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Composing Definition and Meaning

Composing is the act of creating music, literature, or any other form of art. e.g., Mozart spent much of his life composing symphonies.

Composing Definitions

Creating original music through the arrangement of melodies, harmonies, and rhythms.
Beethoven began composing his Ninth Symphony in 1822.
Organizing thoughts or ideas into a coherent structure.
He was quietly composing his arguments before the debate.
Creating movies or videos by selecting and editing shots.
The director spent weeks composing the final cut of the film.
The process of writing text, including literature, articles, or essays.
She spent her mornings composing poetry in her garden.
Formulating and bringing to life visual or conceptual art pieces.
The artist was found composing a new sculpture from clay.
Crafting written communication in electronic formats.
She was composing an email to her team about the new project.
Crafting a plan or strategy for a specific purpose.
The general was composing a battle plan for the upcoming engagement.
The act of putting together various components or elements systematically.
The designer was composing a new layout for the magazine.
Putting together written materials for publication or presentation.
The author was composing the manuscript for his next novel.
Putting together different parts to create a whole.
The engineer was composing a model of the new bridge.
To make up the constituent parts of; constitute or form
An exhibit composed of French paintings.
The many ethnic groups that compose our nation. See Usage Note at comprise.
To make or create by putting together parts or elements.
To create or produce (a literary or musical piece).
To make (oneself) calm or tranquil
Compose yourself and deal with the problems logically.
To settle or adjust; reconcile
They managed to compose their differences.
To arrange aesthetically or artistically.
(Printing) To arrange or set (type or matter to be printed).
To create a literary or musical piece.
(Printing) To set type.
Present participle of compose
Conducive of a composed state, relaxing.
Tending to compose or soothe.
Pertaining to, or used in, composition.
The spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole;
Harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art
Musical creation

Composing Snonyms


Marking down letters, words, or other symbols on a surface.
He was writing a letter to his old friend.


Bringing something into existence.
She enjoys creating her own recipes for the bakery.


Thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
They were planning a trip to Europe for the summer.


Organizing or putting things in a particular order.
She was arranging the flowers in a beautiful pattern.


Planning and making decisions about something that is being built or created.
He was designing a new website for the company.


Developing something in a careful way and after a lot of thought.
The scientist was formulating a hypothesis for her experiment.


Gathering and fitting together the various parts of something.
The kids were assembling a puzzle on the floor.


Growing or causing something to grow or become larger or more advanced.
They were developing a new app to help with time management.


Making something in a skilled way by hand.
She was crafting a beautiful piece of jewelry from silver.


Creating or manufacturing something.
The factory is producing a new line of electric cars.

Composing Idioms & Phrases

Composing a scene

Arranging elements within a photograph or painting to create a harmonious or aesthetically pleasing composition.
The photographer was carefully composing a scene with the sunset in the background.

Composing a masterpiece

Creating a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.
The novelist spent years composing a masterpiece that would win several awards.

Composing a meal

Creatively putting together ingredients to make a dish.
The chef was composing a meal that would feature flavors from around the world.

Composing a list

Creating a list by carefully thinking about and including all necessary items.
She was composing a list of groceries needed for the week.

Composing music on the fly

Creating music spontaneously without prior planning.
The jazz musician was known for composing music on the fly during live performances.

Composing oneself

Calming oneself down to act with normalcy or effectiveness.
After the shock, he took a moment to compose himself before speaking.

Composing one's thoughts

Taking time to organize one's thoughts before expressing them.
He paused to compose his thoughts before answering the question.

Composing a letter

Writing a letter in a thoughtful and organized manner.
She was composing a letter of apology to her friend.

Composing a strategy

Carefully planning a course of action.
The team was composing a strategy to improve their sales figures.

Composing a portfolio

Assembling a collection of works or documents to showcase one's skills or achievements.
The artist was composing a portfolio for the upcoming gallery exhibition.

Composing Example Sentences

She found joy in composing poems about nature.
Composing emails takes up a significant part of his day at work.
The team spent the afternoon composing a marketing plan.
Composing a winning team requires careful selection of players.
The chef is known for composing innovative dishes.
Maria loves composing music in her free time.
The filmmaker was praised for composing a groundbreaking documentary.
He was busy composing a new blog post for his website.
The scientist is composing a research paper on climate change.
She has a knack for composing beautiful flower arrangements.
They were tasked with composing a comprehensive report by the end of the month.
As a hobby, she enjoys composing short stories for children.
They spent weeks composing the layout for the new magazine issue.
Composing a thesis is a challenging but rewarding process.
Composing a symphony was his lifelong dream.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide composing into syllables?

Composing is divided into syllables as com-pos-ing.

What is a stressed syllable in composing?

The stressed syllable in composing is the first syllable: com.

How is composing used in a sentence?

Composing can be used to describe the act of creating music, writing, or any form of art. e.g., She is composing a piece for the piano competition.

Why is it called composing?

Composing is called so because it involves the creation or arrangement of something (like music, art, writing) in a structured and deliberate manner. It comes from the Latin word "componere," which means to put together.

What is the verb form of composing?

The verb form of composing is "compose."

What is the pronunciation of composing?

Composing is pronounced as /kəmˈpoʊzɪŋ/.

What is the first form of composing?

The first form (base form) of composing is "compose."

What is the singular form of composing?

The singular form of composing is "composing," as it refers to the action or process and does not have a singular or plural variation in this context.

How many syllables are in composing?

Composing has three syllables.

What part of speech is composing?

Composing is a gerund, deriving from the verb "compose."

What is the root word of composing?

The root word of composing is "compose."

Is composing a negative or positive word?

Composing is typically a neutral word, but it can have a positive connotation when associated with creativity and artistry.

Is composing a collective noun?

No, composing is not a collective noun.

What is the second form of composing?

The second form (past simple) of compose is "composed."

Is composing a noun or adjective?

Composing acts as a noun (gerund) when referring to the action or process of creation.

Is composing a countable noun?

No, composing is not a countable noun.

What is the third form of composing?

The third form (past participle) of compose is "composed."

What is the opposite of composing?

The opposite of composing could be "destroying" or "dismantling," depending on the context.

Is the word composing imperative?

The base form "compose" can be used as an imperative, but "composing" itself is not imperative; it denotes an ongoing action or process.

Which determiner is used with composing?

Determiners like "the," "my," "your," can be used with composing, depending on the context.

Which article is used with composing?

The article "the" is often used with composing when referring to a specific act or process of creation.

What is another term for composing?

Another term for composing is "creating."

Is composing an adverb?

No, composing is not an adverb.

Is composing an abstract noun?

Yes, as a gerund that refers to the process of creation, composing can be considered an abstract noun.

Is the word composing Gerund?

Yes, "composing" is a gerund.

Is the word “composing” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

The word “composing” can serve as a direct object in sentences where an action is being done to the process of composing itself, but it is more commonly the subject or part of the predicate.

Which vowel is used before composing?

The article "a" is used before composing because it starts with a consonant sound.

Which preposition is used with composing?

Prepositions such as "for," "of," and "in" can be used with composing, depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with composing?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," and "while" can be used with composing, depending on the structure of the sentence.

What is the plural form of composing?

Composing does not have a plural form since it refers to an action or process.

Is composing a vowel or consonant?

The word "composing" starts with a consonant.

Is the composing term a metaphor?

The term "composing" can be used metaphorically when applied to contexts outside of its original meaning, such as "composing one's life."

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