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Cushion vs. Squab — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 20, 2024
A cushion is a soft, padded item used for sitting, kneeling, or softening the hardness of a chair or couch, while a squab is a specific type of firm cushion used as a seat or back support, typically in vehicles or traditional couches.
Cushion vs. Squab — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cushion and Squab


Key Differences

Cushions are versatile soft furnishings filled with materials like foam, feathers, or synthetic fibers, used to provide comfort and aesthetic appeal in various settings such as sofas, chairs, and beds. In contrast, squabs are a type of cushion that are usually firmer and used as fixed seating or backrests, particularly in dining booths, vintage automobiles, and window seats.
While cushions can be decorative and come in various shapes and sizes, often with removable covers for easy cleaning, squabs are generally more structured and may be tailored to fit specific areas, such as a bench or a bay window. This makes squabs less flexible in terms of usage compared to the more commonly utilized cushions.
Cushions are frequently used for their functionality in enhancing comfort in seating or sleeping environments, as well as for their decorative purposes, allowing for easy updates to home decor through different patterns and materials. Squabs, on the other hand, are often designed to blend with the interior architecture, like matching or complementing the upholstery of a piece of furniture.
In terms of construction, cushions typically have a loose filling that can shift and settle, requiring occasional fluffing to maintain shape. Squabs usually have a denser, more even fill, which provides a sturdy yet comfortable surface that holds its shape better over time.
Despite their differences, both cushions and squabs serve the primary function of providing comfort and enhancing the usability of living spaces. Whether choosing a cushion for its softness and flexibility or a squab for its supportive and tailored design, both types of soft furnishings play essential roles in home comfort and design.

Comparison Chart


A soft padded item used for added comfort.
A firm type of cushion used as a seat or backrest.

Common Uses

Sofas, beds, chairs, outdoor furniture.
Fixed seating in vehicles, window seats, traditional couches.


High, with movable and replaceable options.
Low, often fixed or tailored to specific furniture.

Fill Material

Foam, feathers, synthetic fibers.
Usually denser foams or batting.


Often removable covers for washing.
May require professional cleaning if fixed.

Compare with Definitions


Often decorative, available in various shapes and sizes.
The decorative cushions on the bed were changed seasonally.


Designed to be more structured and less flexible than regular cushions.
The dining booth was fitted with squabs that provided firm support.


Typically has a removable cover for easy washing.
The cushions on the sofa had removable covers that were machine washable.


May be tailored to fit specific areas, enhancing the design of the space.
The squabs in the lounge were upholstered to match the historic decor of the house.


Can be used for comfort in various settings, including outdoors.
The outdoor seating area was equipped with durable, weather-resistant cushions.


Usually has a denser fill to maintain shape over time.
The squab used in the family room was durable enough to withstand frequent use.


Used to soften the hardness or angularity of a chair or couch.
We placed several cushions on the hardwood chairs to make them more comfortable.


A type of firm cushion used as a fixed seat or back support, especially in vehicles or couches.
The leather squab in the classic car was originally made to fit the bucket seats.


A soft bag of some ornamental material, stuffed with wool, hair, feathers, polyester staple fiber, or non-woven material.
She added bright cushions to the couch for a pop of color.


Often used in window seats and dining booths.
The window seat had a custom-made squab that matched the curtains.


A cushion is a soft bag of some ornamental material, usually stuffed with wool, hair, feathers, polyester staple fiber, non-woven material, or even paper torn into fragments. It may be used for sitting or kneeling upon, or to soften the hardness or angularity of a chair or couch.


In culinary terminology, squab is a baby domestic pigeon, typically under four weeks old, or its meat. The meat is widely described as tasting like dark chicken.


A pad or pillow with a soft filling, used for resting, reclining, or kneeling.


A young, newly hatched, or unfledged pigeon.


Something resilient used as a rest, support, or shock absorber.


A soft, thick cushion, as for a couch.


A mat placed or attached beneath carpeting to provide softness and increase durability.


A couch.


A padlike body part.


Young and undeveloped; newly hatched or unfledged
A squab chick.


(Games) The rim bordering the playing surface of a billiard table.


A baby pigeon, dove, or chicken.


A pillow used in lacemaking.


The meat of such a baby bird used as food.


Something that mitigates or relieves an adverse effect
Extra funds serving as a cushion against future inflation.


A baby rook.


To provide with a cushion
Cushion a bench.


A thick cushion, especially a flat one covering the seat of a chair or sofa.


To place or seat on a cushion.


