

Is Consequence a vowel or consonant?

"Consequence" is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

Is the word “Consequence” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be used as a direct object, depending on the sentence structure.

How do we divide Consequence into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Consequence?

The first syllable "Con" is stressed.

Which conjunction is used with Consequence?

Any conjunction can be used, like "and" or "but," depending on the context.

Is the word Consequence is imperative?

No, it is not.

Is the word Consequence Gerund?

No, it's not a gerund.

What part of speech is Consequence?

It's a noun.

What is another term for Consequence?

Result or repercussion.

Which determiner is used with Consequence?

"This," "that," "each," and others can be used.

Is Consequence a countable noun?

Yes, you can have one consequence or many consequences.

Is Consequence an abstract noun?

Yes, it refers to an intangible result or effect.

Is the Consequence term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

What is the opposite of Consequence?

Cause or antecedent.

Is Consequence a collective noun?

No, it is not.

How many syllables are in Consequence?

There are four syllables.

How is Consequence used in a sentence?

"Every decision we make has a consequence that follows."

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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