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Appreciate Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Appreciate" means to recognize the value or significance of something or someone, often leading to feelings of gratitude or admiration. e.g., She learned to appreciate the beauty of nature.

Appreciate Definitions

Appreciate pertains to fully enjoying or savoring something.
They appreciated the quiet evening at home.
Appreciate is used for acknowledging the good qualities of someone.
She appreciated his honesty in the conversation.
Appreciate describes expressing gratitude towards someone.
He wrote a note to appreciate her help.
Appreciate denotes recognizing and enjoying the unique qualities of something.
She appreciates a good book on a rainy day.
Appreciate involves showing recognition or thanks for an act.
The teacher appreciated the student's effort on the project.
Appreciate can refer to admiring or valuing something highly.
They appreciate the cultural diversity in their community.
To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of
Appreciated their freedom.
To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize
I appreciate your problems.
To be thankful or show gratitude for
I really appreciate your help.
To admire greatly; value.
To raise in value or price, especially over time.
To increase in value or price, especially over time.
(transitive) To be grateful or thankful for.
I appreciate your efforts
We sincerely appreciate your help.
Any aid will be warmly appreciated.
(transitive) To view as valuable.
You must learn to appreciate time
(transitive) To be fully conscious of; understand; be aware of; detect.
It is essential for the reader to appreciate how important this argument is.
I appreciate that what I'm asking you to do is very difficult.
To increase in value.
The value of his portfolio appreciated by 80% over eight years.
To set a price or value on; to estimate justly; to value.
To appreciate the motives of their enemies.
To raise the value of; to increase the market price of; - opposed to depreciate.
Lest a sudden peace should appreciate the money.
To be sensible of; to distinguish.
To test the power of bees to appreciate color.
Recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
Be fully aware of; realize fully;
Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?
Hold dear;
I prize these old photographs
Gain in value;
The yen appreciated again!
Increase the value of;
The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark
Appreciate means to be thankful for something.
He appreciated the support from his friends during tough times.
Appreciate refers to understanding the worth or importance of something.
As an artist, she appreciates the subtleties of color.
Appreciate can describe an increase in value over time.
The value of the painting has appreciated significantly.
Appreciate can mean to be sensitive to or aware of.
He appreciates the complexity of the situation.

Appreciate Snonyms


To acknowledge the existence, validity, or legality of.
Her contributions to science were finally recognized.


To consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance.
He truly values your friendship and support.


To regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval.
He admires her for her courage and determination.


To hold or treat as dear; feel love for.
She cherishes the memories of her childhood.


To accept or admit the existence or truth of.
She acknowledged the need for change.

Be grateful for

To feel or show an appreciation for something done or received.
They are grateful for the support during difficult times.


To regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration.
The community esteems her for her charitable work.


To keep carefully (a valuable or valued item).
He treasures the book she gave him.


To feel deep respect or admiration for something.
The soldier was revered as a hero.


To enjoy or appreciate (something pleasant) completely, especially by dwelling on it.
She savored every moment of her vacation.

Appreciate Idioms & Phrases

Learn to appreciate

To gradually recognize the value or importance of something.
He learned to appreciate classical music through his friend's influence.

Appreciate in value

To increase in worth over time.
The artwork she bought has appreciated in value significantly.

Appreciate the gesture

To recognize and be thankful for someone's effort or kindness.
Even though it was a small gift, she really appreciated the gesture.

Appreciate the moment

To fully enjoy and recognize the significance of the present time.
On top of the mountain, they took a moment to appreciate the view.

Appreciate the effort

To be thankful for the hard work someone has put into something.
The coach appreciated the effort the team put into the game, despite the loss.

Appreciate the difference

To recognize and value the distinct qualities between things.
After trying various cuisines, she began to appreciate the difference in flavors.

I'd appreciate it if

A polite way of asking someone to do something.
I'd appreciate it if you could send me the report by tomorrow.

Appreciate the importance

To understand and value the significance of something.
It's vital to appreciate the importance of voting in a democracy.

Appreciate the finer things

To enjoy and value high-quality and sophisticated items or experiences.
As he grew older, he began to appreciate the finer things in life, like good wine and art.

Appreciate the opportunity

To be thankful for a chance or experience that one has been given.
I really appreciate the opportunity to work on this project with you.

Fail to appreciate

To not recognize or undervalue the importance, worth, or significance of something.
He failed to appreciate the seriousness of the situation until it was too late.

