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Conglomerate vs. Agglomerate — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on July 31, 2024
A "Conglomerate" is a rock composed of rounded fragments or a corporation made up of diverse businesses. An "Agglomerate" is a rock of clustered fragments or a collected mass.
Conglomerate vs. Agglomerate — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Conglomerate and Agglomerate


Key Differences

A Conglomerate often refers to a specific type of rock formed from the cementation of rounded gravel or cobble-sized fragments. In business, it indicates a multi-industry corporation. On the other hand, an Agglomerate is a rock made of volcanic fragments that have been ejected and subsequently clustered together. Outside geology, it denotes any collection or mass of things.
When discussing geology, the distinguishing factor between a Conglomerate and an Agglomerate is the shape of their constituents. Conglomerates are characterized by their rounded fragments, which have been worn smooth over time. Agglomerates, conversely, are more jagged, resulting from volcanic activity.
In corporate terms, a Conglomerate suggests a large, often multinational corporation comprising varied business entities across different industries. An Agglomerate, while not typically used in business jargon, could theoretically refer to a collective group or assembly without suggesting any corporate structure.
The root of the word Conglomerate comes from Latin, signifying a "rolling together." This rolling together can be seen in the roundness of the rock's fragments or the diverse nature of a conglomerate company. Agglomerate also has Latin origins, meaning "to gather into a ball," hinting at its clustered, bunched nature.
In essence, while both Conglomerate and Agglomerate can refer to composite materials, especially in the geological sense, their specifics and applications differ substantially, with the former having significant corporate connotations and the latter emphasizing a collected mass.

Comparison Chart

Definition in Geology

Rock with rounded fragments
Rock with clustered fragments

Shape of Fragments

Jagged or irregular


Latin: "Rolling together"
Latin: "To gather into a ball"

Corporate Reference

Multi-industry corporation
Not typically used, but could mean a collection/group

Outside Geology

Corporation made up of diverse businesses
A clustered mass or collection

Compare with Definitions


A rock composed of rounded, water-worn mineral fragments.
The riverbed was lined with conglomerate rocks.


A rock composed of volcanic fragments of various sizes.
The volcano's eruption deposited agglomerate materials around its base.


A mixture or combination of varied elements.
The festival was a conglomerate of cultures and arts.


Formed by the collection of units or particles.
The sand dunes were an agglomerate of countless grains.


Any mass formed by the combination of different things.
The dish was a tasty conglomerate of spices and flavors.


To gather or collect into a mass or cluster.
The crowd began to agglomerate around the celebrity.


United or combined into a coherent, integrated whole.
The conglomerate efforts of the team led to success.


Things or parts gathered into a mass or whole.
The sculpture was an agglomerate of metal pieces.


A thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are grouped together
The Earth is a specialized conglomerate of organisms


A jumbled heap or mass.
The room was an agglomerate of books and papers.


A coarse-grained sedimentary rock composed of rounded fragments embedded in a matrix of cementing material such as silica
The sediments vary from coarse conglomerate to fine silt and clay


Agglomerate (from the Latin agglomerare meaning "to form into a ball") is a coarse accumulation of large blocks of volcanic material that contains at least 75% bombs. Volcanic bombs differ from volcanic blocks in that their shape records fluidal surfaces: they may, for example, have ropy, cauliform, scoriaceous, folded, spindle, spatter, ribbon, ragged, or amoeboid shapes.


Relating to a conglomerate, especially a large corporation
Conglomerate firms


Collect or form into a mass or group
He is seeking to agglomerate the functions of the Home Office
These small particles soon agglomerate together


Gather together into a compact mass
Atoms which conglomerate at the centre


A mass or collection of things
A multimedia agglomerate


To form or gather into a mass or whole.


Collected or formed into a mass.


To form into or merge with a corporate conglomerate.


To form or collect into a rounded mass.


To cause to form into a mass or whole.


Gathered into a rounded mass.


A corporation made up of a number of different companies that operate in diversified fields.


A confused or jumbled mass; a heap.


A collected heterogeneous mass; a cluster
A conglomerate of color, passion, and artistry.


A volcanic rock consisting of rounded and angular fragments fused together.


