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Assess Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Assess" means to evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of something. e.g., The teacher needed to assess the students' projects for the science fair.

Assess Definitions

Assess refers to evaluating the worth or importance of something.
The appraiser came to assess the antique furniture.
Assess describes making an informed judgment or analysis.
The doctor needed to assess the patient's symptoms.
Assess can mean to review and evaluate work or performance.
The manager will assess your work at the end of the month.
Assess involves checking or scrutinizing something for a specific purpose.
They assess the safety measures in the building.
Assess means to judge the value or character of something.
They assess the condition of the car before buying it.
Assess can refer to determining the tax or charge on property or income.
The government will assess taxes based on income.
Assess is used for estimating or calculating the rate or amount of something.
The city council will assess the cost of the new park.
Assess pertains to appraising or measuring skills or knowledge.
The exam was used to assess the students' understanding of math.
To determine the value, significance, or extent of; appraise.
To estimate the value of (property) for taxation.
To set or determine the amount of (a payment, such as a tax or fine).
To charge (a person or property) with a special payment, such as a tax or fine.
(Sports) To charge (a player, coach, or team) with a foul or penalty.
(transitive) To determine, estimate or judge the value of; to evaluate
He assessed the situation.
(transitive) To impose or charge, especially as punishment for an infraction.
The referee assessed a penalty for delaying the game.
A $10.00 late fee will be assessed on all overdue accounts.
(transitive) To calculate and demand (the tax money due) from a person or entity.
Once you've submitted a tax return, the Tax Department will assess the amount of tax you still owe.
To value; to make a valuation or official estimate of for the purpose of taxation.
To apportion a sum to be paid by (a person, a community, or an estate), in the nature of a tax, fine, etc.; to impose a tax upon (a person, an estate, or an income) according to a rate or apportionment.
To determine and impose a tax or fine upon (a person, community, estate, or income); to tax; as, the club assessed each member twenty-five cents.
To fix or determine the rate or amount of.
This sum is assessed and raised upon individuals by commissioners in the act.
Place a value on; judge the worth of something;
I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional
Charge (a person or a property) with a payment, such as a tax or a fine
Set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
Estimate the value of (property) for taxation;
Our house hasn't been assessed in years
Assess can describe the process of determining the extent of something.
The team had to assess the damage after the storm.
Assess denotes the action of considering or examining something.
Scientists assess data to reach a conclusion.

Assess Snonyms


To form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth, amount, size, weight, etc., of something.
She estimated the crowd to be over a thousand.


To examine methodically by separating into parts and studying their interrelations.
Scientists analyze the data to reach conclusions.


To form an opinion or conclusion about.
It's difficult to judge the impact of the new law at this stage.


To estimate the value, nature, quality, or importance of.
The expert appraised the painting at a high value.


To think carefully about (something), especially for making a decision.
You should consider all the facts before making a choice.


To assign a standard or value to something according to a particular scale.
Films are rated according to their suitability for various audiences.


To go over or examine critically or deliberately.
The board will review the findings of the investigation.


To judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of something.
The committee will evaluate the proposals submitted.


To measure or determine with a gauge; to estimate.
He gauged the depth of the water before diving in.


To ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units.
The scientists measure the temperature daily for their research.

Assess Idioms & Phrases

Assess the situation

To evaluate or analyze the current state or condition of something.
Before making a decision, it's important to assess the situation carefully.

Time to assess

A period dedicated to evaluation or analysis.
After gathering all the data, they took time to assess their findings.

Assess the risk

To evaluate the potential dangers or problems associated with a situation or action.
The investors needed to assess the risk before committing their funds.

Hard to assess

Difficult to evaluate or judge.
The impact of the new policy is hard to assess at this early stage.

Assess the feasibility

To evaluate how practical or possible an idea or plan is.
Before starting the project, they needed to assess the feasibility of their approach.

Assess and address

To evaluate a situation and then deal with or respond to it.
The committee's plan is to assess and address the issues raised by the community.

Assess the damage

To evaluate the extent or severity of harm or destruction.
After the storm, they went outside to assess the damage to their property.

Assess from all angles

To evaluate something thoroughly, considering all possible perspectives.
It’s critical to assess the proposal from all angles before making a decision.

Assess one's options

To evaluate or consider different choices or courses of action.
She took time to assess her options before choosing a university.

Assess the impact

To evaluate the effect or influence of an action or event.
Scientists are working to assess the impact of climate change on marine life.

Assess the need

To determine the necessity or demand for something.
The first step in the project was to assess the need for additional resources.

