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Connectable vs. Connectible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Connectable vs. Connectible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Connectable or Connectible

How to spell Connectable?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Connectable Definitions

To join or fasten together
A bridge that connects the island with the mainland.
To associate or consider as related
No reason to connect the two events.
To join to or by means of a communications circuit
Please connect me to the number in San Diego. Her computer is connected to the internet.
To plug in (an electrical cord or device) to an outlet.
To become joined or united
Two streams connecting to form a river.
To be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as between airplanes or buses.
To establish a rapport or relationship; relate
The candidate failed to connect with the voters.
(Sports) To hit or play a ball or puck successfully
The winger connected for two goals.
That can be connected

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