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Completing Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 5, 2024
Completing means finishing a task or process fully or making something whole. e.g., She focused on completing her homework before going out.

Completing Definitions

Finishing a Task: Bringing a task or activity to its conclusion.
He spent the evening completing his science project.
Finalizing a Project: Making the final adjustments to finish a project.
The team is completing the software update tonight.
Closing a Deal: Finalizing the terms and conditions of a deal.
The company is completing a deal with the new supplier.
Executing Tasks: Carrying out tasks to the end.
Completing daily tasks efficiently improves productivity.
Achieving Completion: Reaching a state where nothing more is left to be done.
Completing the puzzle took hours of focus.
Sealing an Agreement: Making an agreement official or final.
They shook hands upon completing the agreement.
Fulfilling Requirements: Meeting all necessary criteria or conditions.
Completing the course requirements is essential for graduation.
Accomplishing Objectives: Achieving set goals or objectives.
Completing her goals gave her a sense of achievement.
Concluding a Process: Ending a process successfully.
They are close to completing the negotiation process.
Ending a Journey: Reaching the end point of a journey or path.
Completing the marathon was a huge accomplishment for him.
Having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps; entire
A complete medical history.
A complete set of dishes.
(Botany) Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower.
Having come to an end; concluded
The renovation of the kitchen is complete.
Absolute; thorough
Complete control.
A complete mystery.
Accomplished; consummate
A complete musician.
(Football) Caught in bounds by a receiver
A complete pass.
To bring to a finish or an end
She has completed her studies.
To make whole, with all necessary elements or parts
A second child would complete their family. Fill in the blanks to complete the form.
(Football) To throw (a forward pass) that is caught in bounds by a receiver.
Infl of complete
Serving to complete.
Acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole)

Completing Snonyms


To carry out a task, duty, or role as required, expected, or promised.
She is fulfilling her duties as committee chair.


To complete the last part of a plan, trip, project, etc.
We're finalizing the details of the agreement.


To bring (a task or activity) to an end; complete.
She is finishing her thesis this semester.


To bring (something) to an end.
The meeting was concluding with final remarks.


To make something completely free from faults or as good as it can be.
She is perfecting her skills in the art class.


To achieve or complete successfully.
He accomplished his goal of running a marathon.


To carry out or put into effect a plan, order, or course of action.
The team executed the plan flawlessly.


To make (something desired or anticipated) happen.
He is realizing his dreams of travel through hard work.

Wrapping up

To complete or finish something.
We're wrapping up the project next week.


To successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.
She achieved high marks in her exams.

Completing Idioms & Phrases

Completing the circle

To finish a process or journey that returns to its starting point.
By teaching at her old high school, she felt she was completing the circle.

Completing one's thoughts

Finishing or fully forming one's ideas.
He always needs a quiet space for completing his thoughts before writing.

Completing the puzzle

Finding the last piece or information that makes everything come together.
Discovering the hidden diary was like completing the puzzle of their family history.

Completing the tapestry

Contributing the final element that unifies a complex or diverse set of elements.
The new law was seen as completing the tapestry of reforms needed to modernize the country.

Completing a chapter

Finishing a significant phase or period in one's life.
Graduating from college felt like completing a chapter, ready to start the next.

Completing one's duty

Fulfilling one's responsibilities or obligations fully.
He felt a deep sense of pride in completing his duty to his country.

Completing the picture

Adding the final details that give a full understanding of a situation.
The eyewitness account was crucial in completing the picture of the event.

Completing the symphony

Bringing a complex or multi-part task to a harmonious conclusion.
The team's final efforts were like completing the symphony of their project.

Completing the journey

Reaching the end of a long or challenging process.
After years of research, publishing her findings felt like completing the journey.

Completing the climb

Reaching the summit of a mountain or a metaphorical peak challenge.
Completing the climb of Mount Everest was the pinnacle of his mountaineering career.

Completing the connection

Establishing a link or relationship that was previously missing or incomplete.
Finding their long-lost sibling was like completing the connection within their family.

Completing the canvas

Adding the finishing touches to a creative work or project.
With the last stroke of paint, he was completing the canvas, his masterpiece.

