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Collaborate Definition and Meaning

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 5, 2024
To collaborate means to work together with others on a project or task. e.g., The two companies decided to collaborate on a new environmental initiative.

Collaborate Definitions

Partnership in Work: Forming a partnership to combine skills for a project.
The software developers collaborate to enhance the application's features.
Joint Effort: Working together with one or more people to achieve a common goal.
Artists and musicians often collaborate to create unique performances.
Cooperative Research: Scientists collaborate to share insights and findings on studies.
Researchers from different countries collaborate to find a vaccine.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Experts from different fields collaborate to solve complex problems.
Engineers and environmentalists collaborate on sustainable building designs.
Educational Collaboration: Teachers and students collaborate to facilitate learning experiences.
Teachers collaborate with students on interactive class projects.
International Collaboration: Countries or organizations collaborate for global initiatives or peace efforts.
Nations collaborate to address climate change challenges.
Technological Collaboration: Developers collaborate to integrate different technologies in innovative ways.
Tech companies collaborate to develop a new virtual reality platform.
Business Collaboration: Companies collaborate to expand their market reach or share resources.
Small businesses often collaborate to compete with larger companies.
Creative Cooperation: Artists collaborate to blend their styles and ideas in new creations.
Painters and sculptors collaborate for a mixed-media art show.
Community Collaboration: Local groups collaborate to improve or support community projects.
Neighborhood associations collaborate to organize clean-up drives.
To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.
To cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupation force in one's country.
To work together with others to achieve a common goal.
Let's collaborate on this project, and get it finished faster.
Wikipedia is a website where anyone can collaborate.
To voluntarily cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupation force in one's country.
If you collaborate with the occupying forces, you will be shot.
To work together with another toward a common goal, especially in an intellectual endeavor; as, four chemists collaborated on the synthesis of the compound; three authors collaborated in writing the book.
To willingly cooperate with an enemy, especially an enemy nation occupying one's own country.
Work together on a common enterprise of project;
The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well
We joined forces with another research group
Cooperate as a traitor;
He collaborated with the Nazis when they occupied Paris

Collaborate Snonyms

Join forces

To come together to combine efforts or resources.
Competing organizations joined forces to advocate for policy change.


To plan together secretly, especially something illicit or harmful.
They conspired to create the most innovative tech startup.


To work together in a particularly cooperative and productive way.
Their differing skills synergize well, leading to a successful project.


To join with another individual or group to work together on a project or activity.
They decided to partner with a local charity for the event.

Team up

To join together to achieve a common goal.
They teamed up to tackle the environmental issues in their community.

Pool resources

To combine resources or assets for a common purpose.
Small businesses pooled resources to survive economic downturns.


To work jointly on an activity or project.
The two companies agreed to cooperate on a new marketing strategy.


To unite or form a connection or alliance.
They allied with other organizations to increase their impact.

Work together

To cooperate in order to achieve a shared goal.
We need to work together to finish the project on time.


To come or bring together for a common purpose or action.
The crisis united the community like never before.

Collaborate Idioms & Phrases

Collaborate across borders

To work together with individuals or groups from different countries or cultures.
The global health initiative was successful because it was designed to collaborate across borders.

Collaborate with open doors

To work together in an environment that encourages transparency and inclusivity.
The new project leader aims to collaborate with open doors, inviting input from all departments.

Collaborate under the table

To work together secretly, often to achieve a hidden agenda.
They had to collaborate under the table to bypass the official restrictions.

Collaborate in the shadows

To work together in secrecy, away from the public eye.
The artists had to collaborate in the shadows to create their controversial exhibit.

Collaborate against the tide

To work together in opposition to prevailing trends or opinions.
The small team had to collaborate against the tide to promote their innovative but unpopular solution.

Collaborate under the stars

To work together in an informal or unconventional setting.
The writers' retreat encouraged participants to collaborate under the stars, sparking creativity.

Collaborate at the crossroads

To work together at a critical point where important decisions need to be made.
The two companies decided to collaborate at the crossroads of technology and healthcare.

Collaborate on the frontier

To work together in exploring or developing new territories or fields of knowledge.
Scientists and ethicists must collaborate on the frontier of gene editing technologies.

Collaborate on the same page

To work together with a unified understanding and agreement on objectives and strategies.
It took weeks of discussion, but the project team finally collaborated on the same page.

Collaborate through the storm

To work together through difficult or challenging times.
The community had to collaborate through the storm to rebuild after the hurricane.

Collaborate without borders

To work together without regard for geographical or organizational boundaries.
The disaster relief effort required agencies to collaborate without borders.

Collaborate across aisles

To work together with individuals or groups typically in opposition or competition with one another.
The bipartisan bill was a result of legislators willing to collaborate across aisles.

Collaborate beyond the veil

To work together with a focus on uncovering or exploring hidden or mysterious aspects.
The documentary filmmakers decided to collaborate beyond the veil, investigating the secretive world of cults.

Collaborate behind closed doors

To work together privately, typically away from the scrutiny of the public or competitors.
The merger agreement was reached after months of collaborating behind closed doors.

Collaborate in harmony

To work together smoothly, with all parties in agreement and cooperation.
The diverse team was able to collaborate in harmony, despite initial differences.

