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Crux vs. Heart — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 22, 2024
Crux refers to the central, vital point of an issue, while heart denotes the core emotional or moral center of something.
Crux vs. Heart — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Crux and Heart


Key Differences

Crux is typically used to signify the most important or decisive point in a discussion or matter, emphasizing the part that determines outcomes. Whereas heart, in a metaphorical sense, refers to the emotional or moral core of a subject, often associated with deep feelings and essential values.
When discussing a problem, the crux is the aspect that must be resolved for the issue to be addressed, highlighting its pivotal role in problem-solving. On the other hand, the heart of the problem might refer to the underlying emotional or ethical stakes that give the issue its significance.
In literary analysis, the crux of a story might be a specific plot twist or conflict that drives the narrative forward. Conversely, the heart of the story usually pertains to the themes, emotional depth, or moral lessons that are intended to resonate with the audience.
Crux is also used in scientific and academic contexts to denote the critical point that supports a theory or hypothesis. Whereas the heart in such contexts may refer more loosely to the central concept or predominant theme that guides the research or discussion.
In everyday language, when someone refers to the crux of the matter, they are often pointing to the argument's most crucial element that needs understanding or solution. Meanwhile, speaking of the heart of the matter usually involves addressing its most impactful, human, or ethical implications.

Comparison Chart


Central, vital point or decisive element
Core emotional or moral center

Usage in Speech

More analytical or problem-focused
More emotional or value-focused


Problem-solving, debates, analysis
Personal beliefs, ethics, emotions


Necessity, essential part for resolution
Essence, central to personal or moral depth

Example in Literature

Key plot twist or conflict
Themes, moral lessons, emotional depth

Compare with Definitions


The essential point.
The crux of his argument was that urban planning needs sustainability.


Center of affection or preference.
Gardening is the heart of her leisure activities.


The main reason.
The crux of the matter is lack of funds.


The essence of a matter.
Understanding his motives gets to the heart of the issue.


Pivotal element in a situation.
Finding the witness was the crux of the legal case.


Emotional or moral core.
Honesty is at the heart of his philosophy.


Decisive or most important point.
The crux of the story comes in the final chapter.


Most important part.
The heart of the city is its bustling marketplace.


Critical point in an argument.
She hit the crux of the debate in her closing remarks.


Central theme.
Love is the heart of her novel.


Crux () is a constellation centred on four stars in the southern sky in a bright portion of the Milky Way. It is among the most easily distinguished constellations as its hallmark (asterism) stars each have an apparent visual magnitude brighter than +2.8, even though it is the smallest of all 88 modern constellations.


The heart is a muscular organ in most animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. The pumped blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the body, while carrying metabolic waste such as carbon dioxide to the lungs.


The basic, central, or critical point or feature
The crux of the matter.
The crux of an argument.


A hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. In vertebrates there may be up to four chambers (as in humans), with two atria and two ventricles.


A puzzling or apparently insoluble problem.


The central or innermost part of something
Right in the heart of the city


The most difficult portion of an ascent in rock climbing or mountaineering.


A conventional representation of a heart with two equal curves meeting at a point at the bottom and a cusp at the top.


See Southern Cross.


The condition of agricultural land as regards fertility
A well-maintained farm in good heart


The basic, central, or essential point or feature.
The crux of her argument was that the roadways needed repair before anything else could be accomplished.


Like very much; love
I totally heart this song


The critical or transitional moment or issue, a turning point.


The chambered muscular organ in vertebrates that pumps blood received from the veins into the arteries, thereby maintaining the flow of blood through the entire circulatory system.


A puzzle or difficulty.


A similarly functioning structure in invertebrates.


(climbing) The hardest point of a climb.


The area that is the approximate location of the heart in the body; the breast.


(heraldry) A cross on a coat of arms.


The vital center and source of one's being, emotions, and sensibilities.


Anything that is very puzzling or difficult to explain.
The perpetual crux of New Testament chronologists.


The repository of one's deepest and sincerest feelings and beliefs
An appeal from the heart.
A subject dear to her heart.


A small conspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere in the Milky Way near Centaurus


The seat of the intellect or imagination
The worst atrocities the human heart could devise.


The most important point


Emotional constitution, basic disposition, or character
A man after my own heart.


One's prevailing mood or current inclination
We were light of heart.


Capacity for sympathy or generosity; compassion
A leader who seems to have no heart.


Love; affection
The child won my heart.


