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Cheeky Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Cheeky" describes a person or behavior that is boldly impudent or irreverent, often in a playful or amusing way. e.g., His cheeky grin made everyone laugh.

Cheeky Definitions

Cheeky means showing a lack of respect or politeness in a playful manner.
The cheeky child stuck out his tongue at his sister.
Cheeky describes acting in a mischievous or teasing manner.
She had a cheeky way of winking while telling a joke.
Cheeky can mean showing confident and sometimes rude behavior.
The actor's cheeky remarks raised some eyebrows.
Cheeky can describe playful irreverence or sassiness.
He gave a cheeky reply to the teacher's question.
Cheeky pertains to exhibiting boldness or audacity humorously.
The comedian's cheeky humor delighted the audience.
Cheeky involves being playfully disrespectful.
The cheeky student often disrupted the class with witty remarks.
Cheeky can refer to being daringly bold.
The cheeky challenge of authority was unexpected.
Cheeky refers to being impertinent but endearing.
Her cheeky comments always lightened the mood.
Cheeky is used for someone who is amusingly insolent.
The puppy's cheeky behavior made everyone smile.
Impertinently bold; impudent and saucy.
(informal) Impudent; impertinent; impertinently bold, often in a way that is regarded as endearing or amusing.
Tending to expose the cheeks of the buttocks.
(Australian Aboriginal) Poisonous (of animals such as snakes), dangerous, cunning, violent, potent.
Indulged in.
A Brazen-faced; impudent; bold.
Offensively bold;
A brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club
A nervy thing to say
Cheeky denotes being brashly self-confident.
His cheeky confidence won him many friends.

Cheeky Snonyms


Bold and without shame.
He made a brazen attempt to steal the spotlight.


Lively, bold, and full of spirit; cheeky.
Her sassy comeback made everyone laugh.


Showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.
His bold approach to business was admired by many.


Causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
His mischievous grin was a prelude to the prank he had planned.


Not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.
His impudent remark earned him a reprimand from the teacher.


Impertinent; flippant.
Her saucy replies suggest she's not intimidated by authority.


Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.
She was suspended for her insolent attitude towards the teacher.


Presumptuously bold; impertinent.
The student's fresh behavior got him in trouble.


Showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.
Her audacious spirit was infectious.


Showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously.
His irreverent jokes sometimes offended the more conservative members of the audience.

Cheeky Idioms & Phrases

Cheeky charm

An appealing quality that involves being boldly playful.
She couldn’t resist his cheeky charm.

Cheeky question

An inquiry that is impudently bold.
He surprised everyone with a cheeky question during the interview.

Cheeky reply

A response that is impudently bold or playful.
Her cheeky reply lightened the mood of the meeting.

Cheeky jest

A joke or comment that is playfully disrespectful or bold.
His cheeky jest caught everyone off guard but made them laugh.

Cheeky defiance

Bold resistance characterized by playfulness or impudence.
Her cheeky defiance of the rules endeared her to her peers.

A cheeky grin

A bold or impudent smile.
He wore a cheeky grin after outsmarting his opponent.

Cheeky behavior

Actions that are playfully impudent or audacious.
The child's cheeky behavior amused the guests.

Cheeky attitude

A confident and sometimes impertinent behavior.
His cheeky attitude often got him noticed.

Cheeky move

An action that is boldly impertinent or playful.
Making a cheeky move, he stole the last piece of pizza.

Cheeky comment

A remark that is playfully audacious or impudent.
The comedian's cheeky comment had the audience roaring with laughter.

Cheeky comeback

A quick, witty, and bold response.
He had a cheeky comeback for every criticism.

Cheeky challenge

A playful and bold task or provocation.
The game involved a cheeky challenge that required daring and wit.

Cheeky confidence

A form of self-assurance that includes a playful or impudent edge.
Her cheeky confidence made her stand out in the audition.

Cheeky wink

A playful or mischievous signal made by closing one eye briefly.
She gave a cheeky wink as she told the joke.

Cheeky surprise

An unexpected event characterized by audacity or playfulness.
They planned a cheeky surprise for his birthday, knowing he'd appreciate the humor.

