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Coinciding Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Coinciding means occurring at the same time or simultaneously. e.g., The concert is coinciding with the town's annual festival.

Coinciding Definitions

Simultaneous Events: When two events happen at the same time.
Their birthdays are coinciding this year, making it a special celebration.
Concurring Opinions: When opinions or ideas coincide or align.
Their views on the project are coinciding, indicating agreement.
Matching Patterns: When patterns or trends coincide, showing similarity.
The data from both studies are coinciding, suggesting a correlation.
Concurring Events: When events align or coincide in timing or nature.
The release of the film is coinciding with the holiday season.
Simultaneous Actions: When actions are carried out at the same time.
They ended up coinciding at the doorway, each trying to enter first.
Overlapping Duties: When responsibilities or roles coincide or overlap.
Their roles in the project are coinciding, leading to some confusion.
Coinciding Interests: When interests or preferences align or coincide.
Their coinciding interests in art brought them together.
Concurrent Phenomena: When natural phenomena occur simultaneously.
The lunar eclipse is coinciding with the spring equinox this year.
Simultaneous Occurrences: When occurrences or events happen at the same time.
Lightning and thunder were coinciding, creating a dramatic storm.
Overlapping Periods: When periods of time overlap or coincide.
The two sports seasons are coinciding, leading to a packed schedule.
To occupy the same relative position or the same area in space.
To happen at the same time or during the same period.
To correspond exactly; be identical.
To agree exactly, as in opinion; concur.
Present participle of coincide
Act or situation by which things coincide; coincidence.
Occurring or operating at the same time;
A series of coincident events
Matching point for point;
Coincident circles

Coinciding Snonyms


To place or arrange things in a straight line; or to agree with or match up with something.
Their goals align with our company's mission.


To be equal or similar to something in some way.
The fingerprint matches the suspect's records.


To occur at the same time; to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together.
We synchronized our watches before the mission.


To extend over and cover a part of; have something in common.
The two projects overlap in their final goals.


To occur at or during the same time.
Their vacations coincided, so they planned a trip together.


To be similar or equivalent in some way, allowing comparisons to be made.
Their careers have run in parallel for years.


To exist together or at the same time.
Different cultures coexist in the city.


To be similar or equivalent in character, form, or function.
His views correspond with mine.


To agree; to have the same opinion or effect.
The scientists concur on the cause of the phenomenon.


To fit in or go well with; to coordinate.
Their efforts harmonized to create a stunning performance.

Coinciding Idioms & Phrases

Coinciding currents

When two or more trends or movements happen at the same time, enhancing each other's effects.
The technological boom and environmental awareness are coinciding currents, driving the rapid growth of renewable energy industries.

Coinciding echoes

Repeating or resonating similar ideas or themes across different contexts or times.
The theme of freedom in her novels has coinciding echoes in political movements around the world.

Coinciding shadows

When multiple challenges or problems arise at the same time, compounding the difficulty.
The company faced coinciding shadows with a market downturn and supply chain disruptions simultaneously.

Coinciding stars

A rare alignment of favorable circumstances or luck.
Their startup's success was a case of coinciding stars: market readiness, perfect timing, and an innovative product.

Coinciding waves

Simultaneous emergence of similar trends or phenomena in different areas.
The coinciding waves of urban gardening movements in cities worldwide reflect a growing concern for food sustainability.

Coinciding keys

When different elements come together perfectly to unlock a solution or opportunity.
The breakthrough in research was the result of coinciding keys from multiple disciplines converging.

Coinciding rhythms

When different processes or activities naturally synchronize with each other.
The team's success was attributed to the coinciding rhythms of the members' workflow and communication.

Coinciding paths

When two or more people's lives or careers unexpectedly align or intersect.
Our coinciding paths at the company retreat led to a fruitful collaboration between our departments.

Coinciding storms

When multiple crises or difficulties occur at the same time, exacerbating each other.
The nation faced coinciding storms of economic recession and natural disasters.

Coinciding spheres

When different areas of interest or expertise overlap or intersect.
Their coinciding spheres of knowledge in technology and healthcare led to the development of a revolutionary app.

Coinciding tides

When multiple forces or influences come together, leading to a significant shift or change.
The political landscape was transformed by the coinciding tides of public opinion and legislative action.

Coinciding revelations

When different discoveries or insights occur simultaneously, shedding light on a situation from multiple angles.
The simultaneous uncovering of the historical artifacts led to coinciding revelations about the ancient civilization's culture.

Coinciding chapters

When separate events or periods in life start or end at the same time.
Graduating and starting a new job in the same month felt like coinciding chapters for her.

