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Consciously vs. Intentionally — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 16, 2023
Consciously pertains to being aware or awake, while intentionally means doing something on purpose.
Consciously vs. Intentionally — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Consciously and Intentionally


Key Differences

Consciously is a term derived from the word 'conscious', which means being aware of one's surroundings, thoughts, and actions. Intentionally, on the other hand, stems from the word 'intention' which implies a planned or deliberate action.
Using something consciously implies an action taken with mindfulness and understanding. For example, one might consciously choose to eat healthily after understanding its benefits. Intentionally, however, means the action was done with a specific purpose or motive in mind. One might intentionally avoid sugars to prevent cavities.
It's important to note that while all intentional actions can be conscious, not all conscious actions are intentional. One might be consciously aware of a song playing in the background without intentionally choosing to listen to it. Conversely, turning on a specific song means you did so intentionally.
To further illustrate the distinction: if someone steps on your foot, they might have done so consciously (being awake and aware), but not necessarily intentionally (they didn't plan to hurt you). However, if they stepped on your foot to get your attention, then it was done both consciously and intentionally.

Comparison Chart

Derived From

Conscious (awareness)
Intention (purpose)


Awareness or wakefulness
Purpose or deliberation


Pertains to realization or mindfulness
Relates to planned action

Example of Action

Being aware of a sound
Turning on a specific song


All intentional actions can be conscious
Not all conscious actions are intentional

Compare with Definitions


Consciously means being aware.
She consciously noted the details of the scene.


Intentionally relates to a planned action.
They intentionally arrived late to avoid the crowd.


Consciously implies mindfulness.
They consciously practiced meditation daily.


Intentionally denotes purposeful behavior.
She intentionally wore the team's colors to the game.


Consciously pertains to deliberate focus.
He consciously avoided looking at the spoiler.


Intentionally means on purpose.
He intentionally spilled the water to get a new one.


Consciously can indicate wakefulness.
She consciously listened to the lecture.


Intentionally implies a deliberate act.
She intentionally avoided the question.


Consciously refers to realizing something.
He consciously accepted his mistake.


Intentionally can mean willfully.
He intentionally ignored the phone call.


Characterized by or having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts.


Done deliberately; intended
An intentional slight.


Mentally perceptive or alert; awake
The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.


Having to do with intention.


Capable of thought, will, or perception
The development of conscious life on the planet.


In an intentional manner; on purpose.


Subjectively known or felt
Conscious remorse.


In an intentional manner; with intention; by design; of purpose.


Intentionally conceived or done; deliberate
A conscious insult.
Made a conscious effort to speak more clearly.


With intention; in an intentional manner;
He used that word intentionally
I did this by choice


Inwardly attentive or sensitive to something
As he spoke, he became increasingly conscious of his high-pitched voice.


Showing awareness of or preoccupation with something. Often used in combination
A cost-conscious approach to health care.
A value-conscious shopper.


In psychoanalysis, the component of waking awareness perceptible by a person at any given instant; consciousness.


In a conscious manner; knowingly, volitionally.


In a conscious manner; with knowledge of one's own mental operations or actions.


With awareness;
She consciously played with the idea of inviting them

Common Curiosities

What does intentionally mean?

Intentionally means doing something on purpose or with a deliberate motive.

What does consciously mean?

Consciously means being aware or awake, often implying mindfulness or realization.

Is consciously always about positive awareness?

No, one can be consciously aware of both positive and negative things.

Does intentionally always imply negative intent?

No, intentional acts can be for both good and bad purposes.

What's a synonym for intentionally?


Is every intentional act done consciously?

Typically, yes. If one acts intentionally, they are usually conscious of their action.

How do the roots of the words differentiate them?

Consciously comes from "conscious" (awareness), and intentionally from "intention" (purpose).

In what context might one use consciously?

In contexts relating to awareness, realization, or mindfulness, such as "consciously choosing a path."

Can an action be both conscious and unintentional?

Yes, one might be consciously aware of doing something but without a specific intention, like humming a tune subconsciously.

Can the two words be used interchangeably?

Not always. While all intentional acts are conscious, not all conscious acts are intentional.

Can someone act unconsciously but intentionally?

This is paradoxical. Generally, intentional acts require consciousness, but one might act on ingrained habits they're not immediately conscious of.

When is it appropriate to use intentionally?

In situations emphasizing purpose, planning, or deliberation, like "intentionally avoiding someone."

Can one act intentionally without being conscious of the broader implications?

Yes, one might act with a specific intention without understanding the broader consequences.

What's a synonym for consciously?


Can one consciously make an error?

Yes, one might be aware they're making a mistake, perhaps due to external pressures or uncertainty.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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