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Cautiously Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Cautiously" means acting with care and caution to avoid risk or danger. e.g., She stepped cautiously on the slippery rocks near the river.

Cautiously Definitions

Cautiously refers to acting with careful forethought.
He cautiously planned the trip to avoid any problems.
Cautiously means proceeding with alertness and prudence.
The hikers moved cautiously through the dense forest.
Cautiously involves taking actions to minimize risks.
She invested her money cautiously to protect her savings.
Cautiously pertains to being careful not to cause harm.
The nurse cautiously administered the medication.
Cautiously denotes taking careful steps to avoid danger.
The climber cautiously navigated the treacherous path.
Cautiously is used for moving or acting in a guarded way.
The cat cautiously approached the unfamiliar visitor.
Cautiously describes doing something with hesitation or wariness.
He cautiously opened the old, creaky door.
Cautiously involves acting with deliberate care to avoid mistakes.
The mechanic cautiously checked each part of the engine.
Cautiously can mean being circumspect in one's actions.
She answered the questions cautiously during the interview.
Showing or practicing caution; careful.
Tentative or restrained; guarded
Felt a cautious optimism that the offer would be accepted.
In a cautious manner.
In a cautious manner.
With caution or prudence or tact;
She ventured cautiously downstairs
They handled the incident with kid gloves
In a conservative manner;
We estimated the number of demonstrators conservatively at 200,000.
Cautiously can refer to behaving in a vigilant manner.
They cautiously watched the weather before setting sail.

Cautiously Snonyms


Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
He prudently invested his savings in low-risk stocks.


In a way that shows a lack of trust; suspiciously.
She looked warily around the dark parking lot.


In a careful or cautious manner.
He gingerly stepped over the broken glass on the floor.


In a careful and prudent manner, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment.
She discreetly asked about the surprise party plans.


With much thought or care.
She carefully placed the glass vase on the shelf.


With good judgement or sense.
She judiciously decided to wait for more information before taking action.


With hesitation or uncertainty; not definite or positive.
She tentatively agreed to the proposal, pending further details.


In a state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
The guard vigilantly monitored the CCTV footage.


In a cautious and reserved way.
He guardedly answered the questions, careful not to reveal too much.


In a way that is averse to change or innovation and holds traditional values.
They dressed conservatively for the interview.

Cautiously Idioms & Phrases

Approach cautiously

To deal with a situation or person in a careful and thoughtful way.
He cautiously approached the topic to avoid offending anyone.

Cautiously optimistic

Being hopeful about the future while still being aware of potential problems.
The team was cautiously optimistic about the success of the new product.

Tread cautiously

To proceed with careful consideration to avoid mistakes or danger.
In negotiations, it's best to tread cautiously.

Act cautiously

To do something with careful consideration and awareness of the risks.
In such sensitive matters, it's important to act cautiously.

Cautiously advance

To move forward slowly and with care.
The explorers cautiously advanced into the unknown terrain.

Navigate cautiously

To proceed carefully, especially in complex or risky situations.
She navigated the political landscape cautiously.

Cautiously optimistic approach

Taking actions with a hopeful but careful and realistic attitude.
The doctor had a cautiously optimistic approach towards the patient's recovery.

Invest cautiously

To put money into ventures or stocks while being mindful of the risks.
Given the market volatility, he decided to invest cautiously.

Cautiously hopeful

Having hope for a good outcome while recognizing potential difficulties.
They were cautiously hopeful about the success of the peace talks.

Cautiously engage

To become involved in a situation or activity with caution.
They cautiously engaged with the new partners to build trust.

Speak cautiously

To choose one’s words carefully to avoid misunderstanding or offense.
During the interview, she spoke cautiously to avoid any misinterpretation.

Decide cautiously

To make decisions with careful thought and consideration of the consequences.
Given the complexity of the issue, she had to decide cautiously.

Cautiously curious

Being interested in learning more about something but maintaining a careful approach.
He was cautiously curious about the ancient ruins.

Cautiously step forward

To move ahead slowly and with care to avoid mistakes.
In his new role, he cautiously stepped forward.

Cautiously proceed

To continue with an action while being careful to avoid problems.
The committee decided to cautiously proceed with the plan.

Cautiously explore

To examine or investigate something carefully and with caution.
The scientists cautiously explored the new theory.

Plan cautiously

To prepare for something with careful thought and attention to detail.
For such a high-risk project, they had to plan cautiously.

