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Declaim vs. Proclaim — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 30, 2024
Declaim involves delivering a formal speech, often with emphatic expression, whereas proclaim entails announcing something publicly or officially.
Declaim vs. Proclaim — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Declaim and Proclaim


Key Differences

Declaim is primarily associated with the formal recitation of speeches, often in a theatrical or rhetorical manner, emphasizing expression and delivery. Whereas proclaim involves making an announcement or declaration in a public or official capacity, focusing on the content being communicated rather than the style of delivery.
Declaim often occurs in settings such as classrooms, theaters, or public readings, where the speaker engages an audience with eloquence and dramatic flair. On the other hand, proclaim is used in various contexts, from official government announcements to personal declarations in social or religious settings, stressing the authority and veracity of the message.
Declaim typically requires a higher level of oratory skills, including voice modulation, gestures, and facial expressions to convey the emotional content of the speech. Whereas proclaim demands clarity and authority in the voice, ensuring the message is understood and recognized as important by the audience.
Declaim can be seen as a form of artistic expression, often involving elaborate phrases and classical language to enhance the dramatic effect. In contrast, proclaim tends to be more straightforward and direct, aimed at clear communication rather than artistic merit.
Declaim is less about the content being factual or authoritative and more about the performance and impact of the speech on the audience. While proclaim is fundamentally about conveying information that is considered important, necessary, or urgent, ensuring it reaches as wide an audience as possible.

Comparison Chart

Primary Context

Educational, theatrical
Official, public


Artistic expression, education
Announcement, authoritative declaration


Elocution and dramatic delivery
Content of the message

Audience Engagement

Emotionally and intellectually stimulating
Informed and alerted

Skill Set Required

Oratory prowess, emotional expression
Clarity, authority in delivery

Compare with Definitions


To speak in a manner that is theatrical and expressive.
He declaimed his objections in a manner that echoed through the halls of the assembly.


To declare openly or officially, emphasizing authority.
The leader proclaimed the start of a new era for the country.


To recite something as a practice of public speaking.
Students often declaim pieces from famous speeches in their communication class.


To make known publicly and undoubtedly.
The town crier proclaimed the news of the royal birth across the city.


To speak rhetorically or passionately in public.
The actor declaimed the lines of Shakespeare with great fervor.


To announce something important or official publicly.
The government proclaimed the new law with immediate effect.


To recite a text or speech in a studied or theatrical manner.
She declaimed the poem with such intensity that it moved the audience to tears.


To state or announce something with emphasis.
The activist proclaimed their rights loudly to the crowd.


To deliver a formal speech with emphasis on delivery.
The politician declaimed his campaign promises at the rally.


To express or declare a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.
He proclaimed his innocence in front of the jury.


To deliver a formal recitation, especially as an exercise in rhetoric or elocution.


To announce officially and publicly; declare
Proclaim a general amnesty for political prisoners.
Proclaim the suspect to be guilty.


To speak loudly and vehemently; inveigh.


To state emphatically or authoritatively; affirm
Proclaim one's opposition to an idea.


To utter or recite with rhetorical effect.


To indicate conspicuously; make plain
"A painted longbow jutting over his shoulder proclaimed his profession" (Arthur Conan Doyle).


To object to something vociferously; to rail against in speech.


To announce or declare.


To recite, e.g., poetry, in a theatrical way; to speak for rhetorical display; to speak pompously, noisily, or theatrically; bemouth; to make an empty speech; to rehearse trite arguments in debate; to rant.


To make [something] the subject of an official proclamation bringing it within the scope of emergency powers


To speak rhetorically; to make a formal speech or oration; specifically, to recite a speech, poem, etc., in public as a rhetorical exercise; to practice public speaking.
The students declaim twice a week.


To make known by public announcement; to give wide publicity to; to publish abroad; to promulgate; to declare; as, to proclaim war or peace.
To proclaim liberty to the captives.
For the apparel oft proclaims the man.
Throughout the host proclaimA solemn council forthwith to be held.


To speak rhetorically; to make a formal speech or oration; to harangue; specifically, to recite a speech, poem, etc., in public as a rhetorical exercise; to practice public speaking; as, the students declaim twice a week.


To outlaw by public proclamation.
I heard myself proclaimed.


To speak for rhetorical display; to speak pompously, noisily, or theatrically; to make an empty speech; to rehearse trite arguments in debate; to rant.
Grenville seized the opportunity to declaim on the repeal of the stamp act.


Declare formally; declare someone to be something; of titles;
He was proclaimed King


To utter in public; to deliver in a rhetorical or set manner.


State or announce;
`I am not a Communist,'
The King will proclaim an amnesty


To defend by declamation; to advocate loudly.


Affirm or declare as an attribute or quality of;
The speech predicated the fitness of the candidate to be President


Recite in elocution


Praise, glorify, or honor;
Extol the virtues of one's children
Glorify one's spouse's cooking


Speak against in an impassioned manner;
He declaimed against the wasteful ways of modern society

Common Curiosities

Who typically uses the term proclaim?

Government officials, leaders, and organizational spokespersons typically use the term proclaim when making official announcements.

What are the historical contexts of declaiming?

Historically, declaiming was prominent in ancient Greek and Roman rhetoric and education, focusing on training in oratory and public speaking.

Where might one commonly hear a proclamation?

Proclamations are commonly heard in official settings, such as government announcements, or during significant public events and ceremonies.

Is declaiming relevant in modern communication?

Yes, declaiming remains relevant, particularly in fields like drama, rhetoric, and education where expressive and effective speech is valued.

Does proclaiming require specific legal or formal authority?

Yes, proclaiming often requires formal authority, as it involves making official, binding announcements that may have legal implications.

How do the techniques of declaiming and proclaiming differ?

Declaiming uses techniques like dramatic gestures, vocal modulation, and emotional expression, whereas proclaiming relies on clear, authoritative verbal communication.

Can declaiming be part of everyday conversation?

Declaiming generally does not fit casual conversation due to its theatrical and exaggerated style, which is more suited to formal or artistic contexts.

What are the risks of improperly proclaiming something?

Improperly proclaiming something can lead to misinformation, legal issues, or public distrust if the announcement is not clear, accurate, or appropriately authoritative.

What occasions are most suitable for declaiming?

Declaiming is most suitable for educational, literary, or dramatic presentations where expressive speech and engagement are desired.

Are there cultural variations in how declaiming or proclaiming is performed?

Yes, cultural variations affect the style and acceptance of both declaiming and proclaiming, influenced by local traditions in speech, authority, and public communication.

What impact does proclaiming have on the audience?

Proclaiming aims to clearly communicate important information, often prompting recognition, compliance, or action from the audience.

How do educational institutions teach declaiming?

Educational institutions may teach declaiming within courses on drama, rhetoric, or public speaking, emphasizing skills in performance and expressive speech.

Can digital media influence the effectiveness of proclaiming?

Yes, digital media can significantly enhance the reach and immediacy of proclamations, allowing for real-time dissemination and broader public engagement.

What are some famous historical examples of declaiming?

Famous examples include Cicero's orations in ancient Rome and Shakespearean monologues, which showcase the art of eloquent and persuasive declaiming.

How does the intent behind declaiming and proclaiming differ?

The intent behind declaiming is often to persuade, entertain, or educate through expressive speech, whereas proclaiming is aimed at informing or officially announcing with authority and clarity.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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