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Arcus Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
Arcus refers to a low, horizontal cloud formation associated with thunderstorms, often appearing as a dark, dense roll or shelf at the storm's leading edge. e.g., The sky darkened as an arcus cloud approached.

Arcus Definitions

A roll cloud associated with a weather front.
The arcus stretched across the horizon.
A harbinger of a coming thunderstorm or tornado.
Everyone took shelter as the arcus approached.
A shelf-like cloud feature at a storm's forefront.
Photographers captured the impressive arcus.
A dense, horizontal cloud formation preceding a thunderstorm.
The arcus signaled the arrival of heavy rain.
A distinctive cloud type indicating strong winds.
The winds picked up as the arcus neared.
A meteorological term for specific storm-associated clouds.
The weather report warned of an approaching arcus.
A sign of approaching severe weather.
The arcus was visible from miles away.
An elongated cloud feature often seen in squall lines.
The arcus was followed by intense lightning.
(medicine) A white band of cholesterol that forms at the edge of the cornea
(meteorology) A low, horizontal cloud typically forming at the leading edge of thunderstorm outflow
(entomology) An elastic band around the base of the arolium, a pad at the end of the leg of certain insects
An arc-shaped whitish deposit sometimes seen in the cornea
A meteorological phenomenon forming a dark band.
The arcus cloud moved rapidly across the sky.
A cloud form appearing as a low, horizontal roll.
The arcus appeared just before the storm hit.

Arcus Snonyms


A part of the circumference of a circle or other curve.
The moon formed a perfect arc in the night sky, illuminating the landscape.

Weather Front

A boundary separating two masses of air of different densities, often associated with weather changes.
The weather front moved in quickly, bringing rain and cooler temperatures.

Horizon Band

A horizontal strip across the horizon, especially visible in meteorological conditions.
As the sun set, a vivid orange horizon band painted the sky with colors.

Atmospheric Phenomenon

A physical event or condition that occurs in the atmosphere.
Northern lights are an atmospheric phenomenon best observed in the polar regions.

Sky Arc

An arc-like formation or appearance in the sky, often related to cloud formations or weather patterns.
The sky arc of the approaching storm was both awe-inspiring and ominous.

Cloud Band

A long, extended strip of clouds across the sky.
The cloud band stretched from one horizon to the other, a clear sign of an approaching storm.

Cloud Arch

An arch-shaped cloud formation, indicating specific weather conditions.
The cloud arch signaled the arrival of a powerful storm system.


A curved line or shape resembling a bow, often used to describe arcs in the sky.
After the rain, a beautiful rainbow bow appeared in the sky.

Roll Cloud

A type of arcus cloud, a low, horizontal, tube-shaped, and relatively rare cloud formation.
The roll cloud stretched across the morning sky, an unusual and fascinating sight.

Shelf Cloud

A low, horizontal, wedge-shaped arcus cloud, associated with a thunderstorm gust front.
The shelf cloud loomed ominously over the town, warning of the severe storm to come.

Arcus Idioms & Phrases

Arcus of change

An indication or symbol of a major shift or transformation.
The social movement was the arcus of change in the nation's politics.

Under the arcus

Being in a situation that presages significant change or tumult, akin to the weather change an arcus cloud predicts.
As the election day approached, the whole country felt like it was under the arcus.

Arcus of hope

A symbol or sign that heralds a positive and significant change.
The peace treaty was an arcus of hope for the war-torn region.

Arcus of conflict

A looming or approaching period of discord or strife.
The political tension was the arcus of conflict, threatening to disrupt the peace.

Arcus of progress

A symbol of sweeping and comprehensive advancement.
The new reforms represented an arcus of progress in the industry.

Arcus of history

A significant and wide-ranging course of historical events.
The revolution was an arcus of history, altering the nation's path.

Arcus of creativity

A broad and impressive display of creative work or talent.
The art exhibition was an arcus of creativity, showcasing diverse styles and mediums.

Arcus in the sky

A sign or indication of imminent change or an impending event.
The sudden shift in public opinion was like an arcus in the sky, signaling a new era.

Arcus of innovation

A wide-ranging and impactful wave of new ideas and inventions.
The technological boom was an arcus of innovation, changing everyday life.

Arcus of ambition

A metaphorical reference to a lofty or expansive goal.
His business plan was like an arcus of ambition, stretching far and wide.

Arcus of ideas

A broad and impressive range of thoughts or concepts.
The conference was an arcus of ideas, covering topics from technology to philosophy.