Cautiously approachable

Being open to interaction but with a sense of caution and reservation.
The CEO was known to be cautiously approachable by his employees.

Cautiously guard

To protect or defend something with careful vigilance.
The museum cautiously guarded its most valuable artifacts.

Cautiously test the waters

To try something new in a careful and tentative manner to gauge reactions or results.
Before fully committing, they cautiously tested the waters with a pilot program.

Cautiously Example Sentences

The bird cautiously pecked at the food on the ground.
He cautiously stepped onto the icy sidewalk.
She cautiously tasted the new dish she made.
They cautiously explored the old, abandoned house.
He cautiously agreed to the terms of the agreement.
The children cautiously approached the sleeping dog.
The tourists cautiously walked around the ancient ruins.
He cautiously examined the mysterious object.
She cautiously balanced on the narrow beam.
She opened the letter cautiously, unsure of its contents.
The squirrel cautiously approached the bird feeder.
The deer cautiously crossed the quiet street.
The driver cautiously navigated the foggy road.
She cautiously adjusted the settings on the machine.
The students cautiously answered the difficult test questions.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in cautiously?

The stressed syllable in "cautiously" is "cau."

How many syllables are in cautiously?

There are three syllables in "cautiously."

Why is it called cautiously?

It is called "cautiously" because it describes an action done with caution, derived from the word "caution," meaning care taken to avoid danger or mistakes.

What is the first form of cautiously?

As an adverb, "cautiously" does not have forms like verbs do. The base form of the related verb is "caution."

What is the root word of cautiously?

The root word of "cautiously" is "caution."

What is the singular form of cautiously?

"Cautiously" does not have a singular or plural form as it is an adverb.

What is the second form of cautiously?

There isn't a second form for "cautiously" as it is not a verb. The second form of the related verb "caution" would be "cautioned."

How is cautiously used in a sentence?

"She stepped cautiously onto the icy sidewalk."

What is the verb form of cautiously?

The verb form related to "cautiously" is "caution."

How do we divide cautiously into syllables?

Cautiously is divided into syllables as cau-tious-ly.

What is the pronunciation of cautiously?

Cautiously is pronounced as /ˈkɔː.ʃə

What is the plural form of cautiously?

Adverbs like "cautiously" do not have plural forms.

Is cautiously a negative or positive word?

"Cautiously" is neutral, but it can have positive connotations in contexts where caution is prudent.

Is cautiously a vowel or consonant?

"Cautiously" starts with a consonant sound ("c").

Is the word cautiously imperative?

No, "cautiously" is an adverb and cannot be imperative. Imperatives are verb forms used for commands or requests.

What is another term for cautiously?

Another term for "cautiously" is "carefully."

Is cautiously an adverb?

Yes, "cautiously" is an adverb.

Is cautiously a collective noun?

No, "cautiously" is not a noun and therefore not a collective noun.

Is the word cautiously Gerund?

No, "cautiously" is not a gerund. Gerunds are noun forms of verbs ending in "-ing."

Which vowel is used before cautiously?

Vowels and articles are not used before adverbs like "cautiously."

Which preposition is used with cautiously?

Prepositions are not directly associated with adverbs like "cautiously," but "cautiously" can follow prepositions in a sentence, depending on the context.

What is the third form of cautiously?

There isn't a third form for "cautiously" as it is not a verb. The third form of the related verb "caution" would also be "cautioned."

What is the opposite of cautiously?

The opposite of "cautiously" could be "recklessly" or "carelessly."

Is cautiously a noun or adjective?

"Cautiously" is neither a noun nor an adjective; it is an adverb.

Is cautiously an abstract noun?

No, "cautiously" is not a noun; it is an adverb.

Is cautiously a countable noun?

"Cautiously" is not a noun, so it is neither countable nor uncountable.

What part of speech is cautiously?

"Cautiously" is an adverb.

Is the cautiously term a metaphor?

"Cautiously" can be used metaphorically in contexts where caution is implied rather than literal.

Is the word “cautiously” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Cautiously" cannot be a direct or indirect object as it is an adverb, not a noun.

Which determiner is used with cautiously?

Determiners are not typically used with adverbs like "cautiously."

Which conjunction is used with cautiously?

Any conjunction can be used with "cautiously" depending on the sentence structure, such as "and," "but," or "or."

Which article is used with cautiously?

Articles are not used with adverbs like "cautiously."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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