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Contrast Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Published on March 8, 2024
Contrast refers to the state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association. e.g., The contrast between the two paintings was remarkable.

Contrast Definitions

In literature, a rhetorical device to compare two things.
Shakespeare often used contrast to develop his characters.
A difference between two or more entities.
The contrast in their personalities made their friendship unique.
A technique in art to highlight differences.
The artist used contrast to bring the subject to life.
Comparison to show differences.
The essay discussed the contrast between ancient and modern civilizations.
The degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of an image.
Adjusting the contrast made the photo look more vibrant.
To differ strikingly.
Their opinions contrast sharply on this issue.
A state of opposition between things compared.
The contrast of colors made the artwork pop.
In music, a difference in sound that makes songs interesting.
The contrast of loud and soft passages added drama to the symphony.
In photography, the range of light to dark.
High contrast images often convey a more dramatic mood.
In fashion, the combination of different styles or colors.
Her outfit created a beautiful contrast of textures and hues.
To set in opposition in order to show or emphasize differences
An essay that contrasts city and country life.
Contrasted this computer with inferior models.
To show differences when compared
Siblings who contrast sharply in interests and abilities.
A color that contrasted clearly with the dark background.
(Linguistics) To evince a difference that can distinguish meaning
Voiced and voiceless stops contrast in English but not in Cree.
The act of contrasting; a setting off of dissimilar entities or objects.
The state of being contrasted
Red berries standing in vivid contrast against the snow.
A difference, especially a strong dissimilarity, between entities or objects compared
The contrast between Northern and Southern speech patterns.
One thing that is strikingly dissimilar to another
My new school was a welcome contrast to the one before.
The use of opposing elements, such as colors, forms, or lines, in proximity to produce an intensified effect in a work of art.
The difference in brightness between the light and dark areas of a picture, such as a photograph or video image.
(Linguistics) A difference between units, especially one that distinguishes meaning.
(countable) A difference in lightness, brightness and/or hue between two colours that makes them more or less distinguishable.
(uncountable) The degree of this difference.
The red and the orange don't have much contrast between them — I can hardly tell them apart.
(countable) A control on a television, etc, that adjusts the amount of contrast in the images being displayed.
(countable) A difference between two objects, people or concepts.
Israel is a country of many contrasts.
(countable) Something that is opposite of or strikingly different from something else.
(transitive) To set in opposition in order to show the difference or differences between.
(intransitive) To form a contrast.
Foreground and background strongly contrast.
To stand in opposition; to exhibit difference, unlikeness, or opposition of qualities.
The joints which divide the sandstone contrast finely with the divisional planes which separate the basalt into pillars.
To set in opposition, or over against, in order to show the differences between, or the comparative excellences and defects of; to compare by difference or contrariety of qualities; as, to contrast the present with the past.
To give greater effect to, as to a figure or other object, by putting it in some relation of opposition to another figure or object.
The figures of the groups must not be all on side . . . but must contrast each other by their several position.
The act of contrasting, or the state of being contrasted; comparison by contrariety of qualities.
Place the prospect of the soulIn sober contrast with reality.
Opposition or dissimilitude of things or qualities; unlikeness, esp. as shown by juxtaposition or comparison.
The contrasts and resemblances of the seasons.
The opposition of varied forms, colors, etc., which by such juxtaposition more vividly express each other's peculiarities.
The opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared;
In contrast to
By contrast
The act of distinguishing by comparing differences
A conceptual separation or demarcation;
There is a narrow line between sanity and insanity
The perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors
The range of optical density and tone on a photographic negative or print (or the extent to which adjacent areas on a television screen differ in brightness)
Put in opposition to show or emphasize differences;
The middle school teacher contrasted her best student's work with that of her weakest student
To show differences when compared; be different;
The students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities

Contrast Snonyms


To recognize or treat (someone or something) as different.
The law distinguishes between homicide and manslaughter.


To separate from another route and go in a different direction.
The opinions diverge on this matter.


To set against in comparison.
We oppose these theories to highlight their differences.


To be unlike or distinct in nature, form, or characteristics.
The two studies differ in their methodologies.


To offer in response a contrasting viewpoint.
She countered his argument with her own data.


To depart from an established course.
You must not deviate from the guidelines.


To be in conflict with.
The witness's statement contradicts the evidence.


To be incompatible or at variance; clash.
His views conflict with mine.


To differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class.
The tasks vary in complexity.


To examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences.
To compare the contrast between the two types of analysis.

Contrast Idioms & Phrases

Strike a contrast

To show a noticeable difference.
The modern decor strikes a contrast with the building's historic exterior.

Stand in contrast

To be very different from something else.
Her optimistic outlook stands in contrast to her brother's pessimism.

By way of contrast

To show differences.
By way of contrast, the second painting is much darker.

Contrast and compare

To evaluate differences and similarities.
The essay will contrast and compare two government policies.

High contrast

Extreme differences in color, tone, or detail.
The high contrast setting on the TV makes the images pop.

Sharp contrast

A very obvious difference.
There's a sharp contrast between their levels of enthusiasm.

