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Accenting Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 6, 2024
Accenting means the act of emphasizing a particular feature, syllable, or word. e.g., The poet's reading was notable for its careful accenting of certain words.

Accenting Definitions

Emphasizing a syllable or word through stress or pitch.
Accenting the first syllable changes the word's meaning.
Adding distinctive features or elements to something to enhance its appearance.
The artist was skilled in accenting his paintings with vibrant colors.
Stressing certain musical notes or chords to enhance a piece's expression.
The musician's accenting of the melody added depth to the performance.
Highlighting or emphasizing something to make it more noticeable.
The chef recommended accenting the dish with fresh herbs.
Making something more prominent or conspicuous.
Accenting key points in the presentation helped clarify the message.
Marking letters or words with accents to denote pronunciation or emphasis.
Accenting certain vowels in Spanish words is essential for correct pronunciation.
Distinguishing something by giving it a particular emphasis or importance.
The policy aimed at accenting the importance of sustainable practices.
Underlining or emphasizing specific parts of a text for clarity or effect.
Accenting important passages in the book made it easier to study.
Decorating or enhancing an object or area with a contrasting feature.
She suggested accenting the room with blue pillows.
Focusing on or highlighting particular aspects of something.
The documentary was effective in accenting the challenges faced by the community.
The relative prominence of a particular syllable of a word by greater intensity or by variation or modulation of pitch or tone.
Vocal prominence or emphasis given to a particular syllable, word, or phrase.
One determined by the regional or social background of the speaker.
One determined by the phonetic characteristics of the speaker's native language carried over to that speaker's use of another language.
A mark or symbol used in the printing and writing of certain languages to indicate the vocal quality to be given to a particular letter
An acute accent.
A mark or symbol used in printing and writing to indicate the stressed syllables of a spoken word.
Rhythmically significant stress in a line of verse.
Emphasis or prominence given to a note or chord, as by an increase in volume or extended duration.
A mark representing this.
A mark used as a superscript to distinguish among variables represented by the same symbol.
A mark used as a superscript to indicate the first derivative of a variable.
A mark or one of several marks used as a superscript to indicate a unit, such as feet (′) and inches (") in linear measurement.
A distinctive feature or quality, such as a feature that accentuates, contrasts with, or complements a decorative style.
Something that accentuates or contrasts something else, as a touch of color that makes the features of an image stand out.
Particular importance or interest; emphasis
The accent is on comfort.
To stress or emphasize the pronunciation of
Accented the first syllable in “debacle.”.
To mark with a printed accent.
To focus attention on; accentuate
A program that accents leadership development.
Infl of accent
The act of giving special importance or significance to something.
The act of giving special importance or significance to something

Accenting Snonyms


To emphasize.
The tragedy underlines the dangers of ignoring safety regulations.


To attract attention to or emphasize something important.
The report highlighted the need for urgent action.


To give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing.
He stressed the importance of careful planning.


Make more noticeable or prominent.
Her dress accentuated her green eyes.


To light up or make clear.
The study illuminates important aspects of social change.


To underline; to emphasize.
The need for fire safety is underscored by these statistics.


Give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing.
She began emphasizing the key points in her presentation.


To emphasize intermittently.
Her speech was punctuated by bursts of applause.


To direct attention to a particular issue or situation.
The documentary spotlights the struggles of undocumented immigrants.


To make (something) the most prominent or important feature.
The narrative foregrounds the experience of immigrants.

Accenting Idioms & Phrases

Accenting the essentials

Highlighting the most important elements.
The course on emergency medicine is accenting the essentials of first aid.

Accenting the difference

Pointing out the distinct aspects.
The debate was about accenting the difference between policy and practice.

Accenting the beat

Emphasizing the rhythm in music.
The drummer was skilled at accenting the beat to energize the crowd.

Accenting the features

Highlighting the characteristics.
The brochure is accenting the features of the new model.

Accenting the negative

Emphasizing the negative aspects.
She's always accenting the negative, which makes it hard to stay optimistic.

Accenting the mood

Enhancing the emotional atmosphere.
The dim lighting was accenting the mood of the romantic dinner.

Accenting the positive

Focusing on the positive aspects.
In times of trouble, accenting the positive can help maintain morale.

Accenting the importance

Stating the significance.
The speaker kept accenting the importance of community service.

Accenting the contrast

Underlining the differences.
The artist was accenting the contrast between light and shadow in her paintings.

Accenting the narrative

Emphasizing the story or message.
The film was effective in accenting the narrative through its visuals.

Accenting the harmony

Emphasizing the combination of elements to form a pleasing whole.
The garden design is accenting the harmony between native plants.

Accenting the simplicity

Highlighting the ease or straightforwardness.
The new software is accenting the simplicity of its user interface.

Accenting the elegance

Underlining the gracefulness or sophistication.
The décor was accenting the elegance of the historical building.

Accenting the intensity

Emphasizing the strength or degree of something.
The workout focused on accenting the intensity to maximize results.

Accenting the theme

Emphasizing the main idea.
The decorations were accenting the theme of the gala.

Accenting the detail

Highlighting specific elements for attention.
The guide was accenting the detail in the architecture during the tour.

Accenting the pitch

Stressing the level of sound in speech or music.
Vocal coaches work on accenting the pitch for better singing performance.

