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Cretinism vs. Myxedema — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 20, 2024
Cretinism is a congenital disorder caused by thyroid hormone deficiency, leading to growth and developmental delays, whereas myxedema refers to advanced hypothyroidism in youngs, characterized by skin and tissue swelling.
Cretinism vs. Myxedema — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cretinism and Myxedema


Key Differences

Cretinism arises from a lack of thyroid hormone production in infancy or early childhood, crucial for brain development and growth. This condition can lead to physical and mental growth delays. On the other hand, myxedema develops in youngs due to severe, untreated hypothyroidism, leading to distinct symptoms such as puffy face, hands, and feet, and in extreme cases, myxedema coma.
While cretinism is detected through newborn screening tests, allowing for early treatment to mitigate intellectual and physical delays, myxedema is diagnosed based on youngs symptoms and thyroid function tests. Early intervention in cretinism can lead to normal development, whereas myxedema requires lifelong thyroid hormone replacement.
Cretinism prevention focuses on prenatal care and newborn screening, ensuring early detection and treatment. Conversely, myxedema prevention involves managing risk factors for hypothyroidism and regular thyroid function monitoring in youngs, especially in women and the elderly.
Symptoms of cretinism include short stature, delayed development, and intellectual disability. In contrast, myxedema symptoms are more related to metabolic slowing, such as fatigue, weight gain, and cold intolerance, reflecting the broader impact of thyroid hormone deficiency in youngs.
Treatment for cretinism involves early and continuous administration of thyroid hormone replacement to support normal growth and cognitive development. Myxedema treatment, while also based on thyroid hormone replacement, focuses on correcting the severe hypothyroid state and may require higher doses initially to manage symptoms.

Comparison Chart


A congenital disorder caused by thyroid hormone deficiency, affecting growth and development.
Advanced hypothyroidism in youngs, leading to severe symptoms including skin and tissue swelling.

Age of Onset

Infancy or early childhood.
Young age.

Key Symptoms

Growth retardation, developmental delays, intellectual disability.
Swelling of the skin and tissues, fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance.


Prenatal care, newborn screening.
Managing risk factors, regular thyroid function tests.


Early thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
Thyroid hormone replacement, possibly at higher doses initially.

Compare with Definitions


Requires lifelong thyroid hormone therapy.
Patients diagnosed with cretinism need to take thyroid hormone replacements throughout their life.


May lead to myxedema coma if untreated.
In severe cases, untreated myxedema can progress to myxedema coma, a life-threatening condition.


Results in physical and mental developmental issues.
Without treatment, children with cretinism may experience significant developmental delays.


Detected through symptoms and thyroid function tests.
Doctors diagnose myxedema by evaluating symptoms and confirming with thyroid function tests.


A congenital condition caused by insufficient thyroid hormone.
Newborn screening aims to detect cretinism early to start timely treatment.


Treatment involves thyroid hormone replacement.
Effective management of myxedema includes the administration of thyroid hormone therapy.


Can be prevented with early detection.
Screening newborns for cretinism allows for immediate intervention, preventing severe complications.


Characterized by significant skin and tissue swelling.
One of the hallmark symptoms of myxedema is the noticeable swelling in the face, hands, and feet.


Leads to a reduced quality of life if untreated.
Untreated cretinism severely affects the quality of life due to developmental impairments.


Myxedema is a term used synonymously with severe hypothyroidism. However, the term is also used to describe a dermatological change that can occur in hyperthyroidism and (rare) paradoxical cases of hypothyroidism.


A congenital condition caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormone during prenatal development and characterized by small stature, intellectual disability, dystrophy of the bones, and a low basal metabolism.


(pathology) A form of cutaneous and dermal edema that is secondary to increased deposition of connective tissue components in subcutaneous tissue.


(disease) A condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to the untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones.


A pathological condition due to severe hyperthyroidism, marked by dry skin and swellings around lips and nose as well as mental and physical deterioration.


A condition of endemic or inherited idiocy, accompanied by physical degeneracy and deformity (usually with goiter), frequent in certain mountain valleys, esp. of the Alps.


Hypothyroidism marked by dry skin and swellings around lips and nose as well as mental deterioration


Severe hypothyroidism resulting in physical and mental stunting

Common Curiosities

How is myxedema diagnosed?

Myxedema is diagnosed based on symptoms and confirmed through thyroid function tests.

What are the signs of cretinism in newborns?

Signs include jaundice, a large tongue, and a puffy appearance.

Is myxedema life-threatening?

Yes, myxedema can be life-threatening, especially if it progresses to myxedema coma.

Can cretinism be cured?

While cretinism cannot be "cured," early treatment with thyroid hormone can support nearly normal development.

How can myxedema be prevented?

Managing risk factors and regular thyroid function monitoring can help prevent myxedema.

What is the treatment for cretinism?

Treatment involves early and continuous thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

How is myxedema treated?

Treatment involves lifelong thyroid hormone replacement, tailored to individual needs.

What are common symptoms of cretinism?

Common symptoms include intellectual disability, growth retardation, and developmental delays.

What causes cretinism?

Cretinism is caused by a deficiency in thyroid hormone production in infants or early childhood.

What are the long-term effects of myxedema?

Without treatment, long-term effects include heart problems, mental health issues, and myxedema coma.

Why is early detection of cretinism important?

Early detection allows for timely treatment, preventing severe physical and intellectual disabilities.

Is there a genetic component to cretinism?

Yes, genetic factors can contribute to the development of cretinism.

What lifestyle changes are recommended for managing myxedema?

Regular monitoring of thyroid function, a balanced diet, and avoiding cold exposure are recommended.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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