Appreciate the support

To be thankful for the help or encouragement received from others.
We really appreciate the support from our community during the fundraiser.

Appreciate your patience

To be thankful for someone's calm endurance or tolerance.
We appreciate your patience as we work through the technical difficulties.

Appreciate your surroundings

To be aware of and enjoy the environment or setting one is in.
When you're hiking, it's important to take the time to appreciate your surroundings.

Appreciate the complexity

To understand and value the intricate and detailed nature of something.
As an engineer, he appreciates the complexity of designing a bridge.

Deeply appreciate

To have a profound sense of gratitude or recognition of value.
I deeply appreciate your advice and guidance over the years.

Hard to appreciate

Difficult to recognize the value or worth of something.
The subtleties of the novel are hard to appreciate on a first reading.

Come to appreciate

To gradually recognize the value of something over time.
She came to appreciate her hometown more after living abroad for several years.

Truly appreciate

To genuinely recognize and be grateful for something's value or someone's gesture.
I truly appreciate all the support you've given me during this time.

Appreciate Example Sentences

He appreciated the warm meal after a long day.
She began to appreciate the small things in life.
The community learned to appreciate the local wildlife.
She expressed how much she appreciates their friendship.
I appreciate every opportunity to learn.
I really appreciate your help with my homework.
We should appreciate the time we spend with family.
They appreciated the hard work of the volunteers.
They appreciated the peacefulness of the countryside.
The students appreciate when the teacher explains things clearly.
I appreciate your patience with me.
He appreciated the chance to try something new.
She appreciated the beauty of the sunset.
The audience appreciated the performance with a standing ovation.
He appreciated the thoughtful gift from his friend.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called appreciate?

"Appreciate" comes from the Latin "appretiare," meaning to appraise or value. It implies recognizing the worth or quality of something or someone.

How do we divide appreciate into syllables?

"Appreciate" is divided into syllables as ap-pre-ci-ate.

How is appreciate used in a sentence?

Example: "I really appreciate your help with the project."

What is the pronunciation of appreciate?

Appreciate is pronounced as /əˈpriːʃieɪt/.

What is the first form of appreciate?

The first form of "appreciate" is "appreciate."

What is the third form of appreciate?

The third form of "appreciate" is also "appreciated."

What is another term for appreciate?

Another term for "appreciate" is "value" or "acknowledge."

How many syllables are in appreciate?

There are four syllables in "appreciate."

What is a stressed syllable in appreciate?

The third syllable, "ci," is the stressed syllable in "appreciate."

What is the root word of appreciate?

The root word of "appreciate" is the Latin "appretiare."

What is the plural form of appreciate?

"Appreciate" does not have a plural form as it is a verb.

What is the singular form of appreciate?

"Appreciate" itself is the singular form as it is a verb.

What is the opposite of appreciate?

The opposite of "appreciate" could be "disregard" or "undervalue."

Is appreciate a noun or adjective?

"Appreciate" is a verb.

Which vowel is used before appreciate?

The choice of vowel before "appreciate" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

What is the verb form of appreciate?

"Appreciate" itself is a verb form.

What is the second form of appreciate?

The second form of "appreciate" is "appreciated."

Is the word “appreciate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Appreciate" is a verb and can act upon a direct object, but it is not an object itself.

What part of speech is appreciate?

"Appreciate" is a verb.

Is appreciate a negative or positive word?

"Appreciate" generally has a positive connotation.

Is appreciate a vowel or consonant?

"Appreciate" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with the vowel 'a'.

Is the word appreciate Gerund?

The gerund form of "appreciate" is "appreciating."

Is appreciate an adverb?

No, "appreciate" is not an adverb.

Is appreciate an abstract noun?

No, "appreciate" is a verb, not a noun.

Is appreciate a collective noun?

No, "appreciate" is not a collective noun.

Is the word appreciate is imperative?

"Appreciate" can be used in the imperative form as a command or request.

Which conjunction is used with appreciate?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "appreciate," depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with appreciate?

As a verb, "appreciate" does not typically require an article.

Is appreciate a countable noun?

"Appreciate" is not a noun; it's a verb, so it is not countable.

Is the appreciate term a metaphor?

"Appreciate" can be used metaphorically in some contexts to denote an increase in value or understanding.

Which determiner is used with appreciate?

As a verb, "appreciate" typically doesn't use a determiner.

Which preposition is used with appreciate?

Prepositions like "for" or "about" can be used with "appreciate," depending on the context.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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