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Conceptualise Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Published on March 7, 2024
Conceptualise means to form a concept or idea of something in the mind. e.g., The architect will conceptualise a new design for the building.

Conceptualise Definitions

To form a mental image or idea of something.
Artists conceptualise their work before putting brush to canvas.
To develop an abstract idea or theory.
Scientists often conceptualise theories before conducting experiments.
To create a plan or idea in a detailed and systematic way.
The team will conceptualise a marketing strategy.
To form a notion or idea of something in a creative or innovative manner.
Designers conceptualise new fashion trends every season.
To envision or create an idea mentally.
Architects conceptualise building designs before drafting plans.
To envision something not yet created or tangible.
He conceptualised a revolutionary new app.
To generate a concept or idea through brainstorming or creative thinking.
Writers conceptualise plot ideas before writing.
To form a preliminary plan or idea.
Entrepreneurs conceptualise business ideas before launching a startup.
To outline the basic concepts or principles of something.
The teacher helps students conceptualise mathematical concepts.
To develop an abstract understanding of something.
Children start to conceptualise time at a young age.
To imagine or think of something in a comprehensive way.
Authors conceptualise their novels' plots before writing.
To create a concept or model in one's mind.
Designers conceptualise new products before they are manufactured.
To outline an idea or theory abstractly.
Philosophers often conceptualise complex theories about existence.
To imagine or envision a project or plan.
He needs to conceptualise the landscape design before starting.
To think about something in a conceptual or abstract way.
Philosophers conceptualise ideas about existence and reality.
To define a concept or idea by giving it structure or form.
The inventor conceptualised a new gadget to solve everyday problems.
To create a conceptual framework or model for something.
Economists conceptualise models to explain market behaviors.
To imagine the potential of an idea.
Investors conceptualise the future value of innovative technologies.
To create a mental representation of an abstract idea.
Artists conceptualise their artwork before bringing it to life.
To form a notion or idea of something.
She conceptualised a new approach to solving the problem.
Standard spelling of conceptualize
Same as conceptualize.
Have the idea for;
He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients
This library was well conceived

Conceptualise Snonyms


To form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind.
The project was originally conceived in 2009.


To create or devise methodically (a strategy or a proposal).
He formulated a new theory of relativity.


To form a mental image or concept of.
Imagine yourself in a place of calm.

Think up

To devise or invent (a plan or idea).
She thought up a clever plan to solve the problem.


To form an idea, concept, or impression of something.
The team spent hours ideating before coming up with a solution.


To conceive and plan out in the mind.
He designed the first skyscraper.


To plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought.
They devised a scheme to defraud the company.

Dream up

To invent or conceive of something in one's imagination.
He dreamt up a plan to get rich quickly.


To bring (something) into existence.
She creates beautiful paintings with her unique style.


To imagine as a future possibility; visualize.
She envisioned a world at peace.

Conceptualise Idioms & Phrases

Conceptualise the framework

To outline the basic structure or idea.
The team met to conceptualise the framework of their project plan.

Conceptualise beyond boundaries

To think of ideas without limitations.
Great inventors are able to conceptualise beyond the boundaries of current knowledge.

Conceptualise from scratch

To develop an idea from the very beginning.
He wanted to conceptualise the app from scratch, without using any pre-existing templates.

Conceptualise step by step

To form an idea by planning each stage methodically.
By conceptualising step by step, they made the task manageable.

Conceptualise with clarity

To form a clear and distinct idea.
The ability to conceptualise with clarity is essential for effective communication.

Conceptualise in theory

To develop an idea as a theory, not yet applied or tested.
While we can conceptualise in theory, practical application may present challenges.

Conceptualise the unthinkable

To imagine what seems impossible or unlikely.
Science fiction writers often conceptualise the unthinkable.

Conceptualise under constraints

To develop an idea within certain limitations.
Designers often have to conceptualise under constraints of budget and materials.

Conceptualise the big picture

To form an overall or broad idea about something.
It's crucial to conceptualise the big picture before delving into details.

Conceptualise a blueprint

To design a detailed plan or model.
Architects conceptualise a blueprint before construction begins.

Conceptualise a vision

To form a clear idea of a desired future.
Leaders must be able to conceptualise a vision for their organization.

Conceptualise within parameters

To develop an idea within specific limits or criteria.
The challenge was to conceptualise a solution within the given parameters.

Conceptualise for the future

To develop ideas with future trends or needs in mind.
Sustainable developers conceptualise for the future, considering long-term environmental impact.

Conceptualise with precision

To form ideas with exactness and accuracy.
Engineers must conceptualise with precision to ensure safety and functionality.

Conceptualise through brainstorming

To generate ideas by thinking freely and creatively.
The team was able to conceptualise a new approach through brainstorming.

Conceptualise collaboratively

To develop ideas together with others.
The team decided to conceptualise collaboratively to incorporate diverse perspectives.

Conceptualise a strategy

To develop a plan or method.
The general needed to conceptualise a strategy to win the battle.

Conceptualise the potential

To imagine the possible success or effectiveness of something.
Venture capitalists try to conceptualise the potential of start-ups.

