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Closeout Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Closeout refers to the final sale of items to clear inventory, often at reduced prices. e.g., The store announced a closeout sale on all winter clothing.

Closeout Definitions

A sale to sell off stock, typically at reduced prices.
The shop held a closeout event for last season's fashion.
Completing the last steps of a process.
He did a closeout of the project with a final report.
Finalizing or concluding business operations.
The company began closeout procedures after declaring bankruptcy.
Finalizing transactions or accounts at the end of a period.
The accountant handled the closeout of the fiscal year.
Disposing of remaining goods or assets.
The closeout of the old inventory made room for new products.
Wrapping up activities at the end of an event.
Volunteers helped with the closeout of the charity gala.
Liquidating or selling off a business's assets.
The closeout sale attracted many bargain hunters.
Clearing out a space or area of all items.
The warehouse had a closeout sale before relocating.
Ending a period of time or event.
The team celebrated their season's closeout with a party.
Completing and terminating a contract or agreement.
The lawyer oversaw the closeout of the settlement.
A sale in which all remaining stock is disposed of, usually at greatly reduced prices.
(surfing) A wave which breaks all at once, as opposed to breaking progressively along its length.
(retail) A sale in which all merchandise is sold, at whatever reduced price is necessary
A sale intended to dispose of all remaining stock

Closeout Snonyms


To resolve or reach an agreement on something.
It's time to settle the accounts and close out the fiscal year.


To convert assets into cash, often in the context of closing a business.
The store decided to liquidate its remaining inventory.

Wrap up

To complete or finish something.
Let's wrap up this deal and move on to the next.


To complete or conclude the final details.
We need to finalize the sale by the end of the week.


To bring something to an end.
The meeting was concluded with a round of applause.

Wind up

To bring something to a conclusion or end.
They began to wind up the project as the deadline approached.


To bring to an end.
The contract will terminate at the end of the month.


To sell off inventory at reduced prices to clear space.
The shop is having a clearance sale to close out old stock.


To cease to produce, sell, or offer.
The manufacturer decided to discontinue the older model.

Sell off

To sell something, especially at reduced prices, to get rid of it.
The company is selling off its assets as part of the closeout process.

Closeout Idioms & Phrases

Closeout sale of emotions

To finally release or let go of pent-up emotions.
After the verdict, he experienced a closeout sale of emotions, feeling both relief and sadness.

Closeout the deal

To finalize or conclude a business deal.
After weeks of negotiation, they were ready to closeout the deal.

Closeout the discussion

To bring a discussion or debate to an end.
The moderator decided it was time to closeout the discussion and move on.

Closeout the argument

To put an end to an argument or disagreement.
They decided to closeout the argument and agreed to disagree.

Closeout the project

To complete and finalize a project.
The team worked overtime to closeout the project by the deadline.

Closeout the day

To finish the day's work or activities.
She likes to closeout the day with a summary of what she accomplished.

Closeout the gap

To finish bridging a gap or difference.
The last few weeks of training were focused on closeout the gap in their skills.

Closeout the past

To move on from past experiences or history.
His move to a new city was a symbolic closeout of the past.

Closeout the competition

To finish or conclude a competitive event.
The final match will closeout the competition.

Closeout the chapter

To end a particular chapter or phase in life.
Graduating from college was a way to closeout the chapter on her student life.

Closeout the account

To finalize matters and close a financial account.
She went to the bank to closeout the account she no longer used.

Closeout the negotiations

To conclude negotiation processes.
The diplomats worked hard to closeout the negotiations successfully.

Closeout the festivities

To bring an end to the celebrations or festivities.
The fireworks display will closeout the festivities tonight.

Closeout the year

To conclude the activities or events of the year.
The annual report helped them closeout the year on a positive note.

Closeout the meeting

To end a meeting formally.
After all topics were discussed, the chairperson closed out the meeting.

Closeout the ceremony

To bring a formal event or ceremony to an end.
The principal’s speech will closeout the graduation ceremony.

