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Cytokinesis in Plant Cell vs. Cytokinesis in Animal Cell — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Published on August 11, 2024
Cytokinesis in plant cells involves the formation of a cell plate, leading to a new cell wall, while in animal cells, it occurs through cleavage, forming a cleavage furrow.
Cytokinesis in Plant Cell vs. Cytokinesis in Animal Cell — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cytokinesis in Plant Cell and Cytokinesis in Animal Cell


Key Differences

Cytokinesis is the process of cytoplasmic division that follows mitosis, leading to the formation of two daughter cells. In plant cells, this process involves the construction of a new cell wall down the middle of the cell. On the other hand, animal cells undergo cytokinesis through the inward pinching of the cell membrane, known as cleavage, resulting in a cleavage furrow.
The mechanism of cytokinesis in plant cells is facilitated by the assembly of the cell plate, which eventually becomes the new cell wall separating the two daughter cells. Whereas in animal cells, the formation of a contractile ring composed of actin and myosin fibers is crucial for the inward pinching process.
Due to the rigid nature of plant cell walls, plant cells cannot pinch inwards like animal cells. Instead, they rely on the cell plate mechanism to ensure successful cytokinesis. Animal cells, lacking a rigid cell wall, can easily undergo constriction at the site of the cleavage furrow to complete cytokinesis.
In plant cells, the Golgi apparatus plays a significant role in cytokinesis by supplying the vesicles that fuse to form the cell plate. Conversely, the role of the Golgi apparatus in animal cell cytokinesis is less direct, primarily involving the maintenance and regulation of the contractile ring components.
The final outcome of cytokinesis in both cell types is the separation into two daughter cells, but the structural differences between plant and animal cells dictate the distinct processes they each must undergo to achieve this division.

Comparison Chart


Formation of a cell plate that becomes the cell wall
Cleavage furrow formed by the contraction of a ring of actin and myosin

Structural Requirement

Requires the assembly of vesicles from the Golgi apparatus
Involves the formation and contraction of a contractile ring

Influence of Cell Wall

Rigid cell wall necessitates the formation of a cell plate
Lack of a rigid cell wall allows for direct pinching of the cell membrane

Role of Golgi Apparatus

Provides vesicles for cell plate formation
Less direct, involved in contractile ring regulation


Two daughter cells separated by a new cell wall
Two daughter cells separated by a cleavage furrow

Compare with Definitions

Cytokinesis in Plant Cell

Involves building a new cell wall between daughter cells.
The cell plate that forms during plant cell cytokinesis becomes the new cell wall.

Cytokinesis in Animal Cell

Direct pinching of the cell membrane to form two cells.
The animal cell membrane constricts to complete cytokinesis, forming two daughter cells.

Cytokinesis in Plant Cell

Results in the creation of a new cell wall.
Cytokinesis in plant cells concludes with the establishment of a new cell wall, dividing the cell.

Cytokinesis in Animal Cell

Crucial for animal tissue renewal and growth.
Cytokinesis in animal cells is vital for the regeneration and proliferation of tissues.

Cytokinesis in Plant Cell

Relies on vesicles from the Golgi apparatus.
Vesicles coalesce at the midline to form the cell plate during cytokinesis in plant cells.

Cytokinesis in Animal Cell

The process where the cytoplasm of an animal cell divides.
Cytokinesis in animal cells begins with the formation of a cleavage furrow.

Cytokinesis in Plant Cell

Essential for plant growth and development.
Cytokinesis in plant cells ensures the continuity and division of cellular function in growing plants.

Cytokinesis in Animal Cell

Features cleavage furrow formation by actin and myosin.
The cleavage furrow deepens to separate the cell during animal cell cytokinesis.

Cytokinesis in Plant Cell

Division of the cytoplasm in a plant cell leading to two daughter cells.
After mitosis, a cell plate forms, initiating cytokinesis in the plant cell.

Cytokinesis in Animal Cell

Does not involve building a cell wall.
Unlike plant cells, cytokinesis in animal cells concludes without the formation of a new cell wall.

Common Curiosities

What is cytokinesis?

Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm of a parent cell into two daughter cells, following nuclear division (mitosis or meiosis).

What is the significance of the contractile ring in animal cells?

The contractile ring, composed of actin and myosin fibers, facilitates the pinching of the cell membrane to form the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis in animal cells.

Is cytokinesis the same in all plant cells?

While the basic mechanism involving cell plate formation is consistent, variations can exist among different plant species and cell types.

What ensures that cytokinesis is symmetrical and each daughter cell receives equal cytoplasm?

The precise positioning of the cell plate or cleavage furrow, often at the midpoint between the two nuclei, helps ensure the symmetrical division of cytoplasm.

Can cytokinesis be observed under a light microscope?

Yes, cytokinesis can often be observed under a light microscope, especially the formation of the cleavage furrow in animal cells and the cell plate in plant cells.

How does cytokinesis differ in plant and animal cells?

In plant cells, cytokinesis involves the formation of a cell plate that develops into a new cell wall, while in animal cells, it occurs through the formation of a cleavage furrow that pinches the cell into two.

What role does the Golgi apparatus play in plant cell cytokinesis?

The Golgi apparatus supplies the vesicles that fuse to form the cell plate during cytokinesis in plant cells.

Why don't animal cells form a cell plate during cytokinesis?

Animal cells lack a rigid cell wall, allowing them to undergo cytokinesis through the simpler mechanism of membrane pinching without needing a cell plate.

Can cytokinesis occur without mitosis?

Generally, cytokinesis follows mitosis as part of the cell cycle, but there are exceptions where cells undergo nuclear division without cytoplasmic division, or vice versa.

What happens if cytokinesis does not occur properly?

Failure in cytokinesis can lead to cells with multiple nuclei or abnormal distribution of cytoplasm and organelles, potentially disrupting normal cell function.

How do plant cells overcome the challenge of their rigid cell walls during cytokinesis?

Plant cells bypass the limitations imposed by their rigid walls by assembling a cell plate from within, which does not require the physical constriction of the cell.

How is the cell plate formed in plant cells?

The cell plate is formed by the fusion of vesicles supplied by the Golgi apparatus at the center of the cell, eventually developing into the new cell wall.

Does cytokinesis differ in mitosis and meiosis?

The basic principles of cytokinesis are similar in mitosis and meiosis, but meiosis involves two rounds of nuclear division and cytokinesis, resulting in four daughter cells.

Are there any diseases or disorders associated with faulty cytokinesis?

Faulty cytokinesis can lead to cell cycle dysregulation and aneuploidy, contributing to various diseases, including cancer and developmental disorders.

What triggers the start of cytokinesis in animal cells?

Cytokinesis in animal cells is typically triggered by signals following the completion of mitosis, leading to the assembly of the contractile ring.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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