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Cue vs. Prompt — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 5, 2024
Cues are indirect signals triggering a response or action, while prompts provide direct encouragement or instructions to elicit specific outcomes.
Cue vs. Prompt — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cue and Prompt


Key Differences

Cues and prompts are both tools used to initiate behaviors, responses, or actions, but they differ significantly in their directness and application. Cues are often indirect or subtle signals that suggest or trigger a response without explicit instruction. They rely on the individual's ability to interpret and act upon these signals, which can be visual, auditory, or contextual. On the other hand, prompts are more direct and are typically used to encourage or elicit a specific response or action, often through verbal, visual, or physical guidance.
In educational settings, cues might be used by a teacher to signal the class that it's time to quiet down, such as dimming the lights or playing a certain piece of music. These cues are indirect and rely on the students' understanding that such changes in the environment indicate a need for silence. Conversely, a prompt in the same setting might be a direct instruction from the teacher, such as saying, "Please be quiet," or asking a question to elicit a specific answer from the students. Prompts require less interpretation as they clearly state the desired action or response.
Cues play a significant role in the development of habits and routines. They act as signals that initiate a habitual action or sequence of actions, relying on the conditioned response of the individual to these cues. For example, the smell of coffee in the morning can cue someone to start their day. Prompts, however, are often used to teach or reinforce new behaviors or knowledge, providing the necessary guidance to perform a task correctly until it can be done independently.
In behavior modification or therapy, cues and prompts can serve different functions. Cues might be used to gently guide someone towards a desired behavior through association and subtle signals. For instance, placing a piece of exercise equipment in a visible area as a reminder to work out. In contrast, prompts are more direct interventions, such as a therapist giving verbal cues or physically guiding a patient through a motion to encourage the acquisition of a new skill or behavior.
Understanding the distinction between cues and prompts is crucial for effectively communicating, teaching, and influencing behavior. While cues offer a subtle way to suggest or trigger a response, prompts provide clear, direct guidance towards the desired action, making them indispensable tools in education, therapy, and everyday communication.

Comparison Chart


An indirect signal that triggers a response or action
Direct encouragement or instruction for a specific outcome


Indirect and subtle
Direct and explicit

Relies on

Interpretation and association by the receiver
Clear understanding of the instruction or guidance

Examples in Education

Dimming the lights to indicate quiet time
Verbal instruction to be quiet

Role in Behavior

Triggers habits and routines through conditioned responses
Teaches or reinforces new behaviors with guidance

Compare with Definitions


A cue is a signal that suggests or triggers a response.
The start of a theme song cues viewers that their favorite TV show is about to begin.


Visual prompts provide visual information to guide actions.
Arrows on the ground prompt people which direction to go.


Contextual cues are based on the situation or environment.
Dark clouds cue people to carry an umbrella.


A prompt is a direct stimulus that encourages a specific action.
A fitness app notification prompts users to complete their daily workout.


Cues can be visual, like a stop sign indicating to drivers to stop.
A green light cues drivers to proceed.


Physical prompts involve guiding actions through touch.
Guiding a child's hand to teach them how to write letters.


Cues often rely on prior knowledge or conditioning.
The smell of popcorn cues people to think of movies.


Prompts are used to teach or reinforce behaviors.
A checklist prompts employees on tasks to complete during their shift.


Auditory cues involve sounds that signify actions or changes.
A bell ringing cues students to change classes.


Verbal prompts include instructions or questions.
What's the capital of France? prompts a student to answer Paris.


A long tapered stick with a leather tip used to strike the cue ball in billiards and pool.


Being on time; punctual.


A long stick with a concave attachment at one end for shoving disks in shuffleboard.


Carried out or performed without delay
A prompt reply.


(Nonstandard) Variant of queue.


To move to act; spur; incite
A noise prompted the guard to go back and investigate.


A signal, such as a word or action, used to prompt another event in a performance, such as an actor's speech or entrance, a change in lighting, or a sound effect.


To give rise to; inspire
The accident prompted a review of school safety policy.


A reminder or prompting.


To assist with a reminder; remind.


A hint or suggestion.


To assist (an actor or reciter) by providing the next words of a forgotten passage; cue.


An extract from the music for another part printed, usually in smaller notes, within a performer's part as a signal to enter after a long rest.


The act of prompting or giving a cue.


A gesture by a conductor signaling the entrance of a performer or part.


A reminder or cue.


(Psychology) A stimulus, either consciously or unconsciously perceived, that elicits or signals a type of behavior.


(Computers) A symbol that appears on a monitor to indicate that the computer is ready to receive input.


(Archaic) One's assigned role or function.


Something which inspires a response, especially a statement or series of questions designed to provoke creative or critical thought from a student
In English class today, the teacher gave us the prompt for our final essay.


(Archaic) A mood; a disposition.


Quick; acting without delay.
He was very prompt at getting a new job.


The letter q.


On time; punctual.
Be prompt for your appointment.


(Games) To strike (a ball) with a cue.


(archaic) Ready; willing to act.


(Nonstandard) Variant of queue.


A reminder or cue.


To give a cue to; signal or prompt.


A time limit given for payment of an account for produce purchased, this limit varying with different goods.


To insert into the sequence of a performance
Cued the lights for the monologue scene.


(computing) A sequence of characters that is displayed to indicate that a computer is ready to receive input.
I filled in my name where the prompt appeared on the computer screen but my account wasn't recognized.


To position (an audio or video recording) in readiness for playing
Cue up a record on the turntable.