Completing the recipe

Adding the last ingredient that makes a dish perfect.
The splash of lime was key to completing the recipe for the salsa.

Completing the loop

Ensuring that all aspects of a process are addressed, leaving no loose ends.
By following up with all participants, she was completing the loop on the feedback cycle.

Completing the equation

Providing the missing component needed to solve a problem or answer a question.
Her innovative approach was like completing the equation in their research.

Completing the harvest

Finishing the collection or gathering of resources or results.
The community came together, completing the harvest before the first frost.

Completing the cast

Choosing the final member of a team or group, especially in a performance.
With the addition of the young actress, they were completing the cast for the play.

Completing the cycle

Going through all phases or stages of a process or life span.
The release of the mature butterflies was like completing the cycle of their habitat project.

Completing the bridge

Making the final connection that enables communication or relationship.
Their sincere apology was crucial in completing the bridge between them.

Completing the handshake

Finalizing an agreement or deal in a conclusive and satisfactory manner.
Completing the handshake, they agreed to move forward with the partnership.

Completing Example Sentences

She celebrated completing her first year of college.
Completing the book gave her a sense of closure.
She insisted on completing the task alone.
After completing her essay, she felt relieved.
He looked forward to completing his apprenticeship.
Completing the race was his year's biggest achievement.
Completing the hike gave them a sense of accomplishment.
They focused on completing the garden before summer.
Completing the assignment on time required dedication.
They had trouble completing the project without guidance.
Completing the training program was tougher than he thought.
He dedicated the weekend to completing his model airplane.
Completing her artwork filled her with pride.
After completing the course, she felt more confident in her skills.
Completing the challenge earned him respect from his peers.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called completing?

It is called completing because it refers to the act of finishing or bringing something to a conclusion.

How many syllables are in completing?

There are three syllables in completing.

What is a stressed syllable in completing?

The stressed syllable in completing is the second syllable: "plet."

What is the verb form of completing?

The verb form is "complete."

How is completing used in a sentence?

She is completing her degree in biology this year.

What is the singular form of completing?

The singular form is "completing."

What part of speech is completing?

Completing is a verb in its gerund or present participle form.

What is the root word of completing?

The root word is "complete."

How do we divide completing into syllables?

Completing is divided into syllables as follows: com-plet-ing.

What is the second form of completing?

The second form (past simple) is "completed."

What is the first form of completing?

The first form (base form) is "complete."

What is the third form of completing?

The third form (past participle) is "completed."

What is another term for completing?

Another term for completing is "finishing."

What is the pronunciation of completing?

Completing is pronounced as /kəmˈpliːtɪŋ/.

Is completing a vowel or consonant?

The first letter of completing, "c," is a consonant.

Is the completing term a metaphor?

Completing is not typically used as a metaphor; it is used to describe the act of finishing something.

Is the word “completing” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Completing is neither a direct object nor an indirect object; it is a verb.

Which vowel is used before completing?

There is no specific rule for using a vowel before completing. It depends on the context of the sentence.

What is the plural form of completing?

Completing does not have a plural form as it is a verb.

What is the opposite of completing?

The opposite of completing is "starting" or "beginning."

Is completing an adverb?

No, completing is not an adverb.

Is completing a negative or positive word?

Completing is generally considered a positive word as it implies the successful conclusion of an activity.

Is completing a countable noun?

Completing is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is completing a collective noun?

No, completing is not a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with completing?

Determiners such as "the," "a," or "an" are not typically used with completing since it is a verb.

Which preposition is used with completing?

Prepositions such as "in," "on," or "by" can be used with completing, depending on the context (e.g., "completing a task on time").

Which article is used with completing?

Articles such as "the" or "a" are not typically used with completing since it is a verb.

Is completing a noun or adjective?

Completing is a verb in its gerund or present participle form.

Is completing an abstract noun?

No, completing is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is the word completing imperative?

No, completing is not an imperative form; it is a gerund or present participle.

Is the word completing Gerund?

Yes, completing can be used as a gerund.

Which conjunction is used with completing?

Conjunctions such as "and," "or," or "while" can be used with completing, depending on the context.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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