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Daschund vs. Dachshund — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 25, 2024
"Daschund" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Dachshund," a breed of dog known for its long body and short legs.
Daschund vs. Dachshund — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Daschund or Dachshund

How to spell Dachshund?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Break it down: "Dach" (roof or badger) + "hund" (dog).
Think of a "dash" – swift and short, like the Dachshund's legs.
The correct sequence is "a-ch-sh," not "as-ch."
The "ch" comes right after the "a," no "s" in between.
Remember "Dach" comes before "shund" – just like in the word's origin, meaning "badger dog."

How Do You Spell Dachshund Correctly?

Incorrect: Can you teach a daschund new tricks?
Correct: Can you teach a dachshund new tricks?
Incorrect: My daschund hates the rain.
Correct: My dachshund hates the rain.
Incorrect: I love my new daschund puppy; he's so playful.
Correct: I love my new dachshund puppy; he's so playful.
Incorrect: We adopted a daschund from the shelter.
Correct: We adopted a dachshund from the shelter.
Incorrect: Her daschund won first place at the dog show.
Correct: Her dachshund won first place at the dog show.

Dachshund Definitions

Dachshund is a small dog breed characterized by a long body and short legs.
My neighbor has a playful Dachshund.
Dachshunds can be smooth-haired, wire-haired, or long-haired.
I prefer the long-haired Dachshund for its elegant appearance.
Dachshund has a friendly yet curious temperament, making it a popular pet choice.
Despite its small size, the Dachshund is brave and loves to explore.
Dachshund is a breed originating from Germany, historically used for hunting.
The Dachshund was bred to hunt badgers.
Dachshund's distinct shape often leads to it being called a "wiener dog."
Children often call her Dachshund the hot dog dog.
A dog of a small breed developed in Germany for hunting badgers, having a long body, a brown or black-and-brown coat, drooping ears, and very short legs. Dachshunds are bred in long-haired, smooth-coat, wire-haired, and miniature varieties, sometimes considered separate breeds.
A certain breed of dog having short legs and a long trunk, including standard-sized, miniature (smooth-haired, long-haired, and short-haired) varieties.
One of a breed of small dogs with short crooked legs, and long body; - called also badger dog. There are two kinds, the rough-haired and the smooth-haired.
Small long-bodied short-legged German breed of dog having a short sleek coat and long drooping ears; suited for following game into burrows

Dachshund Meaning in a Sentence

I bought a special bed for my dachshund because of his long back.
The dachshund is known for its keen sense of smell.
My dachshund loves to chase his tail in the yard.
My dachshund barks at everything, but he's really friendly.
She dresses her dachshund in the cutest sweaters.
My dachshund loves to burrow under blankets.
My dachshund loves to cuddle on cold nights.
We take our dachshund on walks in the park every day.
Our dachshund has a strong personality and likes to be the center of attention.
Every Halloween, we dress up our dachshund in a funny costume.
My dachshund is stubborn, but he's also very smart.
Training a dachshund requires patience due to their stubborn streak.
Dachshunds make excellent watchdogs because they're always alert.
We entered our dachshund in a local dog agility competition.
He built a ramp for his dachshund to get on the couch more easily.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Dachshund?

Comes from German words "Dachs" (badger) and "Hund" (dog).

Which vowel is used before Dachshund?

Typically "a" or "the."

Which preposition is used with Dachshund?

"Of" or "with," depending on the context.

Why is it called Dachshund?

It's German for "badger dog," reflecting its historic use in badger hunting.

Which article is used with Dachshund?

"A" or "the."

What is the verb form of Dachshund?

There isn't a verb form for "Dachshund."

Which conjunction is used with Dachshund?

No specific conjunction is exclusively used with "Dachshund."

What is the pronunciation of Dachshund?

"DAKS-hoond" or "DASH-und."

What is the singular form of Dachshund?


Is Dachshund a negative or positive word?


Is the word Dachshund imperative?


Is the word Dachshund a gerund?


How do we divide Dachshund into syllables?


What part of speech is Dachshund?


What is the plural form of Dachshund?


Is Dachshund a noun or adjective?


Is Dachshund an adverb?


Is Dachshund an abstract noun?


Is Dachshund a collective noun?


What is another term for Dachshund?

Wiener dog or sausage dog.

What is the opposite of Dachshund?

There isn't a direct opposite, but a breed with a contrasting size or shape might be mentioned, like "Great Dane."

Is the Dachshund term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically (e.g., "a Dachshund of a car" for a long, low vehicle).

Is the word “Dachshund” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on the sentence structure.

How many syllables are in Dachshund?


What is the first form of Dachshund?

N/A as "Dachshund" is not a verb.

How is Dachshund used in a sentence?

"The Dachshund chased its tail in the park."

Is Dachshund a vowel or consonant?

"Dachshund" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Dachshund a countable noun?


What is a stressed syllable in Dachshund?

The first syllable, "Dachs."

What is the third form of Dachshund?


Which determiner is used with Dachshund?

"My," "her," "this," etc., depending on the context.

What is the second form of Dachshund?


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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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