Courage; resolution; fortitude
The soldiers lost heart and retreated.


The firmness of will or the callousness required to carry out an unpleasant task or responsibility
Hadn't the heart to send them away without food.


A person esteemed or admired as lovable, loyal, or courageous
A dear heart.


The central or innermost physical part of a place or region
The heart of the financial district.


The core of a plant, fruit, or vegetable, such as a heart of palm.


The most important or essential part
Get to the heart of the matter.


A conventional two-lobed representation of the heart, usually colored red or pink.


A red, heart-shaped figure on certain playing cards.


A playing card with this figure.


Hearts (used with a sing. or pl. verb) The suit of cards represented by this figure.


A card game in which the object is either to avoid hearts when taking tricks or to take all the hearts.


(Slang) To have great liking or affection for
I heart chocolate chip cookies!.


(Archaic) To encourage; hearten.


(anatomy) A muscular organ that pumps blood through the body, traditionally thought to be the seat of emotion.


(uncountable) One's feelings and emotions, especially considered as part of one's character.
She has a cold heart.


The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, etc.; rarely, the seat of the understanding or will; usually in a good sense; personality.
A good, tender, loving, bad, hard, or selfish heart


Emotional strength that allows one to continue in difficult situations; courage; spirit; a will to compete.
The team lost, but they showed a lot of heart.


Vigorous and efficient activity; power of fertile production; condition of the soil, whether good or bad.


(archaic) A term of affectionate or kindly and familiar address.
Listen, dear heart, we must go now.


I know almost every Beatles song by heart.


(figurative) A wight or being.


A conventional shape or symbol used to represent the heart, love, or emotion: ♥ or sometimes <3.


A playing card of the suit hearts featuring one or more heart-shaped symbols.


(cartomancy) The twenty-fourth Lenormand card.


(figurative) The centre, essence, or core.
The wood at the heart of a tree is the oldest.
Buddhists believe that suffering is right at the heart of all life.


To be fond of. Often bracketed or abbreviated with a heart symbol.


To give heart to; to hearten; to encourage.


To fill an interior with rubble, as a wall or a breakwater.


To form a dense cluster of leaves, a heart, especially of lettuce or cabbage.


A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
Why does my blood thus muster to my heart!


The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, and the like; rarely, the seat of the understanding or will; - usually in a good sense, when no epithet is expressed; the better or lovelier part of our nature; the spring of all our actions and purposes; the seat of moral life and character; the moral affections and character itself; the individual disposition and character; as, a good, tender, loving, bad, hard, or selfish heart.
Hearts are dust, hearts' loves remain.


The nearest the middle or center; the part most hidden and within; the inmost or most essential part of any body or system; the source of life and motion in any organization; the chief or vital portion; the center of activity, or of energetic or efficient action; as, the heart of a country, of a tree, etc.
Exploits done in the heart of France.
Peace subsisting at the heartOf endless agitation.


Courage; courageous purpose; spirit.
Eve, recovering heart, replied.
The expelled nations take heart, and when they fly from one country invade another.


Vigorous and efficient activity; power of fertile production; condition of the soil, whether good or bad.
That the spent earth may gather heart again.


That which resembles a heart in shape; especially, a roundish or oval figure or object having an obtuse point at one end, and at the other a corresponding indentation, - used as a symbol or representative of the heart.


One of the suits of playing cards, distinguished by the figure or figures of a heart; as, hearts are trumps.


Vital part; secret meaning; real intention.
And then show you the heart of my message.


A term of affectionate or kindly and familiar address.


To give heart to; to hearten; to encourage; to inspirit.
My cause is hearted; thine hath no less reason.


To form a compact center or heart; as, a hearting cabbage.


The locus of feelings and intuitions;
In your heart you know it is true
Her story would melt your bosom


The hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions pump blood through the body;
He stood still, his heart thumping wildly


The courage to carry on;
He kept fighting on pure spunk
You haven't got the heart for baseball


An area that is approximately central within some larger region;
It is in the center of town
They ran forward into the heart of the struggle
They were in the eye of the storm


The choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience;
The gist of the prosecutor's argument
The heart and soul of the Republican Party
The nub of the story


An inclination or tendency of a certain kind;
He had a change of heart


A plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines;
He drew a heart and called it a valentine


A firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal);
A five-pound beef heart will serve six


A positive feeling of liking;
He had trouble expressing the affection he felt
The child won everyone's heart


A playing card in the major suit of hearts;
He led the queen of hearts

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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