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Consultee vs. Consultant — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 2, 2024
A consultee seeks advice or expertise, while a consultant provides professional guidance or expert advice.
Consultee vs. Consultant — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Consultee and Consultant


Key Differences

A consultee is an individual or entity that seeks advice, support, or expertise in a specific area, indicating a need or desire for external input. On the other hand, a consultant is a professional who offers expert advice in a particular field, such as business, education, law, or healthcare, highlighting their role as a provider of specialized knowledge.
While the consultee approaches the interaction with a specific issue or project needing external insight, the consultant enters the relationship with the intent to analyze, advise, and propose solutions, utilizing their expertise and experience. This dynamic creates a professional relationship based on the exchange of knowledge and guidance.
The consultee often represents an organization, group, or individual facing challenges or decisions that require expert analysis beyond their internal capabilities. Conversely, consultants are typically hired based on their credentials, experience, and ability to offer innovative solutions, demonstrating their role as external experts brought in to enhance decision-making or problem-solving processes.
In terms of outcomes, the consultee benefits from the consultant's recommendations, gaining insights, strategies, or solutions that can be applied to address their specific needs. The consultant, meanwhile, leverages their expertise to influence or guide the consultee's decisions, reinforcing the value of specialized knowledge in achieving desired outcomes.
The relationship between a consultee and a consultant is characterized by a clear distinction in roles: the consultee as the seeker of advice and the consultant as the provider. This relationship is built on trust, with the consultee relying on the consultant's expertise to navigate complex issues or projects.

Comparison Chart


Seeks advice or expertise.
Provides professional advice or expertise.


Receiver of information and guidance.
Provider of specialized knowledge and solutions.


To obtain external insights or solutions.
To analyze and advise based on expertise.

Typical Contexts

Business, education, health, legal matters.
Business consulting, legal advice, healthcare consulting.


Gains insights or solutions to apply.
Influences decisions with expert advice.

Compare with Definitions


Desiring Guidance.
The school district, as a consultee, engaged an educational consultant.


Providing Expertise.
As a consultant, he offers comprehensive business strategies.


Seeking Expertise.
The company became a consultee to improve its IT infrastructure.


Offering Solutions.
The legal consultant prepared a range of options for her client.


Looking for Solutions.
As a consultee, she sought legal advice on her new startup.


Advising on Strategies.
The consultant recommended a new marketing approach for the product launch.


Benefiting from Advice.
The consultee implemented the strategies suggested by the consultant.


Conducting Analysis.
The financial consultant analyzed the company's expenditure trends.


In Need of Analysis.
The consultee provided all necessary data for the financial review.


Giving Guidance.
The educational consultant devised a new curriculum for the district.


A person who is consulted


A consultant (from Latin: consultare "to deliberate") is a professional (also known as Expert, Specialist, see variations of meaning below) who provides advice and further purposeful activities in an area of specialization.


One who gives expert or professional advice.


One who consults another.


A person or party that is consulted.


A person whose occupation is to be consulted for their expertise, advice, service or help in an area or specialty; a party whose business is to be similarly consulted.


A senior hospital-based physician or surgeon who has completed all specialist training and has been placed on the specialist register in their chosen speciality, roughly equivalent to an attending physician in North America.


An expert who gives advice.


An expert who gives advice;
An adviser helped students select their courses
The United States sent military advisors to Guatemala

Common Curiosities

Can a consultant work within any industry?

Consultants typically specialize in specific industries or areas of expertise, offering targeted advice and solutions.

Can a consultee also be a consultant in different contexts?

Yes, individuals or entities can be consultees in one area while providing consultancy in another area of expertise.

How does a consultee choose the right consultant?

By evaluating the consultant's experience, reputation, and ability to address the specific challenges or needs faced.

Do consultants have to be individuals?

No, consulting services can be provided by firms or agencies that specialize in particular areas of expertise.

How do consultees measure the impact of a consultant's advice?

Impact can be measured through improved performance, resolution of issues, achievement of goals, or other metrics relevant to the consultee's objectives.

Can a consultant refuse to work with a potential consultee?

Yes, consultants may decline engagements if they feel they cannot provide value or if there are ethical conflicts.

What should a consultee prepare before meeting with a consultant?

A consultee should prepare background information, define objectives clearly, and have a list of questions or issues to discuss.

What happens if a consultee is dissatisfied with a consultant's advice?

Dissatisfaction can be addressed through feedback, renegotiation of terms, or in some cases, termination of the consultancy agreement.

What qualifies someone to be a consultant?

Expertise and experience in a specific field, along with a track record of providing effective advice and solutions.

Is hiring a consultant expensive?

It can be, depending on the consultant's expertise and the project's scope, but the investment is often justified by the value of the advice received.

How long does a typical consultee-consultant relationship last?

The duration can vary widely from short-term projects to ongoing advisory roles, depending on the nature of the advice or support needed.

What makes a consultant successful in their role?

Success comes from understanding the consultee's needs, providing actionable advice, communicating effectively, and demonstrating expertise.

Is confidentiality important in the consultee-consultant relationship?

Absolutely, confidentiality ensures that sensitive information shared during consultations remains secure, fostering trust.

Can online platforms be used for consultancy?

Yes, online platforms are increasingly used for consultancy services, offering flexibility and access to a wider range of experts.

Do consultants provide implementation support or just advice?

Some consultants offer implementation support, while others may only provide advice and strategic planning, depending on their role and agreement.

Is it common for consultants to work across multiple industries?

While some consultants specialize in specific industries, others apply their expertise across various sectors, depending on their skills and experience.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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