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Condemnatory Definition and Meaning

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Published on June 23, 2024
Condemnatory means expressing strong disapproval; censuring or denouncing. e.g., The judge's condemnatory remarks reflected his disapproval of the defendant's actions.

Condemnatory Definitions

Imposing or implying condemnation.
The article was written in a condemnatory style that left no room for doubt.
Characterized by expressing strong disapproval or denunciation.
The editorial was condemnatory of the government's policies.
Reflecting a moral or ethical condemnation.
The community's condemnatory response to the incident was swift.
Expressing or involving condemnation or censure.
His condemnatory speech against corruption stirred the audience.
Expressing official disapproval or criticism.
The council issued a condemnatory statement regarding the mayor's actions.
Pertaining to a rebuke or reproof that conveys condemnation.
Her condemnatory glance was enough to silence the room.
Associated with expressing blame or disfavor.
The feedback from the review was surprisingly condemnatory.
Serving to condemn or express blame.
Her condemnatory tone made it clear she did not forgive the mistake.
Relating to judgments that express severe criticism.
The report was condemnatory of the safety procedures in place.
Denoting an attitude of condemnation towards something or someone.
His condemnatory stance on smoking is well-known.
To express strong disapproval of
Condemned the needless waste of food.
To pronounce judgment against; sentence
Condemned the felons to prison.
To judge or declare to be unfit for use or consumption, usually by official order
Condemn an old building.
To force (someone) to experience, endure, or do something
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (George Santayana).
To lend credence to or provide evidence for an adverse judgment against
Were condemned by their actions.
(Law) To appropriate (property) for public use.
Serving to condemn or censure
Condemning; containing or imposing condemnation or censure; as, a condemnatory sentence or decree.
Containing or imposing condemnation or censure;
A condemnatory decree

Condemnatory Snonyms


Expressing the opinion that something is of little worth; derogatory.
Her disparaging tone did not sit well with the team.


Expressing severe disapproval of someone or something.
The official's censuring comments about the project caused a stir.


Having or showing an unfavorable opinion.
Her disapproving nod made her disagreement clear.


Feeling or expressing strong condemnation of something.
They were deploring the state of the building, citing many safety concerns.


Severely reprimanding or punishing someone.
The teacher was castigating the student for cheating on the exam.


Openly criticizing or accusing someone.
His denunciatory remarks aimed at the board were unexpected.


Expressing reproof or disappointment.
His reproachful look conveyed his unhappiness with their decision.


Reprimanding or censuring someone.
His reproving tone was harsh and direct.


Indicating disapproval by pointing out faults or shortcomings.
The review was criticizing the film for its lack of originality.


Assigning responsibility for a fault or wrong.
The coach was blaming the loss on a lack of effort.

Condemnatory Idioms & Phrases

Condemnatory tone

A tone that expresses strong disapproval.
Her condemnatory tone made the critique even more biting.

Condemnatory look

A look that conveys disapproval or condemnation.
He gave a condemnatory look that silenced the giggling children.

Condemnatory remarks

Statements that express strong disapproval.
The condemnatory remarks about the proposal were unexpected.

Condemnatory response

A response that expresses criticism or disapproval.
The committee's condemnatory response to the plan was a major setback.

Condemnatory stance

A position or viewpoint expressing condemnation.
The organization took a condemnatory stance against the new regulations.

Condemnatory statement

A statement that criticizes or condemns actions or behaviors.
The government issued a condemnatory statement following the incident.

Condemnatory words

Words that express censure or criticism.
His condemnatory words were sharp and to the point.

Condemnatory judgment

A judgment that implies strong disapproval or censure.
The condemnatory judgment against the corporation was a landmark decision.

Condemnatory article

An article that criticizes or condemns someone or something.
The condemnatory article in the newspaper sparked a lot of debate.

Condemnatory rhetoric

Language used to express strong disapproval or condemnation.
The politician's condemnatory rhetoric resonated with his supporters.

Condemnatory verdict

A verdict that indicates strong disapproval or censure.
The condemnatory verdict was a clear message against corporate misconduct.

Condemnatory action

An action that demonstrates disapproval or condemnation.
Their condemnatory action involved boycotting the company's products.

Condemnatory speech

A speech that expresses strong disapproval or condemnation.
His condemnatory speech at the conference made headlines.