Accenting the flavor

Enhancing the taste.
A pinch of salt can go a long way in accenting the flavor of a dish.

Accenting the style

Emphasizing the fashion or design.
Her unique jewelry was accenting the style of her outfit.

Accenting the rhythm

Stressing the tempo or pace.
The dance instructor focused on accenting the rhythm to improve synchronization.

Accenting Example Sentences

Accenting the living room with colorful artwork made it much more inviting.
The teacher focused on accenting the importance of reading in her curriculum.
The speaker was adept at accenting the humor in his stories.
He practiced accenting the correct syllables to improve his pronunciation.
Accenting traditional dishes with modern flavors was his specialty as a chef.
In music class, we learned the importance of accenting certain beats.
She enjoyed accenting her outfits with unique jewelry pieces.
Accenting the garden with lanterns created a magical evening atmosphere.
The editor recommended accenting the main arguments in the article for emphasis.
Accenting the landscape with native plants contributed to its natural beauty.
By accenting the positive outcomes, she motivated her team effectively.
The poet's technique of accenting particular words added depth to her poetry.
She had a knack for accenting even simple dishes with herbs to enhance their taste.
Accenting his speech with well-timed pauses, he captured the audience's attention.
He's really good at accenting the humor in even the most mundane stories.
The interior designer suggested accenting the hallway with a bold wallpaper.
Accenting the positive aspects of the proposal could make it more appealing.
The fashion show was all about accenting simplicity with elegant accessories.
By accenting the garden with lights, they created a magical nighttime environment.
She had a unique style of accenting the last syllable in certain words.
The teacher focused on accenting the importance of critical thinking in her classes.
The photographer's skill in accenting light and shadow brought the pictures to life.
Her way of accenting the final word in each sentence made her speeches memorable.
She enjoys accenting her outfits with vintage jewelry pieces.
The musician was careful in accenting the rhythm to maintain the piece's integrity.
The interior designer suggested accenting the walls with bold artwork.
The software highlights coding errors by accenting them in red.
He has a knack for accenting the right notes to bring emotion to his music.
Accenting cultural diversity in the workplace can lead to more creative solutions.
By accenting renewable resources, the company aims to reduce its carbon footprint.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in accenting?

The second syllable "cent" is the stressed syllable in "accenting."

How do we divide accenting into syllables?

Accenting is divided into syllables as "ac-cent-ing."

What is the root word of accenting?

The root of "accenting" is "accent," which comes from the Latin "accentus," meaning tone or signal.

Why is it called accenting?

It's called accenting because it involves emphasizing or highlighting certain aspects, whether in speech, music, or other forms.

How is accenting used in a sentence?

Accenting is used to describe the act of emphasizing certain elements, e.g., The teacher focused on accenting key points during the lecture.

How many syllables are in accenting?

There are three syllables in "accenting."

What is the pronunciation of accenting?

Accenting is pronounced as /ˈæk.sɛn.tɪŋ/.

What is the first form of accenting?

The first form is "accent," used as the base form of the verb.

What is another term for accenting?

Another term for accenting could be "emphasizing" or "highlighting."

What is the verb form of accenting?

The verb form is "accent," as in "to accent something."

What is the singular form of accenting?

The singular form is "accenting," as it refers to the action or process.

What is the opposite of accenting?

The opposite of accenting could be "understating" or "de-emphasizing."

Is accenting a negative or positive word?

Accenting is generally neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is accenting a vowel or consonant?

The word "accenting" starts with a vowel sound.

Is accenting a countable noun?

As a gerund, "accenting" is not typically counted and thus not a countable noun.

What is the third form of accenting?

The third form is also "accented," used as the past participle.

What is the plural form of accenting?

Accenting does not have a plural form as it is a verb or gerund.

Is accenting an adverb?

No, "accenting" is not an adverb.

Which vowel is used before accenting?

Typically, "an" is used before "accenting," as in "an accenting of themes."

What is the second form of accenting?

The second form is "accented," which is the simple past tense.

Is the accenting term a metaphor?

The term "accenting" can be used metaphorically to describe giving emphasis to something in various contexts.

Is the word accenting a Gerund?

Yes, when used as a noun, "accenting" acts as a gerund.

Which conjunction is used with accenting?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can connect clauses involving "accenting," e.g., "Accenting the positives and recognizing the negatives."

Which article is used with accenting?

Both "the" and "an" can be used with "accenting," depending on the context.

Is accenting a noun or adjective?

Accenting can be a verb or a gerund (noun form), but it is not an adjective.

Is accenting an abstract noun?

When used as a gerund, "accenting" can be considered an abstract noun as it refers to the concept or action of emphasizing.

Is the word “accenting” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Accenting" can serve as a direct object, e.g., "I appreciate your accenting of the main themes."

Which determiner is used with accenting?

Determiners such as "the" or "this" can be used with "accenting" when it functions as a gerund.

What part of speech is accenting?

"Accenting" is a verb when referring to the act of emphasizing.

Is accenting a collective noun?

No, "accenting" is not a collective noun.

Is the word accenting imperative?

"Accenting" can be used in the imperative mood, as in giving a command, e.g., "Start accenting the critical points more."

Which preposition is used with accenting?

Prepositions like "on" or "of" can be used with "accenting," e.g., "The focus on accenting key points was effective."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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