In contrast to

Different when compared with.
In contrast to his brother, he is very outgoing.

To draw a contrast

To point out differences.
The speaker drew a contrast between life now and a century ago.

Contrast against

To show difference when compared against something.
The red dress contrasted sharply against the white background.

Set in contrast

To compare in order to show differences.
The novel sets the protagonist's innocence in contrast to the corrupt society.

Low contrast

Minimal differences in color, tone, or detail.
The photographer preferred a low contrast for a softer effect.

Contrast with

To differ significantly.
His calm demeanor contrasted with the tense situation.

Color contrast

The use of different colors to create visual interest.
The artist's use of color contrast captured the viewer's attention.

Tonal contrast

Variation in lightness or darkness.
The tonal contrast in the photograph highlighted its subject.

Cultural contrast

Differences between cultures.
Traveling offers an opportunity to experience cultural contrast.

Contrast ratio

The ratio of the luminance of the brightest color to the darkest color.
A higher contrast ratio on the screen means better picture quality.

A study in contrast

Something that is very different from another thing.
The twin sisters were a study in contrast in every way.

Juxtapose for contrast

To place side by side for comparing differences.
The exhibit juxtaposed modern and classical art for contrast.

Textural contrast

Differences in surface or material feel.
The textural contrast in the fabric added depth to the design.

Emotional contrast

Differences in feelings or mood.
The play's emotional contrast between scenes was striking.

Contrast Example Sentences

The contrast of the ancient ruins against the modern skyline was breathtaking.
The contrast between the snowy mountains and the warm valley was stunning.
Her bright smile was in stark contrast to her somber outfit.
The contrast between silence and the sudden burst of laughter filled the room.
The garden was designed with plants that contrast in color to create visual interest.
In the story, the character's humility stands in contrast to his friend's arrogance.
The teacher used contrast to explain the difference between the two concepts.
The contrast in temperatures from day to night in the desert is extreme.
The film used contrast to depict the disparities between wealth and poverty.
The contrast between the old and new buildings in the city was striking.
The painting's contrast drew attention to the central figure.
He enjoyed the contrast of spicy and sweet flavors in the dish.
The soft music played in contrast to the loud noises outside.
The contrast of opinions in the debate made it very engaging.
The contrast between their work ethics was evident in their results.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in contrast?

There are two syllables in "contrast."

How is contrast used in a sentence?

Contrast is used to denote a difference or to compare dissimilarities between things.

How do we divide contrast into syllables?

Contrast is divided into syllables as "con-trast."

What is a stressed syllable in contrast?

The stressed syllable in "contrast" is the second one, "trast."

What is the verb form of contrast?

The verb form of contrast is "contrast" as well, as in "to contrast one thing with another."

What is the root word of contrast?

The root word of contrast is "contra-", a Latin prefix meaning "against" or "opposite."

What is the third form of contrast?

The third form is "contrasting" (the present participle).

What is another term for contrast?

Another term for contrast is "disparity."

Why is it called contrast?

It is called "contrast" because it highlights differences between entities or elements.

What is the pronunciation of contrast?

Contrast is pronounced as /ˈkɒn.træst/ when used as a noun and /kənˈtræst/ as a verb.

What part of speech is contrast?

"Contrast" can be both a noun and a verb, depending on its use in a sentence.

Is contrast an adverb?

No, contrast is not an adverb.

Is contrast an abstract noun?

Yes, when used as a noun, contrast can be considered an abstract noun as it refers to a concept.

What is the first form of contrast?

The first form of contrast is "contrast" (as in to compare differences).

Is contrast a negative or positive word?

Contrast is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is contrast a countable noun?

Yes, contrast is a countable noun; you can have many contrasts.

Is the word contrast a Gerund?

When used in its -ing form (contrasting), it can function as a gerund.

Which determiner is used with contrast?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "this" can be used with contrast, depending on the context.

What is the plural form of contrast?

The plural form is "contrasts."

What is the singular form of contrast?

The singular form is "contrast."

Is the contrast term a metaphor?

The term can be used metaphorically to describe stark differences between abstract concepts.

Which preposition is used with contrast?

"With," "to," and "against" are commonly used prepositions with "contrast."

What is the second form of contrast?

The second form is "contrasted" (the simple past tense and past participle).

Is the word contrast imperative?

"Contrast" can be used in the imperative form in commands, such as "Contrast these two images."

Which conjunction is used with contrast?

"But" and "while" are conjunctions often used to introduce a contrast.

What is the opposite of contrast?

The opposite of contrast is "similarity" or "conformity."

Is contrast a noun or adjective?

Contrast can be a noun and a verb, but it is not typically used as an adjective.

Is contrast a vowel or consonant?

The word "contrast" begins with a consonant.

Is contrast a collective noun?

No, contrast is not a collective noun.

Is the word “contrast” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Contrast" can be a direct object, as in "I appreciate the contrast."

Which vowel is used before contrast?

The vowel used before "contrast" can vary, but "a" is commonly used, as in "a contrast."

Which article is used with contrast?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with "contrast," depending on whether it's specific or general.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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