Arcus of discovery

A significant and comprehensive journey of finding new knowledge or places.
The expedition was an arcus of discovery, unveiling unknown lands.

Arcus of challenges

A series of difficult or demanding situations that are approaching or need to be addressed.
The team faced an arcus of challenges in the upcoming project.

Arcus of emotions

A wide range of intense feelings or emotional states.
During the ceremony, there was an arcus of emotions, from joy to sadness.

Arcus of transition

A period or phase that signifies major change or transformation.
The country was going through an arcus of transition, moving towards a new political system.

Arcus of influence

A broad extent of impact or sway held by a person or group.
The philosopher's teachings formed an arcus of influence that spanned centuries.

Arcus of dreams

A wide array of hopes and aspirations.
For many, the city represented an arcus of dreams, full of possibilities.

Ride the arcus

To take advantage of a powerful trend or movement.
The company rode the arcus of digital transformation to achieve success.

Arcus of the future

A symbol or indication of what the future may hold.
The rapid advancements in AI technology were the arcus of the future.

Arcus of uncertainty

A situation or period that indicates or foreshadows unpredictability or instability.
The fluctuating market created an arcus of uncertainty for investors.

Arcus Example Sentences

As the storm approached, a large arcus formed.
The arcus cloud loomed ominously in the sky.
The arcus heralded the arrival of a powerful storm.
Campers noticed the arcus and quickly packed up.
The fishermen headed back as the arcus appeared.
The arcus brought strong gusts of wind with it.
Birds flew away as the arcus cloud approached.
The arcus stretched from one end of the town to the other.
The arcus appeared like a dark, rolling wave.
As the parade began, an arcus cloud was forming.
The arcus was clearly visible from the mountaintop.
People took photos of the dramatic arcus cloud.
The sight of the arcus made everyone uneasy.
The arcus signaled it was time to seek shelter.
The weather changed rapidly when the arcus arrived.

Common Curiosities

How is arcus used in a sentence?

Example: "The meteorologist pointed out the arcus cloud approaching the region."

Why is it called arcus?

"Arcus" is called so because it comes from the Latin word for "arch" or "bow," referring to its curved or arched shape.

What is the verb form of arcus?

"Arcus" is a noun and does not have a direct verb form.

How many syllables are in arcus?

There are two syllables in "arcus."

What is a stressed syllable in arcus?

The stressed syllable in "arcus" is the first one: ar-.

What is the singular form of arcus?

The singular form is "arcus."

How do we divide arcus into syllables?

"Arcus" is divided into syllables as "ar-cus."

What is the pronunciation of arcus?

Arcus is pronounced as /ˈɑr.kəs/.

What is another term for arcus?

Another term for "arcus" could be "arch cloud" or "arcus cloud."

What is the root word of arcus?

The root word of "arcus" is the Latin "arcus," meaning arch or bow.

Is arcus a noun or adjective?

"Arcus" is a noun.

Is arcus a negative or positive word?

"Arcus" is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is arcus a collective noun?

"Arcus" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word “arcus” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Arcus" can serve as a direct object in a sentence, e.g., "We studied the arcus during the meteorology class."

Is the arcus term a metaphor?

"Arcus" is generally used literally to describe a cloud formation, though it could be used metaphorically in creative contexts.

Is the word arcus Gerund?

No, "arcus" is a noun and not a gerund.

Which vowel is used before arcus?

The use of a vowel before "arcus" depends on the context and the preceding word.

What part of speech is arcus?

"Arcus" is a noun.

Is arcus an adverb?

No, "arcus" is not an adverb.

Is arcus an abstract noun?

"Arcus" is a concrete noun, referring to a specific type of cloud formation.

What is the opposite of arcus?

There isn't a direct opposite for "arcus" as it describes a specific meteorological phenomenon.

Is arcus a vowel or consonant?

"Arcus" is a word, not a single vowel or consonant.

Is arcus a countable noun?

"Arcus" can be considered a countable noun when referring to individual cloud formations.

Is the word arcus imperative?

No, "arcus" is a noun and cannot be imperative.

Which conjunction is used with arcus?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "arcus."

What is the plural form of arcus?

The plural form is "arcus" or "arcuses," depending on the context.

Which determiner is used with arcus?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "this" can be used with "arcus."

Which preposition is used with arcus?

Prepositions like "in," "with," or "of" can be used with "arcus."

Which article is used with arcus?

The articles "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "arcus," depending on the context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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