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Consistantly vs. Consistently — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 31, 2024
Consistantly is an incorrect spelling; the right spelling is "consistently," meaning in a uniform or unchanging manner.
Consistantly vs. Consistently — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Consistantly or Consistently

How to spell Consistently?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate the word with "persistent." Both end in "-ent."
Think of "consistent" as the adjective form; just add "-ly" for the adverb.
Remember "consist" as the root word. If "consist" is spelled with an "e," then so should "consistently."
Rhyme it with "insistently," which also has an "e."
When in doubt, refer back to "consist" as the root word to guide your spelling.

How Do You Spell Consistently Correctly?

Incorrect: He has been able to deliver results consistantly.
Correct: He has been able to deliver results consistently.
Incorrect: His grades have been consistantly high throughout the year.
Correct: His grades have been consistently high throughout the year.
Incorrect: The team has played consistantly well this season.
Correct: The team has played consistently well this season.
Incorrect: Their service is not very consistantly good.
Correct: Their service is not very consistently good.

Consistently Definitions

In a habitual or steadfast manner.
She consistently scores top marks in her exams.
In a way that doesn't vary; uniformly.
The product is consistently of high quality.
In a logical or compatible manner.
His actions are not consistently aligned with his words.
Without deviation; persistently.
He consistently arrives at work on time.
In agreement; compatible
The testimony was consistent with the known facts.
Being in agreement with itself; coherent and uniform
A consistent pattern of behavior.
Reliable; steady
Demonstrated a consistent ability to impress the critics.
(Mathematics) Having at least one common solution, as of two or more equations or inequalities.
Holding true as a group; not contradictory
A consistent set of statements.
(manner) In a consistent manner.
(frequency) constantly; always.
In a consistent manner.
In a systematic or consistent manner;
They systematically excluded women
In a regular or repeated manner.
She consistently drinks tea every morning.

Consistently Meaning in a Sentence

The restaurant consistently serves delicious food, making it a local favorite.
He consistently meets his deadlines, no matter how tight they are.
The quality of their products has remained consistently high over the years.
She consistently makes time for her family despite her busy schedule.
They consistently update the software to keep it secure.
She consistently arrives early to prepare for her classes.
The teacher consistently provides helpful feedback to her students.
She consistently practices piano every day for an hour.
He has been consistently voted as the best player of the season.
The team consistently outperforms their competitors.
He consistently donates to charity every month.
She consistently ranks at the top of her class.
They consistently produce high-quality videos for their channel.
He consistently checks in with his team to ensure they're on track.
She consistently invests in her professional development.
The company has consistently grown its revenue year over year.
She consistently wins awards for her innovative research.
They consistently offer excellent customer service.
The climate in this region has been consistently warm.
The application consistently receives high ratings from users.
The garden looks beautiful because he consistently cares for it.
The show has consistently entertained audiences for years.
The blog is updated consistently with interesting posts.
The store consistently has the best deals in town.
The athlete consistently improves her performance with each game.

Consistently Idioms & Phrases

Consistently reliable

Proven to be dependable over time.
The software has been consistently reliable, with no major failures reported.

Consistently strong

Maintaining strength or performance at a high level.
The athlete has been consistently strong throughout the competition.

Consistently on time

Never late; always arriving or delivering at the expected time.
He is consistently on time for meetings, which his colleagues appreciate.

Consistently ahead

Always being in front or leading.
She is consistently ahead in all her projects, demonstrating great planning skills.

Consistently supportive

Always providing support or assistance.
She has been consistently supportive of my career choices.

Consistently accurate

Always correct or precise, with minimal errors.
The team's research data is consistently accurate, contributing to their success.

Consistently improving

Showing continuous enhancement or growth.
His cooking skills have been consistently improving, much to the delight of his friends.

Consistently engaging

Always managing to capture and hold interest.
Her lectures are consistently engaging, making learning enjoyable for students.

Consistently high standards

Always maintaining a high level of quality or performance.
The journal is known for its consistently high standards in publishing.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Consistently?

The vowel "e" is commonly used before "consistently," as in "he consistently."

Why is it called Consistently?

Consistently derives from the word "consistent," indicating a manner that aligns with a consistent nature.

What is the singular form of Consistently?

Consistently is an adverb and doesn't have a singular or plural form.

What is the plural form of Consistently?

Consistently doesn't have a plural form.

What is the pronunciation of Consistently?

The pronunciation is kən-ˈsi-stənt-lē.

What is the verb form of Consistently?

The verb form is "consist."

Is Consistently a noun or adjective?

Consistently is an adverb.

Which preposition is used with Consistently?

Various prepositions can be used with "consistently" depending on the context, such as "consistently with" or "consistently in."

Is Consistently a negative or positive word?

Neutral. The context in which it's used determines its connotation.

What is the root word of Consistently?

The root word is "consist."

Which conjunction is used with Consistently?

Any conjunction can precede "consistently," such as "and," "but," or "yet," depending on the sentence structure.

Is Consistently a vowel or consonant?

Consistently is a word, not a single letter, so it can't be classified as a vowel or consonant.

Is the Consistently term a metaphor?

No, consistently is not a metaphor.

Is the word Consistently imperative?

No, consistently is not imperative; it's descriptive.

Which article is used with Consistently?

It depends on the sentence. "Consistently" itself doesn't require an article, but in context, any article (a, an, the) might precede a noun in the same sentence.

Is Consistently a collective noun?

No, consistently is not a collective noun.

How do we divide Consistently into syllables?

Consistently can be divided as con-sist-ent-ly.

What is another term for Consistently?

Another term for consistently is "continuously."

Which determiner is used with Consistently?

Consistently doesn't specifically require a determiner, but in context, determiners like "this," "that," "my," etc., could precede a noun in the same sentence.

What is the first form of Consistently?

The word consistently is derived from the verb "consist."

What is the third form of Consistently?

There isn't a third form of consistently; it's derived from the verb "consist."

Is Consistently an abstract noun?

No, consistently is not an abstract noun.

What is a stressed syllable in Consistently?

The stressed syllable is "sist."

What part of speech is Consistently?

Consistently is an adverb.

What is the second form of Consistently?

There isn't a second form of consistently; it's an adverb derived from the verb "consist."

How is Consistently used in a sentence?

"Despite the challenges, she consistently demonstrated resilience."

Is Consistently an adverb?

Yes, consistently is an adverb.

Is Consistently a countable noun?

No, consistently is an adverb and doesn't have countable properties.

How many syllables are in Consistently?

There are four syllables in consistently.

What is the opposite of Consistently?

The opposite of consistently might be "sporadically" or "inconsistently."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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