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Crystalized vs. Crystallized — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 4, 2024
Both "crystalized" and "crystallized" refer to the process of forming crystals or becoming crystal-like in structure, but "crystallized" is the more commonly accepted spelling.
Crystalized vs. Crystallized — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Crystalized and Crystallized


Key Differences

The term "crystalized" is occasionally seen as an alternative spelling, but it is far less common and not the standard form in most English-language contexts. "Crystallized," on the other hand, is widely recognized and used to describe the process by which a substance takes on a crystal form, either through natural geological processes or artificial means in a laboratory setting.
When substances crystallize, they transition from a liquid or gaseous state to a solid state, forming a crystal lattice that is orderly and repeating. This process can be observed in nature, as with snowflakes or rock formations, and is also a crucial technique in chemistry and materials science for purifying compounds or creating solid forms of chemicals that are easier to handle and use.
"Crystallized" is also used metaphorically to describe ideas or plans that have become clearly defined or have taken on a more tangible form. This usage underscores the concept of something developing from a less structured to a more structured, organized state.
Despite the spelling differences, when "crystalized" is used, it typically intends the same meaning as "crystallized." It is important to use the standard spelling "crystallized" in formal writing and communication to ensure clarity and correctness.

Comparison Chart


Less common variant.
Commonly accepted and widely used spelling.


Rarely used and considered nonstandard.
Standard usage in scientific, academic, and general contexts.


Forming crystals or becoming crystal-like in structure.
Same as "crystalized," but the preferred spelling.


Occasionally seen in informal contexts.
Used in both formal and informal contexts, including scientific literature and everyday language.


Use "crystallized" for clarity and correctness.
Recommended spelling for all contexts.

Compare with Definitions


Alternative Spelling.
The term crystalized sugar might occasionally be encountered, but crystallized sugar is preferred.


Standard Spelling.
Crystallized ginger is a popular sweet treat made by cooking ginger in sugar syrup until it crystallizes.


Same Process.
When water is supercooled and then freezes, it can be described as having crystalized, though crystallized is the standard term.


Formal and Informal Use.
Whether in scientific research or everyday conversation, crystallized is the correct spelling to use.


Informal Usage.
In casual writing, crystalized may appear, but formal documents should use crystallized.


Metaphorical Use.
Over the course of the discussion, their plan crystallized into a clear, actionable strategy.


Variant of crystallize.


Scientific Processes.
The crystallized form of a chemical is often purer and more stable.


To cause to form crystals or assume a crystalline structure.


To cause to form crystals or assume a crystalline structure.


To give a definite, precise, and usually permanent form to
The scientists finally crystallized their ideas about the role of the protein.


To give a definite, precise, and usually permanent form to
The scientists finally crystallized their ideas about the role of the protein.


To coat with crystals, as of sugar.


To coat with crystals, as of sugar.


To assume a crystalline form.


To assume a crystalline form.


To take on a definite, precise, and usually permanent form.


To take on a definite, precise, and usually permanent form.


Simple past tense and past participle of crystalize


Having definitive and fixed form, solidified.


Used especially of fruits


Being crystalline, in the form of crystals.


Simple past tense and past participle of crystallize


Smoothly coated with crystals of sugar; - used especially of fruits.


Caused to form into crystals; hence, in a crystalline form.


Having become fixed and definite in form;
Distinguish between crystallized and uncrystallized opinion


Having both internal structure and external form of a crystal;
Quartz crystal is perfectly crystallized

Common Curiosities

What does crystallized mean?

Crystallized refers to the process of forming crystals or becoming structured in a crystal-like lattice, either naturally or artificially.

How is crystallization used in science?

In science, crystallization is used for purifying substances, studying molecular structures, and creating stable forms of chemicals.

Is "crystalized" a correct spelling?

While "crystalized" is an alternative spelling, "crystallized" is the preferred and more commonly accepted form.

Does crystallization only occur in nature?

No, crystallization can occur both in natural settings and through controlled processes in laboratories or industrial settings.

Is "crystallized" used differently in different fields?

While the basic concept remains the same, the application and implications of crystallization can vary across fields such as chemistry, geology, and culinary arts.

Why is crystallization important in materials science?

In materials science, crystallization is crucial for developing new materials with specific properties, such as strength, conductivity, or optical clarity.

Should I use "crystalized" in formal writing?

For formal writing and communication, it is recommended to use the standard spelling "crystallized" to ensure clarity and correctness.

Can crystallization be instantaneous?

Crystallization usually takes time but can occur rapidly under certain conditions, such as rapid cooling or when a seed crystal is introduced into a supersaturated solution.

Can ideas be crystallized?

Yes, the term can be used metaphorically to describe ideas or plans becoming clear and well-defined.

What role does crystallization play in water treatment?

Crystallization can be used in water treatment to remove impurities and contaminants, producing clean, potable water.

What is the significance of crystallization in cooking?

In cooking, crystallization is used to create textures and flavors, such as in candies and preserved fruits.

Can crystallization be reversed?

Yes, by applying heat or changing conditions, crystallized substances can be melted or dissolved, reversing the process.

How does crystallization affect the purity of a substance?

Crystallization often increases the purity of a substance by allowing impurities to be separated from the crystalline structure of the desired compound.

What are examples of crystallized substances?

Examples include table salt (sodium chloride), sugar crystals, snowflakes, and various minerals and gemstones.

How do temperature and concentration affect crystallization?

Temperature and solute concentration significantly affect the rate and formation of crystals, with supersaturation and cooling often necessary for crystallization to occur.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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