Closeout the show

To perform the final act or event in a show.
The headline band will closeout the show at the festival tonight.

Closeout the season

To bring a particular season or period to an end.
The team played their final game to closeout the season.

Closeout the inventory

To sell off the remaining stock of items.
The store is planning to closeout the inventory before relocating.

Closeout one's affairs

To settle or finalize personal or business matters.
He took time to closeout his affairs before his long trip abroad.

Closeout Example Sentences

They organized a closeout of the estate's belongings.
The team was responsible for the closeout of the office.
She found amazing deals at the furniture closeout.
They announced a closeout of all holiday items.
He got a great deal during the car dealership's closeout event.
The store advertised a huge closeout sale on electronics.
The closeout of the season included discounting all merchandise.
Closeout prices attracted many customers to the shop.
The closeout process for the project took a week.
Parents took advantage of the school supplies closeout.
The store's closeout sale was due to renovation plans.
The closeout of the exhibition included a final tour.
The garden center had a closeout on all plants and flowers.
The closeout of the business was a bittersweet moment.
He eagerly awaited the closeout of the old bookstore.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in closeout?

There are two syllables in "closeout."

How do we divide closeout into syllables?

"Closeout" is divided into syllables as "close-out."

How is closeout used in a sentence?

Example: "The store is having a closeout sale to get rid of old inventory."

What is a stressed syllable in closeout?

The stressed syllable in "closeout" is the first one: "close-."

What is the pronunciation of closeout?

Closeout is pronounced as /ˈkloʊzaʊt/.

What part of speech is closeout?

"Closeout" is primarily a noun.

What is another term for closeout?

Another term for "closeout" is "clearance sale."

Why is it called closeout?

It is called "closeout" because it combines "close," meaning to bring to an end, with "out," indicating a process of clearing or finalizing, typically in a sale or business context.

What is the third form of closeout?

The third form (past participle) of the verb "close out" is "closed out."

What is the verb form of closeout?

"Closeout" itself is primarily a noun. The verb form would be "close out" (two words).

What is the singular form of closeout?

The singular form is "closeout."

What is the first form of closeout?

As a noun, "closeout" does not have a first form. The verb form "close out" follows regular verb forms: "close out."

What is the plural form of closeout?

The plural form is "closeouts."

Is closeout a noun or adjective?

"Closeout" is a noun.

Is closeout an abstract noun?

"Closeout" is a concrete noun, referring to a specific type of sale.

Is closeout a negative or positive word?

"Closeout" is neutral; it can be positive or negative depending on the context.

Is the word closeout imperative?

As a noun, "closeout" is not used in the imperative form. However, the verb form "close out" can be.

What is the root word of closeout?

The root words of "closeout" are "close" and "out."

Is closeout an adverb?

No, "closeout" is not an adverb.

Is closeout a vowel or consonant?

The word "closeout" starts with a consonant.

Is closeout a collective noun?

"Closeout" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word closeout Gerund?

The gerund form of the verb "close out" is "closing out."

Is the word “closeout” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a noun, "closeout" can be a direct object in a sentence. The verb "close out" can have both direct and indirect objects.

Which vowel is used before closeout?

The use of a vowel before "closeout" depends on the context of the sentence.

Is closeout a countable noun?

Yes, "closeout" is a countable noun (e.g., closeouts).

Which conjunction is used with closeout?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "closeout," depending on the sentence.

Which article is used with closeout?

Articles such as "a," "an," or "the" can be used with "closeout," depending on the context.

What is the opposite of closeout?

The opposite of "closeout" might be "introduction" or "launch" in a sales context.

Is the closeout term a metaphor?

"Closeout" is not commonly used as a metaphor; it's used literally in a retail or business context.

Which preposition is used with closeout?

Common prepositions used with "closeout" include "at," "during," and "in."

What is the second form of closeout?

The second form (past tense) of the verb "close out" is "closed out."

Which determiner is used with closeout?

Determiners like "the," "a," "this," or "that" can be used with "closeout."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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