Cheeky gesture

A bold or impudent action that communicates a playful message.
His cheeky gesture during the photo caught everyone by surprise.

Cheeky expression

A facial look that suggests playfulness or impudence.
His cheeky expression made it hard to be angry at him.

Cheeky mimicry

Playfully impudent imitation or mockery.
Her cheeky mimicry of their teacher had all the students laughing.

Cheeky banter

Light-hearted, playful, and slightly impudent conversation.
The friends engaged in cheeky banter throughout the evening.

Cheeky adventure

A daring or bold escapade that involves a playful attitude.
They set off on a cheeky adventure, ready to explore the unknown.

Cheeky Example Sentences

She sent a cheeky text, making him chuckle.
She wore a cheeky smile during the game.
The cheeky parrot mimicked everything we said.
His cheeky attitude sometimes got him into trouble.
The cheeky child hid his broccoli under the napkin.
He made a cheeky comment during the speech.
The mascot's cheeky dance entertained the crowd.
He had a cheeky way of dodging questions.
His cheeky response to the challenge was unexpected.
Her cheeky personality made her popular among friends.
The dog had a cheeky habit of stealing socks.
The advertisement was clever and cheeky.
The students' cheeky prank surprised the teachers.
She gave him a cheeky wink across the room.
She told a cheeky joke at the dinner table.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide cheeky into syllables?

"Cheeky" is divided into syllables as cheek-y.

Why is it called cheeky?

"Cheeky" is called so because it originally referred to someone who was impudently bold, as if showing their 'cheeks' or face without shame or embarrassment.

How many syllables are in cheeky?

There are two syllables in "cheeky."

How is cheeky used in a sentence?

Example: "He gave a cheeky grin as he answered the question."

What is the pronunciation of cheeky?

Cheeky is pronounced as /ˈtʃiːki/.

What is the root word of cheeky?

The root word of "cheeky" is "cheek."

What is a stressed syllable in cheeky?

The first syllable, "cheek," is the stressed syllable in "cheeky."

What is the first form of cheeky?

As an adjective, "cheeky" does not have verb forms. Its first form is "cheeky."

What is the plural form of cheeky?

"Cheeky" does not change form between singular and plural uses as an adjective.

What is the verb form of cheeky?

There is no direct verb form of "cheeky"; it is an adjective.

Is cheeky an abstract noun?

No, "cheeky" is an adjective, not a noun.

Which determiner is used with cheeky?

Determiners like "a," "the," "this," "that," "some," "any," etc., can be used with "cheeky."

Is cheeky a vowel or consonant?

"Cheeky" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with the consonant 'c'.

Is the word “cheeky” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Cheeky" as an adjective cannot be a direct or indirect object.

Is cheeky a negative or positive word?

"Cheeky" can be either negative or positive depending on the context; it often conveys a sense of playful or impertinent humor.

Is cheeky a collective noun?

No, "cheeky" is not a collective noun.

Is the cheeky term a metaphor?

"Cheeky" can be used metaphorically to describe behavior that is playfully bold or irreverent.

Is the word cheeky is imperative?

No, "cheeky" is not used in the imperative; it's an adjective.

Which conjunction is used with cheeky?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "cheeky," depending on the sentence structure.

What is another term for cheeky?

Another term for "cheeky" is "impudent" or "saucy."

What is the opposite of cheeky?

The opposite of "cheeky" could be "respectful" or "timid."

Is the word cheeky Gerund?

No, "cheeky" is not a gerund. It's an adjective.

Which vowel is used before cheeky?

The choice of vowel before "cheeky" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

What is the singular form of cheeky?

"Cheeky" itself is both singular and plural as an adjective.

Is cheeky a noun or adjective?

"Cheeky" is an adjective.

Is cheeky an adverb?

No, "cheeky" is not an adverb.

Is cheeky a countable noun?

"Cheeky" is not a noun; it's an adjective, so it is not countable.

Which preposition is used with cheeky?

Prepositions are not typically used directly with "cheeky."

Which article is used with cheeky?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with "cheeky," depending on whether it's used in a specific or general context.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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