Collaborate across the spectrum

To work together with a wide range of individuals or groups, covering a broad array of ideas and perspectives.
The conference aims to collaborate across the spectrum of political beliefs.

Collaborate at the helm

To work together in a leadership or guiding role.
The two directors decided to collaborate at the helm to steer the company through its expansion.

Collaborate in the trenches

To work together under difficult and demanding conditions.
During the product launch, the whole team had to collaborate in the trenches to meet the deadline.

Collaborate from the ground up

To work together from the initial stages of a project, building it collaboratively from the beginning.
The startup decided to collaborate from the ground up, incorporating feedback from users at every step.

Collaborate with hands tied

To work together despite significant restrictions or limitations.
The non-profit organizations had to collaborate with hands tied due to the stringent regulations.

Collaborate Example Sentences

We plan to collaborate on a science fair project.
They decided to collaborate to write a new song.
The two schools collaborate to offer more extracurricular activities.
She invited her friend to collaborate on a startup idea.
To create the app, they had to collaborate with designers.
The city council wants to collaborate with local businesses on the festival.
Students collaborate to solve the math puzzle together.
Environmental groups collaborate to promote recycling in the community.
Athletes collaborate with coaches to improve their performance.
Authors collaborate to write a series of novels.
Students from different grades collaborate on the school mural.
Writers and illustrators collaborate to produce children's books.
The chef decided to collaborate with a farmer to use local produce.
Scientists around the world collaborate on astronomical research.
The charity decided to collaborate with the government on a housing project.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide collaborate into syllables?

"Collaborate" is divided into syllables as "col-lab-o-rate."

How is collaborate used in a sentence?

The two companies decided to collaborate on a new environmental project.

What is the pronunciation of collaborate?

"Collaborate" is pronounced as /kəˈlæbəˌreɪt/ in American English.

How many syllables are in collaborate?

There are four syllables in "collaborate."

What is the root word of collaborate?

The root word of "collaborate" is the Latin "laborare," meaning "to work," combined with the prefix "com-" indicating "together."

Why is it called collaborate?

The term "collaborate" is derived from the Latin "collaborare," where "com-" means "together" and "laborare" means "to work." It refers to working jointly with others, especially in an intellectual endeavor.

What part of speech is collaborate?

"Collaborate" is a verb.

What is another term for collaborate?

Another term for "collaborate" could be "cooperate," "work together," or "partner."

What is a stressed syllable in collaborate?

The stressed syllable in "collaborate" is the second syllable, "lab."

What is the first form of collaborate?

The first form (base form) of "collaborate" is "collaborate."

What is the singular form of collaborate?

As a verb, "collaborate" does not have a singular or plural form; it remains "collaborate."

Is collaborate a negative or positive word?

"Collaborate" is generally considered a positive word, connoting teamwork and cooperation.

Is collaborate a countable noun?

"Collaborate" is not a noun; it is a verb, so the concept of being countable does not apply.

Is collaborate a collective noun?

"Collaborate" is not a noun; it is a verb, so it cannot be a collective noun.

Is the collaborate term a metaphor?

"Collaborate" can be used metaphorically to describe any form of cooperative work or partnership, even in contexts where it's not literally about working together.

Which vowel is used before collaborate?

The vowel used before "collaborate" depends on the preceding word and its grammatical structure, not on "collaborate" itself.

What is the verb form of collaborate?

"Collaborate" itself is the base form of the verb.

What is the opposite of collaborate?

The opposite of "collaborate" could be "compete," "work independently," or "obstruct."

Is collaborate an adverb?

No, "collaborate" is not an adverb.

Is the word collaborate imperative?

"Collaborate" can be used in the imperative form as a command, such as "Collaborate with your teammates to solve this problem."

What is the second form of collaborate?

The second form (simple past) of "collaborate" is "collaborated."

Which conjunction is used with collaborate?

Any conjunction can be used with "collaborate" as appropriate for the sentence structure, such as "and," "but," "or."

Which article is used with collaborate?

Articles are not typically used directly with verbs like "collaborate." Articles are used with nouns.

What is the third form of collaborate?

The third form (past participle) of "collaborate" is "collaborated."

What is the plural form of collaborate?

As a verb, "collaborate" does not change form for plural subjects; it remains "collaborate."

Is collaborate a noun or adjective?

"Collaborate" is a verb, not a noun or adjective.

Is collaborate a vowel or consonant?

The word "collaborate" starts with a consonant sound, "c."

Is the word collaborate Gerund?

The gerund form of "collaborate" is "collaborating," which is a noun form derived from the verb.

Is the word “collaborate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Collaborate" is a verb and does not serve as a direct or indirect object. However, it can have direct or indirect objects, such as "collaborate with someone" (someone being the indirect object).

Which preposition is used with collaborate?

Prepositions such as "with," "on," and "in" can be used with "collaborate" depending on the context, e.g., "collaborate with a team," "collaborate on a project."

Is collaborate an abstract noun?

"Collaborate" is not a noun; it is a verb. Therefore, it cannot be an abstract noun.

Which determiner is used with collaborate?

Determiners are not typically used directly with verbs like "collaborate." Determiners are used with nouns.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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