(Geology) A coarse-grained sedimentary rock consisting of rounded to subangular rock fragments cemented together by hardened silt, clay, calcium carbonate, or similar material.


Collected into a ball, heap, or mass


Gathered into a mass; clustered.


A collection or mass.


(Geology) Made up of loosely cemented heterogeneous material.


A mass of angular volcanic fragments united by heat; distinguished from conglomerate.


A cluster of heterogeneous things.


(meteorology) An ice cover of floe formed by the freezing together of various forms of ice.


(business) A corporation formed by the combination of several smaller corporations whose activities are unrelated to the corporation's primary activity.


(ambitransitive) To wind or collect into a ball; hence, to gather into a mass or anything like a mass.


(geology) A rock consisting of gravel or pebbles embedded in a matrix.


To wind or collect into a ball; hence, to gather into a mass or anything like a mass.
Where he builds the agglomerated pile.


Clustered together into a mass.
Conglomerate flowers


To collect in a mass.


(geology) Composed of fragments of rock, pebbles, or stones cemented together.


Collected into a ball, heap, or mass.


(transitive) To combine together into a larger mass.


Collected into a rounded head of flowers.


To combine together into a larger corporation.


A collection or mass.


Gathered into a ball or a mass; collected together; concentrated; as, conglomerate rays of light.
Beams of light when they are multiplied and conglomerate.
Fluids are separated in the liver and the other conglobate and conglomerate glands.


A mass of angular volcanic fragments united by heat; - distinguished from conglomerate.


Closely crowded together; densly clustered; as, conglomerate flowers.


Form into one cluster


Composed of stones, pebbles, or fragments of rocks, cemented together.


Clustered together but not coherent;
An agglomerated flower head


That which is heaped together in a mass or conpacted from various sources; a mass formed of fragments; collection; accumulation.
A conglomerate of marvelous anecdotes, marvelously heaped together.


A rock, composed or rounded fragments of stone cemented together by another mineral substance, either calcareous, siliceous, or argillaceous; pudding stone; - opposed to agglomerate. See Breccia.
A conglomerate, therefore, is simply gravel bound together by a cement.


To gather into a ball or round body; to collect into a mass.


A composite rock made up of particles of varying size


A group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization


Collect or gather;
Journals are accumulating in my office
The work keeps piling up


Composed of heterogeneous elements gathered into a mass;
The conglomerate peoples of New England


A corporation consisting of several different companies.
The conglomerate acquired three more tech firms this year.

Common Curiosities

Can "agglomerate" be used as a verb?

Yes, it can mean to gather or collect into a mass or cluster.

Which has volcanic origins, conglomerate or agglomerate?

Agglomerate has volcanic origins.

Are both conglomerate and agglomerate types of rocks?

Yes, both are composite rocks, but conglomerate has rounded fragments, while agglomerate has volcanic fragments.

Can conglomerate refer to a mix of cultures?

Yes, it can denote a mixture or combination of varied elements, including cultures.

In corporate terms, what does conglomerate suggest?

It suggests a large corporation comprising varied business entities.

Is "agglomerate" commonly used in business language?

No, it's more common in geological contexts or when discussing things gathered into a mass.

Which rock, conglomerate or agglomerate, has rounded particles?

Conglomerate has rounded particles.

Do both words have Latin origins?

Yes, both come from Latin but have different etymologies and meanings.

Is a conglomerate always about business?

No, it can refer to rocks or any mixed assembly, but it's often associated with multi-industry corporations.

Can "conglomerate" be used as a verb?

Less commonly, but it can mean to gather or combine into a whole.

What's the texture of an agglomerate rock?

It's rough and irregular, due to its volcanic fragments.

Is an "agglomerate" always of volcanic origin?

In geology, yes. In broader contexts, it simply means a collection or mass.

Can "conglomerate" refer to a collection of ideas?

Yes, it can denote a mixture of varied elements, including ideas.

What's the primary context for "agglomerate"?

It's most often used in geological contexts, but it can also mean any collected mass.

Does every conglomerate company operate in multiple industries?

Not always, but the term typically suggests a company with diverse business operations.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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