Assess one's capabilities

To evaluate one's abilities or potential.
The training program helped her assess her capabilities in leadership.

Assess and proceed

To evaluate a situation and then move forward based on that assessment.
After assessing the market trends, they decided to proceed with the product launch.

Continually assess

To evaluate or review something on an ongoing basis.
In a rapidly changing market, companies must continually assess their strategies.

Assess the value

To determine the worth or significance of something.
Appraisers were called in to assess the value of the antique furniture.

Assess the outcome

To evaluate the results or consequences of an action or event.
After the campaign, the team gathered to assess the outcome of their efforts.

Assess on merit

To evaluate based on quality or worthiness rather than external factors.
The judge promised to assess each entry on merit.

Assess one's strengths

To evaluate or judge one’s own capabilities or strong points.
As part of the training, participants were asked to assess their strengths and weaknesses.

Assess with care

To evaluate something attentively and thoughtfully.
The experts assessed the ancient manuscript with care to avoid damage.

Assess Example Sentences

The mechanic assesses the engine to find the problem.
Teachers assess students' homework to check their progress.
The survey was conducted to assess public opinion.
The instructor needed to assess the effectiveness of the training.
The coach had to assess each player's skills.
Scientists assess the results of their experiments.
To assess his health, he went for a check-up.
She took a moment to assess her options carefully.
They assess the environmental impact of the construction.
He assesses the market trends for his business plan.
The team assesses the risks before starting the project.
The committee assesses applications for the scholarship.
Before starting, they needed to assess the project's requirements.
Parents assess their child's school for quality education.
The art teacher assesses students' creativity in their work.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in assess?

There are two syllables in "assess."

Why is it called assess?

It is called "assess" from the Latin "assessus," meaning "to sit beside" (as a judge does), which evolved to mean to evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of something.

How is assess used in a sentence?

"The teacher needed to assess the students' homework before the end of the week."

What is the pronunciation of assess?

Assess is pronounced as /əˈsɛs/.

What is the root word of assess?

The root word is the Latin "assessus," stemming from "assidēre," which means "to sit beside."

What is the first form of assess?

The first form (present tense) is "assess."

What is the third form of assess?

The third form (past participle) is "assessed."

How do we divide assess into syllables?

Assess is divided into syllables as as-sess.

What is a stressed syllable in assess?

The stressed syllable in "assess" is "sess."

What part of speech is assess?

"Assess" is a verb.

What is the opposite of assess?

The opposite of "assess" could be "ignore" or "overlook."

Is assess an abstract noun?

"Assess" is a verb and not a noun, so it cannot be an abstract noun.

Is assess a countable noun?

"Assess" is not a noun; it's a verb and therefore not countable.

Which determiner is used with assess?

Determiners are not typically used directly with verbs like "assess."

What is the verb form of assess?

The verb form is "assess," as in "to assess."

Is assess a negative or positive word?

"Assess" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is assess a collective noun?

No, "assess" is not a noun and therefore cannot be a collective noun.

Is the word “assess” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Assess" is a verb and can take a direct object, e.g., "Assess the project," but it is not used as a direct or indirect object itself.

What is the second form of assess?

The second form (simple past tense) is "assessed."

What is the singular form of assess?

As a verb, "assess" remains the same in both singular and plural subjects.

What is the plural form of assess?

As a verb, "assess" does not change form for plural subjects.

Is the assess term a metaphor?

"Assess" can be used metaphorically in contexts where evaluation or judgment is implied rather than literal.

Which preposition is used with assess?

Prepositions like "for," "of," or "in" can be used with "assess," depending on the context, e.g., "assess for accuracy," "assess the value of," or "assess in terms of efficiency."

Which conjunction is used with assess?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "assess" in complex sentences.

What is another term for assess?

Another term for "assess" is "evaluate."

Is assess a noun or adjective?

"Assess" is a verb, not a noun or adjective.

Is assess an adverb?

No, "assess" is not an adverb.

Is assess a vowel or consonant?

The word "assess" starts with a vowel sound "a."

Is the word assess Gerund?

The gerund form of "assess" is "assessing," which functions as a noun.

Which vowel is used before assess?

Articles or vowels before verbs like "assess" depend on the sentence structure, not the verb itself.

Is the word assess imperative?

"Assess" can be used in the imperative form to give a command or instruction, e.g., "Assess the situation carefully."

Which article is used with assess?

Articles are not typically used directly with verbs like "assess." However, in the gerund form "assessing," "the" can be used, e.g., "The assessing of applications takes time."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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