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Convertion vs. Conversion — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 25, 2024
Convertion is an incorrect spelling, while Conversion is the correct form. Conversion refers to the act or process of converting.
Convertion vs. Conversion — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Convertion or Conversion

How to spell Conversion?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Avoid Extra 'T': There's no 't' in the ending; it's "-sion" not "-tion."
Count the Syllables: "Con-ver-sion" has three syllables.
Link with Convert: Start with "convert" and simply add "-sion."
Remember the Suffix: The term "verse" in "conversion" takes the "-sion" suffix, not "-tion."
Word Family: Think of related words like "diversion" and "inversion" which also end with "-sion."

How Do You Spell Conversion Correctly?

Incorrect: His convertion to vegetarianism was influenced by health reasons.
Correct: His conversion to vegetarianism was influenced by health reasons.
Incorrect: The software offers easy convertion of documents into PDFs.
Correct: The software offers easy conversion of documents into PDFs.
Incorrect: The convertion of the old factory into apartments is almost complete.
Correct: The conversion of the old factory into apartments is almost complete.
Incorrect: They discussed the convertion efficiency of the new solar panels.
Correct: They discussed the conversion efficiency of the new solar panels.
Incorrect: She was unsure about the currency convertion rate.
Correct: She was unsure about the currency conversion rate.

Conversion Definitions

Changing from one form or use to another.
The conversion of raw materials into products is the essence of manufacturing.
Accepting and adopting a new religion or belief.
His conversion to Buddhism was a significant turning point in his life.
In computing, changing data from one form to another.
The software allows for easy conversion of files to different formats.
The process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another
The conversion of food into body tissues
The fact of changing one's religion or beliefs or the action of persuading someone else to change theirs
His passion for seventeenth-century literature had led the former atheist to a sudden conversion
He insists that real conversion is a matter of the heart
A successful kick at goal after a try, scoring two points
Gavin Hastings landed one penalty and one conversion
(in the context of online marketing) the proportion of people viewing an advertisement and going on to buy the product, click on a link, etc.
You'll see better conversion rates for your local advertising if you include your physical address on your website
Keeping things simple will improve conversion
The action of wrongfully dealing with goods in a manner inconsistent with the owner's rights
He was found guilty of the fraudulent conversion of clients' monies
The manifestation of a mental disturbance as a physical disorder or disease
Conversion disorders
The act of converting.
The state of being converted.
A change in which one adopts a new religion, faith, or belief.
Something that is changed from one use, function, or purpose to another.
(Law) The unlawful appropriation of another's property.
The exchange of one type of security or currency for another.
(Logic) The interchange of the subject and predicate of a proposition.
(Football) An extra point or points scored after a touchdown, as by kicking the ball through the uprights or by advancing the ball into the end zone from the two-yard line or a similar short distance.
(Psychiatry) The development of physical symptoms, such as paralysis or sensory deficits, as a response to stress, conflict, or trauma.
The expression of a quantity in alternative units, as of length or weight.
The act of converting something or someone.
His conversion to Christianity
The conversion of the database from ASCII to Unicode
(computing) A software product converted from one platform to another.
(chemistry) A chemical reaction wherein a substrate is transformed into a product.
(rugby) A free kick, after scoring a try, worth two points.
(American football) An extra point (or two) scored by kicking a field goal or carrying the ball into the end zone after scoring a touchdown.
(marketing) An online advertising performance metric representing a visitor performing whatever the intended result of an ad is defined to be.
(law) Under the common law, the tort of the taking of someone's personal property with intent to permanently deprive them of it, or damaging property to the extent that the owner is deprived of the utility of that property, thus making the tortfeasor liable for the entire value of the property.
The conversion of a horse
(linguistics) The process whereby a new word is created without changing the form, often by allowing the word to function as a new part of speech.
(obsolete) The act of turning round; revolution; rotation.
(logic) The act of interchanging the terms of a proposition, as by putting the subject in the place of the predicate, or vice versa.
(math) A change or reduction of the form or value of a proposition.
The conversion of equations; the conversion of proportions
Changing a miniature figure into another character, usually by mixing different parts, or molding the model's parts, or doing both.
The act of turning or changing from one state or condition to another, or the state of being changed; transmutation; change.
Artificial conversion of water into ice.
The conversion of the aliment into fat.
The act of changing one's views or course, as in passing from one side, party, or from of religion to another; also, the state of being so changed.
An appropriation of, and dealing with the property of another as if it were one's own, without right; as, the conversion of a horse.
Or bring my action of conversionAnd trover for my goods.
The act of interchanging the terms of a proposition, as by putting the subject in the place of the predicate, or the contrary.
A change or reduction of the form or value of a proposition; as, the conversion of equations; the conversion of proportions.
A change of front, as a body of troops attacked in the flank.
A spiritual and moral change attending a change of belief with conviction; a change of heart; a change from the service of the world to the service of God; a change of the ruling disposition of the soul, involving a transformation of the outward life.
He oftFrequented their assemblies, . . . and to them preachedConversion and repentance, as to soulsIn prison under judgments imminent.
An event that results in a transformation
A change in the units or form of an expression:
Conversion from Fahrenheit to Centigrade
A successful free throw or try for point after a touchdown
A spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism represses emotional conflicts which are then converted into physical symptoms that have no organic basis
A change of religion;
His conversion to the Catholic faith
Interchange of subject and predicate of a proposition
Act of exchanging one type of money or security for another
The act of changing from one use or function or purpose to another
The act of converting or being converted.
The conversion of the building into apartments took months.
In sports, an extra point earned.
The team's successful conversion sealed their victory.

