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Belong Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Published on March 10, 2024
Belong means to be in the right place or a suitable place, or to be a member of a group, organization, or set. e.g., The book belongs on the shelf.

Belong Definitions

To be the property of a person or thing.
That coat belongs to Mark.
To be a member of a group, organization, or community.
She belongs to a book club.
To fit in a specific environment, situation, or context.
He feels like he belongs in the countryside.
To be suitable, appropriate, or fitting.
Respect belongs in every conversation.
To be rightly placed or classified within a specific category.
This topic belongs under the heading of Biology.
To be attached or connected by birth, allegiance, or dependency.
They belong to a noble family.
To have a proper or specific place.
The glasses belong in the cupboard.
To be emotionally or mentally attached.
My heart belongs to my hometown.
To be a part of, or be in the right or appropriate place.
This piece belongs in the puzzle.
To have an affinity or natural connection.
These traditions belong with our cultural heritage.
To be proper, appropriate, or suitable
A napkin belongs at every place setting.
To be in an appropriate situation or environment
That plant belongs outdoors.
To be a member of a group, such as a club.
To fit into a group naturally
No matter what I did, I just didn't belong.
To be owned by someone. Often used with to
"The earth belongs to the living" (Thomas Jefferson).
To be a part of something else
These blades belong to the food processor.
(intransitive) To have its proper place.
Where does this document belong?
(of a person) To be accepted in a group.
You don’t belong here — get out.
(followed by to) To be a part of a group.
I don’t belong to them!
To be part of, or the property of.
That house belongs to me.
To be the spouse or partner of. en
(followed by to) To be an element of (a set). The symbol \in means belongs to.
To be deserved by.
Of, belonging to.
To be the property of; as, Jamaica belongs to Great Britain.
To be a part of, or connected with; to be appendant or related; to owe allegiance or service.
A desert place belonging to . . . Bethsaids.
The mighty men which belonged to David.
To be the concern or proper business or function of; to appertain to.
To be suitable for; to be due to.
Strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age.
No blame belongs to thee.
To be native to, or an inhabitant of; esp. to have a legal residence, settlement, or inhabitancy, whether by birth or operation of law, so as to be entitled to maintenance by the parish or town.
Bastards also are settled in the parishes to which the mothers belong.
To be deserved by.
More evils belong us than happen to us.
Be owned by; be in the possession of;
This book belongs to me
Originate (in);
The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country
Be suitable or acceptable;
This student somehow doesn't belong
Be in the right place or situation;
Where do these books belong?
Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government
Where do these books go?
Be classified with;
The whales belong among the mammals

Belong Snonyms


To correspond or cause to correspond in some essential respect.
The curtains match the carpet in the room.


To act in accordance or harmony; comply.
He conforms to the rules of the game.


To be the right size or shape for someone or something.
This key fits the lock perfectly.


To connect or bring into relation, as thought, feeling, memory, etc.
Most people associate this music with their childhood.


To be in agreement or harmony.
His views accord with mine.


To bring together or incorporate into a whole.
The new software integrates well with the existing system.


To dwell permanently or continuously.
She resides in a lovely old farmhouse.


To bring into harmony, accord, or agreement.
The new regulations harmonize with the current standards.


To be appropriate for; befit.
This time suits me fine for the meeting.


To establish a social or sympathetic relationship with someone.
She relates well to her students.

Belong Idioms & Phrases

Belong together

To be suitably associated with each other; to complement each other well.
Those two really belong together; they're such a good match.

Belong to the ages

To be part of history; to be remembered by posterity.
His contributions will belong to the ages.

Feel like you belong

To feel accepted and comfortable in a particular place or group.
It took a while, but I now feel like I belong in this city.

Belong with

To be suitably placed with or matched with something else.
That painting belongs with the rest of the collection.

This doesn't belong

Indicating that something is out of place or inappropriate for the context.
This modern sculpture doesn't belong in a medieval castle.

Belong under

To be classified under a certain category or area.
This document belongs under 'Confidential Files'.

Right where you belong

In the ideal or most appropriate place.
With your skills, you're right where you belong in the design team.

Belong Example Sentences

These ancient artifacts belong in a museum.
His beliefs belong to an earlier era.
I belong to a local reading group.
The keys belong on the hook by the door.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in belong?

There are two syllables in "belong."

How do we divide belong into syllables?

"Belong" is divided into syllables as "be-long."

What is a stressed syllable in belong?

The stressed syllable in "belong" is the second syllable, "long."

How is belong used in a sentence?

"Belong" is used to indicate association, ownership, or the right place for something or someone, e.g., This book belongs in the library.

What is the pronunciation of belong?

"Belong" is pronounced as /bɪˈlɒŋ/ in British English and /bɪˈlɔːŋ/ in American English.

What is another term for belong?

Another term for "belong" could be "fit in" or "be part of."

Why is it called belong?

The term "belong" comes from the Middle English "belongen," which means "to be proper or suitable." It is used to indicate being in the right place, being part of something, or having a rightful association.

What is the root word of belong?

The root of "belong" is the Middle English "belongen," which is related to the concept of suitability or being proper.

What is the first form of belong?

The first form of "belong" is "belong," which is the base form.

What is the verb form of belong?

"Belong" itself is a verb. It does not have traditional tense forms like "belonged" for the past because it is often used in its base form to express a state of being.

What is the singular form of belong?

"Belong" is already in its singular form as a verb.

Is belong an adverb?

No, "belong" is not an adverb; it's a verb.

Is belong a negative or positive word?

"Belong" is neutral; its positive or negative connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is belong a vowel or consonant?

The word "belong" starts with a consonant.

Is belong a noun or adjective?

"Belong" is a verb.

Is the belong term a metaphor?

"Belong" can be used metaphorically to describe a sense of fitting in or being part of something larger than oneself.

Is the word “belong” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Belong" is a verb, so it does not serve as a direct or indirect object, but it can indicate possession or association, e.g., "The book belongs to me."

What is the second form of belong?

The second form, used for simple past tense, is "belonged."

What is the third form of belong?

The third form, used as the past participle, is also "belonged."

What part of speech is belong?

"Belong" is a verb.

Is belong a countable noun?

"Belong" is not a noun; it is a verb, so it does not have a countable form.

Is belong a collective noun?

No, "belong" is not a noun; it is a verb and does not have a collective form.

Is the word belong a Gerund?

When used with -ing, as in "belonging," it functions as a gerund or a present participle.

Which determiner is used with belong?

As a verb, "belong" does not directly take a determiner, but determiners can be used with the subject or the object of the sentence, e.g., "This book belongs to the oldest library."

Which vowel is used before belong?

The vowel or consonant used before "belong" depends on the preceding word in a sentence, not a specific rule for "belong."

Which preposition is used with belong?

Common prepositions used with "belong" include "to" when indicating possession and "in" or "with" when indicating association, e.g., "belongs to" or "belongs in/with."

Which conjunction is used with belong?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used in sentences with "belong," depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with belong?

As a verb, "belong" does not directly take an article, but an article may be used with its object, depending on the context, e.g., "The book belongs to the library."

What is the plural form of belong?

As a verb, "belong" does not have a plural form, but its usage varies with the subject (e.g., "I belong," "we belong").

What is the opposite of belong?

The opposite of "belong" could be "differ" or "be out of place."

Is belong an abstract noun?

No, "belong" is a verb, so it cannot be an abstract noun.

Is the word belong imperative?

"Belong" can be used in the imperative mood as a command, but it is less common, e.g., "Belong to our cause!"

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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