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Coarse Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Coarse means having a rough texture or lacking in fineness and refinement. e.g., The coarse sand on the beach was rough on her feet.

Coarse Definitions

Lacking delicacy or subtlety in behavior or speech.
His coarse language shocked the audience.
Crude or unrefined in quality or manner.
The play had a few moments of coarse humor.
Impolite or vulgar in nature.
The novel was criticized for its coarse dialogue.
Not detailed or fine in execution.
The artist's early works were coarse and unpolished.
Heavy or rough in build or structure.
The old table was made from coarse, sturdy wood.
Not refined or purified.
Coarse sugar is less processed than fine sugar.
Of low, common, or inferior quality.
Lacking in delicacy or refinement
Coarse manners.
Vulgar or indecent
Coarse language.
Consisting of large particles; not fine in texture
Coarse sand.
Rough, especially to the touch
A coarse tweed.
With a rough texture; not smooth.
Composed of large particles.
Coarse sand
Lacking refinement, taste or delicacy.
Coarse manners
Coarse language
Of inferior quality.
Large in bulk, or composed of large parts or particles; of inferior quality or appearance; not fine in material or close in texture; gross; thick; rough; - opposed to fine; as, coarse sand; coarse thread; coarse cloth; coarse bread.
Not refined; rough; rude; unpolished; gross; indelicate; as, coarse manners; coarse language.
I feelOf what coarse metal ye are molded.
To copy, in my coarse English, his beautiful expressions.
Of texture; large-grained or rough to the touch;
Coarse meal
Coarse sand
A coarse weave
Lacking refinement or cultivation or taste;
He had coarse manners but a first-rate mind
Behavior that branded him as common
An untutored and uncouth human being
An uncouth soldier--a real tough guy
Appealing to the vulgar taste for violence
The vulgar display of the newly rich
Of low or inferior quality or value;
Of what coarse metal ye are molded
Produced...the common cloths used by the poorer population
Conspicuously and tastelessly indecent;
Coarse language
A crude joke
Crude behavior
An earthy sense of humor
A revoltingly gross expletive
A vulgar gesture
Full of language so vulgar it should have been edited
Rough or uneven in texture.
He wore a coat made of coarse wool.
Consisting of large grains or particles.
The gardener used coarse gravel for the pathway.
Harsh or grating to the senses.
The fabric had a coarse texture that was uncomfortable to wear.
Lacking in sophistication or grace.
Their dinner conversation was coarse and lacked etiquette.

Coarse Snonyms


Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or refined.
The rough fabric irritated her skin.


Strongly made and capable of withstanding rough handling.
The rugged terrain was difficult to navigate.


In a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined.
Crude oil needs to be refined before it can be used as fuel.


Having a rough or uneven surface.
The textured wallpaper added depth to the room.


Abrupt or taciturn in manner; also, having a rough and harsh sound.
His gruff manner intimidated the junior staff.


Not processed to remove impurities or unwanted elements.
Unrefined grains retain more nutrients than refined grains.


Unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.
The harsh light made it difficult to see.


Covered with or full of bumps or rough places.
The bumpy road made the ride uncomfortable.


Showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh.
His abrasive comments upset many people.


Containing or covered with grit; also, showing courage and resolve.
The gritty surface prevented slipping.

Coarse Idioms & Phrases

Coarse manners

Displaying a lack of refinement or politeness in behavior.
Despite his wealth, he was known for his coarse manners.

Coarse humor

A type of humor that is crude, rude, or offensive.
The comedian's routine relied heavily on coarse humor.

Coarse approach

A method or way of dealing with something that lacks finesse or subtlety.
His coarse approach to negotiations often left people feeling offended.

Coarse texture

A rough or uneven surface or consistency.
The coarse texture of the fabric was uncomfortable against her skin.

Coarse words

Speech that is blunt, rude, or lacking in refinement.
His apology was filled with coarse words that didn't seem sincere.

Coarse language

The use of rude, vulgar, or offensive language.
The script was full of coarse language, making it unsuitable for younger audiences.

Coarse outlook

A perspective or viewpoint that is simplistic or lacks sophistication.
His coarse outlook on life didn't allow him to appreciate the finer things.

Coarse reality

The harsh or unrefined truth of a situation.
The documentary depicted the coarse reality of life in the slums.

Coarse workmanship

A lack of skill or finesse in making or producing something.
The sculpture was criticized for its coarse workmanship.