Conceptualise and innovate

To create new and original ideas.
Tech companies must constantly conceptualise and innovate to stay ahead.

Conceptualise across disciplines

To develop ideas using knowledge from various fields.
Interdisciplinary studies encourage students to conceptualise across disciplines.

Conceptualise Example Sentences

Students were asked to conceptualise a solution to an environmental problem.
To conceptualise the app, they mapped out its features and user interface.
The entrepreneur needed to conceptualise a business plan to attract investors.
She helped the team conceptualise the layout for the exhibition.
The filmmaker had to conceptualise the film's theme and message before shooting.
Before writing her novel, she took the time to conceptualise the setting and characters.
It's important to conceptualise the goals of the project before beginning work.
It's important to conceptualise the goals of a campaign before its execution.
In the workshop, they learned how to conceptualise their ideas clearly.
The engineer had to conceptualise a more efficient engine design.
Teachers help students conceptualise mathematical theories through visual aids.
After reading the book, he began to conceptualise a different worldview.
To conceptualise the branding strategy, they researched current market trends.
Before writing her essay, she took time to conceptualise her main arguments.
He struggled to conceptualise the complex scientific concepts.
She managed to conceptualise a solution to the ongoing problem.
It's challenging to conceptualise the vastness of the universe.
They used a model to conceptualise the new urban development plan.
In the workshop, participants were asked to conceptualise their ideal community.
To conceptualise the project, they held several brainstorming sessions.
Young children can conceptualise abstract ideas through play and exploration.
The inventor took years to conceptualise a prototype of his invention.
To conceptualise the branding, they discussed various color schemes and logos.
To conceptualise their vision, the team created a detailed mind map.
She encouraged her students to conceptualise their future careers.

Common Curiosities

How is conceptualise used in a sentence?

"Conceptualise" is used to describe the process of developing a plan or idea in one's mind, e.g., The team will conceptualise a new approach to the project.

Why is it called conceptualise?

"Conceptualise" is called so because it involves the process of forming a concept or idea, derived from the word "concept," which signifies an abstract idea.

How do we divide conceptualise into syllables?

Conceptualise is divided as con-cep-tu-al-ise.

What is a stressed syllable in conceptualise?

The stressed syllable in "conceptualise" is the second syllable, "cep."

What is the root word of conceptualise?

The root word of "conceptualise" is "concept," which means an abstract idea or a general notion.

What is the first form of conceptualise?

The first form is "conceptualise."

What is the verb form of conceptualise?

"Conceptualise" itself is the base form of the verb.

How many syllables are in conceptualise?

Conceptualise has five syllables.

What part of speech is conceptualise?

"Conceptualise" is a verb.

What is another term for conceptualise?

Another term for "conceptualise" could be "envision" or "formulate."

What is the opposite of conceptualise?

The opposite of "conceptualise" could be "ignore" or "disregard," implying a lack of development or consideration of an idea.

Is conceptualise an adverb?

No, "conceptualise" is not an adverb.

What is the pronunciation of conceptualise?

Conceptualise is pronounced as /kənˈsɛptjʊəlaɪz/.

What is the singular form of conceptualise?

"Conceptualise" remains the same in singular form, as it is a verb.

What is the second form of conceptualise?

The second form (past tense) of "conceptualise" is "conceptualised."

What is the plural form of conceptualise?

As a verb, "conceptualise" does not have a plural form. Its conjugation changes with the subject.

Is conceptualise a negative or positive word?

"Conceptualise" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is conceptualise a countable noun?

"Conceptualise" is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is the word “conceptualise” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Conceptualise" is a verb and typically does not serve as a direct or indirect object. However, the concept being conceptualised can be a direct object.

Which determiner is used with conceptualise?

Determiners are not typically used with "conceptualise" as it is a verb.

What is the third form of conceptualise?

The third form (past participle) of "conceptualise" is also "conceptualised."

Is conceptualise a noun or adjective?

"Conceptualise" is a verb.

Is conceptualise an abstract noun?

"Conceptualise" is a verb, so it cannot be an abstract noun. However, the noun form "conceptualisation" could be considered abstract.

Is conceptualise a vowel or consonant?

The word "conceptualise" starts with a consonant sound.

Is conceptualise a collective noun?

No, "conceptualise" is a verb and not a collective noun.

Is the word conceptualise imperative?

"Conceptualise" can be used in the imperative mood, as in "Conceptualise a new strategy."

Which preposition is used with conceptualise?

Prepositions like "of" or "about" can be used with "conceptualise," as in "conceptualise a plan of action" or "conceptualise about the future."

Which conjunction is used with conceptualise?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used in sentences involving "conceptualise."

Which article is used with conceptualise?

Articles are not typically used directly with "conceptualise" as it is a verb.

Is the conceptualise term a metaphor?

"Conceptualise" can be used metaphorically in contexts where forming ideas is likened to creating something tangible.

Is the word conceptualise Gerund?

The gerund form of "conceptualise" is "conceptualising."

Which vowel is used before conceptualise?

The vowel used before "conceptualise" depends on the preceding word or article in a sentence.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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