Condemnatory attitude

An attitude that implies condemnation or disapproval.
His condemnatory attitude towards the changes was clear.

Condemnatory evidence

Evidence that leads to or supports condemnation.
The condemnatory evidence presented in court was overwhelming.

Condemnatory review

A review that expresses disapproval or criticism.
The film received a condemnatory review from several critics.

Condemnatory press

Media coverage that condemns or criticizes.
The condemnatory press regarding the celebrity's actions was relentless.

Condemnatory narrative

A narrative that implies strong disapproval or criticism.
The documentary presented a condemnatory narrative of the policy.

Condemnatory report

A report that expresses condemnation or criticism.
The condemnatory report on workplace safety called for immediate changes.

Condemnatory language

Language that communicates disapproval or censure.
The report used condemnatory language to describe the failures.

Condemnatory Example Sentences

The condemnatory nature of his comments caused a stir.
She expressed her views in a condemnatory way.
They issued a condemnatory press release.
The review was unexpectedly condemnatory.
The article was written in a condemnatory manner.
His condemnatory statements did not go unnoticed.
Her condemnatory tone set the tone for the meeting.
Condemnatory reviews can impact a restaurant's reputation.
Condemnatory remarks were exchanged during the debate.
The condemnatory report led to several resignations.
He wrote a condemnatory letter to the editor.
The condemnatory speech highlighted the issues.
His condemnatory attitude was evident throughout the discussion.
The documentary took a condemnatory approach to the subject.
She faced condemnatory criticism from her peers.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called condemnatory?

"Condemnatory" derives from the verb "condemn," which means to express complete disapproval.

How is condemnatory used in a sentence?

Condemnatory is used as an adjective to describe expressions of strong disapproval, e.g., The judge's condemnatory tone was unmistakable.

What is the pronunciation of condemnatory?

Condemnatory is pronounced as /kənˈdemnəˌtɔri/.

How do we divide condemnatory into syllables?

Condemnatory is divided into syllables as con-dem-na-to-ry.

What is the verb form of condemnatory?

The verb form related to condemnatory is "condemn."

What is a stressed syllable in condemnatory?

The stressed syllable in condemnatory is the second syllable: con-dem-na-to-ry.

How many syllables are in condemnatory?

Condemnatory has five syllables.

Is condemnatory an adverb?

No, condemnatory is not an adverb.

What is the root word of condemnatory?

The root word of condemnatory is "condemn."

What is another term for condemnatory?

Another term for condemnatory is "denunciatory."

What is the singular form of condemnatory?

Condemnatory does not have a singular or plural form as it is an adjective.

Is condemnatory a noun or adjective?

Condemnatory is an adjective.

Is condemnatory a countable noun?

Condemnatory is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Is the condemnatory term a metaphor?

No, condemnatory is not typically used as a metaphor; it directly describes expressions of disapproval.

Is the word condemnatory imperative?

No, condemnatory is an adjective and cannot be imperative.

Is the word “condemnatory” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Condemnatory cannot be a direct or indirect object as it is an adjective.

Which determiner is used with condemnatory?

Determiners such as "a," "the," and "his" can be used with condemnatory when it modifies a noun.

What part of speech is condemnatory?

Condemnatory is an adjective.

What is the plural form of condemnatory?

As an adjective, condemnatory does not have a plural form.

Is condemnatory a negative or positive word?

Condemnatory is a negative word, as it implies disapproval or criticism.

Is condemnatory a vowel or consonant?

The word condemnatory starts with a consonant sound.

Is the word condemnatory a Gerund?

No, condemnatory is an adjective, not a verb form.

Which preposition is used with condemnatory?

Prepositions like "of" can be used with condemnatory, e.g., "remarks condemnatory of the policy."

Which conjunction is used with condemnatory?

Conjunctions like "and" and "but" can be used with sentences containing the adjective condemnatory.

Which vowel is used before condemnatory?

Typically, no specific vowel is used before "condemnatory" as it is an adjective.

What is the opposite of condemnatory?

The opposite of condemnatory could be "approving" or "commendatory."

Is condemnatory an abstract noun?

No, condemnatory is an adjective, not a noun.

Is condemnatory a collective noun?

No, condemnatory is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Which article is used with condemnatory?

The articles "a" or "the" can be used with condemnatory, depending on the context in which it modifies a noun.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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