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Contigent vs. Contingent — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Contigent" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "contingent," which refers to something dependent on certain conditions.
Contigent vs. Contingent — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Contigent or Contingent

How to spell Contingent?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Pronounce as con-TING-ent to remember the middle syllable.
Focus on the root "tinge," as in a "tinge of uncertainty."
Remember that "contingent" is like "condition" – both have a conditional nature.
Associate with "tent" at the end, as if the situation is tentatively dependent.
Think of "in" being "in the middle" of the word - conTINGent.

How Do You Spell Contingent Correctly?

Incorrect: Our plans are based on a contigent outcome.
Correct: Our plans are based on a contingent outcome.
Incorrect: Payment is contigent upon completion of the project.
Correct: Payment is contingent upon completion of the project.
Incorrect: Their approval is highly contigent on our presentation's success.
Correct: Their approval is highly contingent on our presentation's success.
Incorrect: The team's success is highly contigent on their cooperation.
Correct: The team's success is highly contingent on their cooperation.
Incorrect: Our participation is contigent on receiving the invitation.
Correct: Our participation is contingent on receiving the invitation.

Contingent Definitions

Contingent can also mean a group of people representing an organization.
The school sent a contingent to the national competition.
Contingent denotes something likely but not guaranteed to happen.
The deal is contingent upon board approval.
Contingent refers to something that might happen, but is not certain.
We have a contingent plan in case of emergencies.
Contingent means dependent upon certain conditions or circumstances.
His arrival is contingent upon clear weather.
Contingent can be used to describe a possible future event or circumstance.
There's a contingent scenario where we might relocate.
Liable but not certain to occur; possible
"All salaries are reckoned on contingent as well as on actual services" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
Dependent on other conditions or circumstances; conditional
Arms sales contingent on the approval of Congress.
Happening by or subject to chance or accident; unpredictable
Contingent developments that jeopardized the negotiations.
(Logic) True only under certain conditions; not necessarily or universally true
A contingent proposition.
A group or detachment, as of troops or police, assigned to aid a larger force.
A representative group that is selected from or part of a larger group.
An event or condition that is likely but not inevitable.
An event which may or may not happen; that which is unforeseen, undetermined, or dependent on something future.
That which falls to one in a division or apportionment among a number; a suitable share.
(military) A quota of troops.
Possible or liable, but not certain to occur.
(with upon or on) Dependent on something that is undetermined or unknown, that may or may not occur.
The success of his undertaking is contingent upon events which he cannot control.
A contingent estate
Not logically necessarily true or false.
Contingent labor
Contingent worker
Possible, or liable, but not certain, to occur; incidental; casual.
Weighing so much actual crime against so much contingent advantage.
Dependent on that which is undetermined or unknown; as, the success of his undertaking is contingent upon events which he can not control.
Dependent for effect on something that may or may not occur; as, a contingent estate.
If a contingent legacy be left to any one when he attains, or if he attains, the age of twenty-one.
An event which may or may not happen; that which is unforeseen, undetermined, or dependent on something future; a contingency.
His understanding could almost pierce into future contingents.
That which falls to one in a division or apportionment among a number; a suitable share; proportion; esp., a quota of troops.
From the Alps to the border of Flanders, contingents were required . . . 200,000 men were in arms.
A gathering of persons representative of some larger group;
Each nation sent a contingent of athletes to the Olympics
A temporary military unit;
The peace-keeping force includes one British contingent
Possible but not certain to occur;
They had to plan for contingent expenses
Determined by conditions or circumstances not yet established;
Arms sales contingent on the approval of congress
Uncertain because of uncontrollable circumstances;
The results of confession were not contingent, they were certain

Contingent Meaning in a Sentence

The job offer is contingent upon passing the background check.
Funding for the project is contingent upon approval from the board.
The deal was contingent on both parties agreeing to the terms.
Their strategy is highly contingent on market trends.
His acceptance into the university is contingent upon his final exam results.
The trip is contingent on the weather conditions being favorable.
Attendance at the event is contingent on prior registration.
Delivery is contingent upon receipt of payment.
The decision was made contingent on further research.
Participation in the competition is contingent upon meeting all the requirements.
The vacation plans were contingent on getting enough time off work.
The project's continuation is contingent upon securing more funding.
The launch date is contingent upon successful testing.
Success in this venture is contingent upon hard work and dedication.
The bonus payment is contingent upon the company achieving its sales targets.
The release of the new product is contingent upon passing safety standards.
The agreement is contingent upon satisfactory inspection of the property.
The continuation of the series is contingent upon viewer ratings.
The scholarship is contingent upon maintaining a high GPA.
Their support is contingent upon our commitment to the environment.
The merger is contingent upon approval from the regulators.
Her promotion is contingent upon completion of the training program.
The contract is contingent on all parties signing by the deadline.
The success of the plan is contingent on everyone's cooperation.
Receiving the award is contingent upon attending the ceremony.

Contingent Idioms & Phrases

Contingent upon

Dependent on something else that must happen first.
The final decision is contingent upon the results of the feasibility study.

Contingent on success

Depending on achieving success.
Our expansion is contingent on the success of the current product line.

A contingent plan

A plan that is set to happen only if specific conditions are met.
We have a contingent plan in case the initial approach fails.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called contingent?

It originates from the Latin word "contingere," meaning "befall."

What is the pronunciation of contingent?

Pronounced as /kənˈtɪndʒənt/.

Which vowel is used before contingent?

The article "a" is used before "contingent."

What is the verb form of contingent?

"Contingent" is primarily a noun/adjective, but "continge" is a related, albeit archaic, verb.

Which conjunction is used with contingent?

Any conjunction can be used, depending on the sentence.

Is contingent an abstract noun?

No, but it represents abstract concepts when used to describe dependencies.

What is the root word of contingent?

The Latin root is "contingere."

What is the singular form of contingent?

"Contingent" is already in its singular form.

Which article is used with contingent?

"A" is commonly used, as in "a contingent plan."

What is the plural form of contingent?


Which preposition is used with contingent?

"On" is frequently used, as in "contingent on."

Is contingent a noun or adjective?

It can be both.

Is contingent a negative or positive word?

Neutral; it simply denotes dependence or possibility.

Is the contingent term a metaphor?

No, it's a literal term.

Is contingent a vowel or consonant?

"Contingent" is a word, not a letter, but it starts with a consonant.

What is a stressed syllable in contingent?

The second syllable, "ting," is stressed.

Which determiner is used with contingent?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," "his" can be used, e.g., "this contingent plan."

What is the third form of contingent?

Adjectives and nouns don’t have forms like verbs.

Is contingent an adverb?


What part of speech is contingent?

It's both an adjective and a noun.

What is another term for contingent?

"Conditional" or "Dependent."

What is the first form of contingent?

Adjectives and nouns don’t have forms like verbs.

How do we divide contingent into syllables?


What is the opposite of contingent?

"Unconditional" or "Absolute."

Is contingent a countable noun?

Yes, when referring to groups, e.g., "three contingents from different schools."

Is contingent a collective noun?

It can function as one when referring to a group.

How many syllables are in contingent?


What is the second form of contingent?

Adjectives and nouns don’t have forms like verbs.

Is the word contingent imperative?

No, it's descriptive.

How is contingent used in a sentence?

"The job offer is contingent upon successful completion of a background check."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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