Conversion Meaning in a Sentence

The conversion of the van into a camper made road trips more enjoyable.
The conversion rate between the two currencies fluctuates daily.
During the science lesson, we learned about the conversion of water into steam.
His conversion to a new faith was a significant change in his life.
Conversion tactics in marketing can significantly affect sales figures.
The conversion of the attic into a study added value to their home.
The software's video conversion feature is straightforward and user-friendly.
The book details her conversion from skepticism to belief in environmental conservation.
Understanding data conversion is key in digital technology.
The conversion of kinetic energy into electrical energy powers many devices.
The artist's conversion of everyday objects into art pieces challenges perceptions.
Energy conversion processes are crucial in power generation.
Conversion therapy has been widely criticized and discredited by medical professionals.
Unit conversion is essential in science and engineering to maintain accuracy.
The conversion of the old school into a community center was well-received.
Conversion of agricultural land into urban areas is a growing concern.
The conversion table for measurements is a handy tool in the kitchen.
Language conversion tools have made global communication easier.
His conversion of difficult concepts into simple explanations aids learning.
The conversion of historical buildings into museums preserves cultural heritage.

Conversion Idioms & Phrases

Conversion course

A program designed to enable a student to change their field of study or qualify in a new area.
He took a conversion course to move from journalism to digital marketing.

Conversion factor

A numerical value used to change one set of units to another.
Understanding the conversion factor between miles and kilometers is essential for international travel.

A conversion of heart

A profound change in one's beliefs or attitudes.
After volunteering abroad, she experienced a conversion of heart regarding her career goals.

Energy conversion efficiency

The ratio of useful energy output to the total energy input.
Solar panels have an energy conversion efficiency that determines how much sunlight they can turn into electricity.

Conversion therapy

A controversial practice aimed at changing an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity.
Many regions have banned conversion therapy due to its harmful effects and lack of scientific basis.

Conversion narrative

A story that details someone's change in belief, attitude, or faith.
Her book is a compelling conversion narrative that has inspired many.

In the midst of conversion

Currently undergoing a change or transformation.
The building was in the midst of conversion, with construction equipment everywhere.

Point of conversion

The moment at which a potential customer decides to make a purchase or take the desired action.
The website's design is optimized to guide visitors to the point of conversion.

Conversion rights

Legal provisions that allow the holder to change one type of financial security into another.
His contract included conversion rights that enabled him to exchange his bonds for stock.

Rate of conversion

The frequency at which one thing is exchanged for another, often used in finance and marketing.
The campaign's success was measured by an increased rate of conversion among viewers.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Conversion?

It's called "Conversion" because it denotes the act or process of converting or being converted.

What is the verb form of Conversion?

The verb form of "Conversion" is "convert."

Which conjunction is used with Conversion?

No specific conjunction is tied to "Conversion." It depends on the sentence.

What is the root word of Conversion?

The root word is "convert."

Is Conversion an abstract noun?

Yes, "Conversion" is an abstract noun as it represents an idea or process rather than a tangible object.

What is the pronunciation of Conversion?

Conversion is pronounced as /kənˈvɜrʒən/.

Which vowel is used before Conversion?

The vowel 'i' is used before 'sion' in "Conversion."

What is the singular form of Conversion?

"Conversion" itself is the singular form.

What is the plural form of Conversion?

The plural form is "conversions."

Which preposition is used with Conversion?

"to" can be used with Conversion, as in "conversion to Christianity."

Is Conversion a noun or adjective?

"Conversion" is a noun.

Is Conversion a countable noun?

Yes, you can have one conversion or multiple conversions.

Is Conversion an adverb?

No, "Conversion" is not an adverb.

Is Conversion a vowel or consonant?

"Conversion" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Conversion a collective noun?

No, "Conversion" is not a collective noun.

Is the Conversion term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in various contexts.

What is another term for Conversion?

A synonym might be "transformation."

What is the stressed syllable in Conversion?

The second syllable, "ver," is stressed.

What is the first form of Conversion?

As a noun, "Conversion" doesn't have verb forms.

Which article is used with Conversion?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "Conversion," depending on the context.

Is Conversion a negative or positive word?

"Conversion" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it's used.

How do we divide Conversion into syllables?


What part of speech is Conversion?

"Conversion" is a noun.

What is the opposite of Conversion?

Depending on context, an opposite might be "stagnation" or "retention."

Which determiner is used with Conversion?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "every" can be used with "Conversion."

What is the second form of Conversion?

Same as above.

What is the third form of Conversion?

Same as above.

How is Conversion used in a sentence?

"The conversion of the old warehouse into a modern office space was hailed as a stroke of architectural genius."

Is the word Conversion imperative?

No, "Conversion" is not in the imperative form.

How many syllables are in Conversion?

There are three syllables in "Conversion."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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