A person of a short, fat figure.


To cover or hide (something) with or as if with a cushion.


(obsolete) To fall plump; to strike at one dash, or with a heavy stroke.


To protect from impacts or other disturbing effects
An automobile suspension that cushions the ride.


(transitive) To furnish with squabs, or cushions.


To mitigate the effects of; absorb the shock of
Cushion a blow.


(transitive) To stuff thickly and sew through, the stitches being concealed by buttons, etc.


A soft mass of material stuffed into a cloth bag, used for comfort or support; for sitting on, kneeling on, resting one's head on etc.


Fat; thick; plump; bulky.


Something acting as a cushion, especially to absorb a shock or impact.


Unfledged; unfeathered.


A pad on which gilders cut gold leaf.




A mass of steam in the end of the cylinder of a steam engine to receive the impact of the piston.


Curt; abrupt.


The lip around a table in cue sports which absorbs some of the impact of the billiard balls and bounces them back.


Shy; coy.


The pillow used in making bone lace.


(slang) With a heavy fall; plump.


An engraver's pad.


Fat; thick; plump; bulky.
Nor the squab daughter nor the wife were nice.


(historical) The rubber of an electrical machine.


Unfledged; unfeathered; as, a squab pigeon.


(historical) A pad supporting a woman's hair.


A nestling of a pigeon or other similar bird, esp. when very fat and not fully fledged.


(figuratively) a sufficient quantity of an intangible object (like points or minutes) to allow for some of those points, for example, to be lost without hurting one's chances for successfully completing an objective.


A person of a short, fat figure.
Gorgonious sits abdominous and wan,Like a fat squab upon a Chinese fan.


Money kept in reserve.


A thickly stuffed cushion; especially, one used for the seat of a sofa, couch, or chair; also, a sofa.
Punching the squab of chairs and sofas.
On her large squab you find her spread.


(historical) The dancer in the cushion dance who currently holds the cushion, or the dance itself.


With a heavy fall; plump.
The eagle took the tortoise up into the air, and dropped him down, squab, upon a rock.


To furnish with cushions.
To cushion a sofa


To fall plump; to strike at one dash, or with a heavy stroke.


To seat or place on, or as on a cushion.


Flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled


To absorb or deaden the impact of.
To cushion a blow


A soft padded sofa


To conceal or cover up, as under a cushion.


An unfledged pigeon


A case or bag stuffed with some soft and elastic material, and used to sit or recline upon; a soft pillow or pad.
Two cushions stuffed with straw, the seat to raise.


Short and fat


Anything resembling a cushion in properties or use


A riotous kind of dance, formerly common at weddings; - called also cushion dance.


To seat or place on, or as on a cushion.
Many who are cushioned on thrones would have remained in obscurity.


To furnish with cushions; as, to cushion a chaise.


To conceal or cover up, as under a cushion.


A mechanical damper; absorbs energy of sudden impulses;
The old car needed a new set of shocks


A soft bag filled with air or a mass of padding such as feathers or foam rubber etc.


Protect from impact;
Cushion the blow

Common Curiosities

What is the primary use of a cushion?

Cushions are primarily used for adding comfort and aesthetic appeal to furniture like sofas, beds, and chairs.

What makes squabs suitable for vehicles?

Their firmness and ability to be tailored to fit specific seats make squabs suitable for providing comfortable, durable seating in vehicles.

Do squabs provide better back support than cushions?

Yes, due to their firmer and more structured nature, squabs typically provide better back support compared to softer, more flexible cushions.

Can squabs be used for outdoor furniture?

While less common, squabs can be used for outdoor furniture if made with suitable weather-resistant materials.

What types of fill are used in squabs?

Squabs generally use denser foam or batting to maintain a firm structure and durable shape.

How is a squab different from a regular cushion?

A squab is typically firmer and more tailored, often used as a fixed seating or backrest in vehicles, on couches, or as part of window seats.

How often should cushions and squabs be replaced?

The lifespan depends on the quality of materials and frequency of use, but generally, cushions may need more frequent updating or fluffing, while squabs, being firmer, may last longer without needing replacement.

How can one clean a squab?

If not removable, squabs might require spot cleaning or professional upholstery cleaning, depending on the fabric and type of fill.

Are squabs more expensive than cushions?

Squabs can be more expensive than cushions due to their tailored design and denser materials.

Can cushions and squabs be custom-made?

Yes, both cushions and squabs can be custom-made to fit specific dimensions, styles, and comfort preferences.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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