Coarse behavior

Conduct that is crude, rude, or socially unacceptable.
She was taken aback by their coarse behavior at the dinner table.

Coarse exterior

An outward appearance or demeanor that is rough or unfriendly.
Beneath his coarse exterior, he was a kind-hearted man.

Coarse treatment

Handling someone or something in a rough or insensitive manner.
The fragile items were damaged due to the coarse treatment during shipping.

Coarse jest

A joke or comment that is crude or in poor taste.
His coarse jest at the meeting was met with awkward silence.

Coarse grain of truth

A fundamental, if unrefined, element of truth in a statement or idea.
In his rant, there was a coarse grain of truth that couldn't be ignored.

Coarse wit

A type of humor or intelligence that is crude or simplistic.
His coarse wit often made his colleagues uncomfortable.

Coarse laughter

Loud, rude, or boisterous laughter.
The joke was met with coarse laughter from the back of the room.

Coarse handling

Rough or careless treatment of a person or object.
The antique vase was broken due to coarse handling by the movers.

Coarse touch

A lack of gentleness or sensitivity in handling something.
The painter's coarse touch ruined the delicate details of the portrait.

Coarse fabric of society

The rougher, less refined aspects of social life or culture.
His novels explore the coarse fabric of society in the industrial era.

Coarse Example Sentences

His hands were coarse from years of manual labor.
She disliked the coarse feel of the wool sweater.
The coarse texture of the rock made it easy to grip.
He was known for his coarse jokes among friends.
The coarse fabric of the burlap bag was scratchy.
The dog's coat was coarse but warm.
The coarse sea salt was perfect for the recipe.
She found the coarse bread hard to chew.
The coarse sandpaper quickly smoothed the wood's surface.
He spoke in a loud, coarse voice.
The coarse particles settled at the bottom of the mixture.
She covered the soil with coarse mulch.
The painter used coarse brushes for the background.
The coarse manners of the character were deliberate in the play.
The coarse grass in the field tickled her feet.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called coarse?

"Coarse" is called so because it comes from the Middle English "cors," which means rough or crude, likely deriving from the Latin "corsus."

How many syllables are in coarse?

There is one syllable in "coarse."

How do we divide coarse into syllables?

As "coarse" has only one syllable, it is not divided into smaller units.

How is coarse used in a sentence?

Example: "The fabric has a coarse texture."

What is a stressed syllable in coarse?

The entire word "coarse" is stressed, as it is a single syllable.

What is the verb form of coarse?

"Coarse" is an adjective, not a verb, so it does not have a verb form.

What is the singular form of coarse?

"Coarse" does not change form between singular and plural as it is an adjective.

What is the pronunciation of coarse?

Coarse is pronounced as /kɔːrs/.

What is the opposite of coarse?

The opposite of "coarse" is "fine" or "smooth."

Is coarse an adverb?

No, "coarse" is not an adverb.

Is the word coarse imperative?

As an adjective, "coarse" is not used in the imperative form.

What is the root word of coarse?

The root word of "coarse" is the Middle English "cors."

Is coarse a collective noun?

"Coarse" is not a noun, so it cannot be a collective noun.

Is the word coarse Gerund?

"Coarse" is not a verb, so it does not have a gerund form.

Is the word “coarse” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Coarse" is an adjective and therefore cannot be a direct or indirect object.

Is coarse a negative or positive word?

"Coarse" is generally neutral but can have a negative connotation depending on the context.

Is the coarse term a metaphor?

"Coarse" can be used metaphorically to describe non-physical qualities, like language.

What part of speech is coarse?

"Coarse" is an adjective.

What is another term for coarse?

Another term for "coarse" is "rough" or "crude."

What is the plural form of coarse?

"Coarse" remains the same in plural usage since it is an adjective.

Is coarse a noun or adjective?

"Coarse" is an adjective.

Is coarse an abstract noun?

"Coarse" is an adjective, not a noun.

Which determiner is used with coarse?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "this" can be used with "coarse" depending on the context.

Which article is used with coarse?

Articles like "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "coarse" depending on the context.

Is coarse a vowel or consonant?

The word "coarse" starts with a consonant.

Is coarse a countable noun?

"Coarse" is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Which vowel is used before coarse?

The vowel used before "coarse" depends on the context of the sentence.

Which preposition is used with coarse?

Prepositions used with "coarse" depend on the context, such as "of" in "coarse texture."

Which conjunction is used with coarse?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "coarse," depending on the sentence.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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