Coinciding horizons

When the future outlook of two or more entities or projects align perfectly.
The merger was successful due to the coinciding horizons of both companies' strategic goals.

Coinciding visions

When two or more people have the same idea or goal without prior collaboration.
The founders were surprised to discover their coinciding visions for the company's future during their first meeting.

Coinciding beats

When music, events, or actions occur simultaneously in a harmonious manner.
The festival was magical, with the coinciding beats of drums and fireworks lighting up the night.

Coinciding flames

When passion or enthusiasm for similar interests or causes arises at the same time among people.
The campaign ignited coinciding flames of activism across the community.

Coinciding sparks

The moment when small actions or ideas simultaneously ignite, leading to a larger movement or innovation.
The invention was the result of coinciding sparks of creativity from the team.

Coinciding milestones

When significant life events for different people happen at the same time, deepening their shared experiences.
The friends celebrated their coinciding milestones of turning thirty and starting new careers.

Coinciding Example Sentences

The two major sales are coinciding, making this weekend perfect for shopping.
Their arrival at the party was coinciding, causing a stir among the guests.
The rain began, coinciding with the end of the ceremony.
The power outage was coinciding with the hottest day of the year.
Our exam week is coinciding with the local festival, adding to the stress.
The family reunion is coinciding with the grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary.
The start of our vacation is coinciding with a major holiday.
The eclipse is coinciding with my brother's birthday.
The book launch is coinciding with the author's 20th anniversary of writing.
The increase in traffic is coinciding with the start of a new school year.
The team's winning streak is coinciding with the coach's new strategy.
Our project deadline is coinciding with another major assignment.
School closures are coinciding with a national holiday, extending our break.
The blossoming of the cherry trees is coinciding with the spring festival.
The two friends discovered their plans for the summer were coinciding.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in coinciding?

There are four syllables in coinciding.

What is a stressed syllable in coinciding?

The stressed syllable in coinciding is the second syllable: "cid."

What is the verb form of coinciding?

The verb form is "coincide."

Why is it called coinciding?

It is called coinciding because it describes the occurrence of two or more events happening at the same time or overlapping in some way.

What is the root word of coinciding?

The root word is "coincide."

How is coinciding used in a sentence?

Example: "The timing of the two events coinciding was purely coincidental."

What is the pronunciation of coinciding?

Coinciding is pronounced as /koʊˈɪnˌsaɪdɪŋ/.

How do we divide coinciding into syllables?

Coinciding is divided into syllables as follows: co-in-cid-ing.

What is the first form of coinciding?

The first form (base form) is "coincide."

What is the singular form of coinciding?

The singular form is "coincide."

What is the opposite of coinciding?

The opposite of coinciding is "diverging" or "differing."

Is coinciding a noun or adjective?

Coinciding is a verb in its gerund or present participle form.

Is coinciding a countable noun?

Coinciding is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is the word coinciding imperative?

No, coinciding is not an imperative form; it is a gerund or present participle.

Is coinciding an abstract noun?

No, coinciding is not an abstract noun; it is a verb.

Is coinciding a vowel or consonant?

Coinciding is a word, not a single letter. It begins with a consonant.

Is the word coinciding Gerund?

Yes, coinciding can be used as a gerund.

What is the third form of coinciding?

The third form (past participle) is "coincided."

Which determiner is used with coinciding?

Determiners such as "the," "a," or "an" are not typically used with coinciding since it is a verb.

What is the second form of coinciding?

The second form (past simple) is "coincided."

What is another term for coinciding?

Another term for coinciding is "concurring."

Is the coinciding term a metaphor?

Coinciding is not typically used as a metaphor; it is used to describe the simultaneous occurrence of events.

Is the word “coinciding” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Coinciding is neither a direct object nor an indirect object; it is a verb.

Which preposition is used with coinciding?

Prepositions such as "with" or "at" can be used with coinciding, depending on the context.

Which article is used with coinciding?

Articles such as "the" or "a" are not typically used with coinciding since it is a verb.

What part of speech is coinciding?

Coinciding is a verb in its gerund or present participle form.

What is the plural form of coinciding?

Coinciding does not have a plural form as it is a verb. However, the noun form "coincidences" can be plural.

Is coinciding an adverb?

No, coinciding is not an adverb.

Is coinciding a negative or positive word?

Coinciding is a neutral word; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is coinciding a collective noun?

No, coinciding is not a collective noun.

Which vowel is used before coinciding?

There is no specific rule for using a vowel before coinciding. It depends on the context of the sentence.

Which conjunction is used with coinciding?

Conjunctions such as "and" or "while" can be used with coinciding, depending on the context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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