(writing) A suggestion for inspiration given to an author.


A small portion of bread or beer; the quantity bought with a farthing or half farthing and noted with a q (for farthing) in the buttery books.


(transitive) To lead (someone) toward what they should say or do.
I prompted him to get a new job.


An action or event that is a signal for somebody to do something.


To show or tell an actor/person the words they should be saying, or actions they should be doing.
If he forgets his words I will prompt him.


The last words of a play actor's speech, serving as an intimation for the next actor to speak; any word or words which serve to remind an actor to speak or to do something; a catchword.


(transitive) To initiate; to cause or lead to.


A marker or signal that triggers something, such as the start of an audio recording.


Ready and quick to act as occasion demands; meeting requirements readily; not slow, dilatory, or hesitating in decision or action; responding on the instant; immediate; as, prompt in obedience or compliance; - said of persons.
Very discerning and prompt in giving orders.
Tell him I am promptTo lay my crown at's feet.
And you, perhaps, too prompt in your replies.


A hint or intimation.


Done or rendered quickly, readily, or immediately; given without delay or hesitation; - said of conduct; as, prompt assistance.
When Washington heard the voice of his country in distress,his obedience was prompt.


(obsolete) Humour; temper of mind.


Easy; unobstructed.
The reception of the light into the body of the building was very prompt.


A straight tapering stick used to hit the balls in various games.


A limit of time given for payment of an account for produce purchased, this limit varying with different goods. See Prompt-note.
To cover any probable difference of price which might arise before the expiration of the prompt, which for this article [tea] is three months.


(obsolete) The tail; the end of a thing; especially, a tail-like twist of hair worn at the back of the head; a queue.


To assist or induce the action of; to move to action; to instigate; to incite.
God first . . . prompted on the infirmities of the infant world by temporal prosperity.


To give someone a cue signal.
Cue the cameraman, and action!


To suggest; to dictate.
And whispering angles prompt her golden dreams.


To spark or provoke.


To remind, as an actor or an orator, of words or topics forgotten.


To take aim on the cue ball with the cue and hit it.


A cue given to a performer (usually the beginning of the next line to be spoken);
The audience could hear his prompting


To form into a cue; to braid; to twist.


(computer science) a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command


The tail; the end of a thing; especially, a tail-like twist of hair worn at the back of the head; a queue.


Give an incentive for action;
This moved me to sacrifice my career


The last words of a play actor's speech, serving as an intimation for the next succeeding player to speak; any word or words which serve to remind a player to speak or to do something; a catchword.
When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer.


Serve as the inciting cause of;
She prompted me to call my relatives


A hint or intimation.
Give them [the servants] their cue to attend in two lines as he leaves the house.


Assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned


The part one has to perform in, or as in, a play.
Were it my cueto fight, I should have known itWithout a prompter.


According to schedule or without delay;
They were always on time
A prompt reply


Humor; temper of mind.


Characterized by speed and efficiency


A straight tapering rod used to impel the balls in playing billiards.


Quick in apprehending or reacting;
A prompt (or ready) response
A prompt smile


A small portion of bread or beer; the quantity bought with a farthing or half farthing.
Hast thou wornGowns in the university, tossed logic,Sucked philosophy, eat cues?


Performed with little or no delay;
An immediate reply to my letter
Prompt obedience
Was quick to respond
A straightaway denial


To form into a cue; to braid; to twist.


An actor's line that immediately precedes and serves as a reminder for some action or speech


Evidence that helps to solve a problem


A stimulus that provides information about what to do


Sports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards


Assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned

Common Curiosities

What is a prompt?

A prompt is a direct encouragement or instruction aimed at eliciting a specific action or response.

What is a cue?

A cue is an indirect signal that suggests or initiates a response, action, or behavior.

Are prompts always verbal?

No, prompts can be verbal, visual, physical, or any form that provides direct guidance or instruction.

What role do prompts play in education?

Prompts play a crucial role in education by providing direct instructions or guidance to support learning and behavior.

How do cues differ from prompts?

Cues are indirect and rely on interpretation, while prompts are direct and clearly communicate the desired action.

How are cues used in everyday communication?

In everyday communication, cues can include body language, tone of voice, or situational factors that imply or suggest something without stating it outright.

What is an example of a contextual cue?

An example of a contextual cue is people quieting down as a speaker approaches the podium, indicating it's time to listen.

Can cues be non-verbal?

Yes, cues can be non-verbal, such as visual or auditory signals, and rely on the receiver's ability to interpret them.

How do cues function in behavior modification?

Cues function by triggering conditioned responses or actions based on past associations or learning.

Can a cue become a prompt over time?

A cue can become more like a prompt if it is consistently used with clear, direct outcomes, making its interpretation less ambiguous.

How do prompts support habit formation?

Prompts can support habit formation by providing clear, immediate guidance on what actions to take, helping to establish a routine.

Can the effectiveness of cues and prompts vary between individuals?

Yes, the effectiveness of cues and prompts can vary widely depending on individual differences in learning, perception, and conditioning.

Why are prompts important in therapy?

Prompts are important in therapy for teaching or reinforcing new skills or behaviors, often providing the necessary steps or actions directly.

How can cues and prompts be used together?

Cues and prompts can be used together by using cues to signal the approach of a situation where a prompt will then guide the specific desired action.

Are prompts effective in behavior change?

Prompts can be highly effective in behavior change, especially when tailored to the individual’s needs and learning style.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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