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Credibility Definition and Meaning

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Published on April 27, 2024
Credibility is the quality of being trusted and believed in due to one's reliability, honesty, or accuracy. e.g., The scientist's credibility was enhanced by her meticulous research.

Credibility Definitions

The capacity to be believed or accepted as true.
The witness's testimony lacked credibility because of inconsistencies.
The state of being whole, undivided, or honest.
Her integrity under pressure added to her credibility.
The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
The company's good reputation contributed to its credibility in the market.
The trait of being dependable and consistent.
The website gained credibility due to its reliable sources.
The quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency.
The research's validity was crucial for its credibility in the academic community.
The quality of being worthy of trust and confidence.
His consistent honesty boosted his credibility among his peers.
The quality of being correct or precise.
The accuracy of the report enhanced its credibility among journalists.
The quality of being genuine and authentic.
The artifact's credibility was confirmed through carbon dating.
The habit of observing truthfulness in speech or conduct.
The historian's veracity was evident in her detailed footnotes, lending credibility to her work.
The quality of being fair and truthful.
His honesty in admitting mistakes increased his credibility.
The quality, capability, or power to elicit belief
"The scandals posed a crisis of credibility for collegiate athletics" (Taylor Branch).
A capacity for belief
A story that strained our credibility.
Reputation impacting one's ability to be believed.
After weeks of blowing smoke, her credibility with me was next to nil.
(legal) Believability of statements by a witness, as measured by whether the testimony is probable or improbable when judged by common experience.
The quality of being credible; credibleness; as, the credibility of facts; the credibility of witnesses.
The quality of being believable or trustworthy

Credibility Snonyms


The common opinion that people have about someone or something.
The firm's reputation for fairness boosted its credibility.


The quality of being authentic or genuine.
The painting's authenticity was key to its credibility.


The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Her integrity was a cornerstone of her credibility.


The quality of being dependable.
The reliability of her reports made them highly credible.


The quality of being honest.
His honesty in financial matters lent credibility to his business.


Able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
His trustworthiness was evident in all his dealings.


The state of being logically sound.
The validity of his argument supported its credibility.


The quality of being accurate or correct.
The accuracy of the data contributed to the study's credibility.


The adherence to the truth; truthfulness.
The veracity of her observations was critical for their credibility.


The quality of being believable or plausible.
The believability of the story added to its impact and credibility.

Credibility Idioms & Phrases

Credibility gap

A public skepticism about statements or policies.
The official's statements led to a credibility gap due to previous contradictions.

Damage one's credibility

To harm one's reputation or trustworthiness.
The false accusations damaged her credibility.

Bank on one's credibility

To rely on someone's credibility for assurance.
The team banked on the coach's credibility to secure sponsorship.

Build credibility

To develop a reputation of trustworthiness or reliability.
The journalist spent years building credibility with her accurate reporting.

Lose credibility

To no longer be considered reliable or trustworthy.
After the mistake, the organization lost credibility.

Establish credibility

To prove oneself as reliable or trustworthy.
The new manager quickly established credibility with transparent communication.

Credibility on the line

When one's reputation for trustworthiness is at risk.
With the scandal, his credibility was on the line.

Lend credibility

To give support or credibility to something.
The expert's testimony lent credibility to the theory.

With credibility

Possessing reliability or trustworthiness.
He spoke with credibility on the subject, thanks to his experience.

Credibility at stake

When one's reputation for honesty or reliability is in jeopardy.
With the allegations, her credibility was at stake.

Question someone's credibility

To doubt someone's honesty or reliability.
The discrepancies in his resume led them to question his credibility.

Stake one's credibility

To risk one's reputation on a claim or action.
She staked her credibility on the success of the project.

Test of credibility

A situation that proves or examines reliability.
The trial was a test of the witness's credibility.

Credibility scale

A measure of how believable or trustworthy something is.
On the credibility scale, firsthand accounts ranked highest.

Boost one's credibility

To increase one's reputation for being trustworthy or reliable.
Publishing the findings boosted the scientist's credibility.

Restore credibility

To regain lost trust or reliability.
The company took steps to restore its credibility after the data breach.

Undermine credibility

To weaken trust or belief in something.
Spreading rumors was an attempt to undermine her credibility.

Credibility check

A verification of the reliability of a source or information.
The editor performed a credibility check before publishing the article.

Credibility crisis

When a person or organization faces widespread doubt in their honesty or reliability.
The company faced a credibility crisis after misleading the public.

Earn credibility

To gain trustworthiness through one's actions or achievements.
He earned credibility by consistently meeting his deadlines.

Credibility Example Sentences

The document's credibility was crucial for the legal case.
His credibility as a leader grew with each successful project.
To maintain credibility, the journalist verified all her sources.
The rumor threatened to undermine the politician's credibility.
They questioned the credibility of the evidence presented.
She worked hard to build her credibility as an expert.
The professor's credibility was unmatched in his field.
The brand's credibility suffered due to the false advertising.
Her credibility as an author was established with her bestselling novel.
Restoring the museum's credibility became a priority after the scandal.
Credibility in journalism depends on accuracy and fairness.
The company's commitment to quality boosted its credibility with consumers.
Without credibility, the organization struggled to gain support.
Credibility on social media can be difficult to ascertain.
The witness's credibility was key to the trial's outcome.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in credibility?

Credibility has four syllables.

How do we divide credibility into syllables?

Credibility is divided into syllables as cre-di-bil-i-ty.

What is a stressed syllable in credibility?

The stressed syllable in "credibility" is the second one, -di-.

How is credibility used in a sentence?

Credibility is used to describe the trustworthiness or reliability of a person, organization, or information, e.g., The research paper's credibility was enhanced by its thorough methodology.

What does credibility mean?

Credibility refers to the quality of being trusted and believed in, often because of a reputation for honesty, reliability, and accuracy.

What is the verb form of credibility?

Credibility is a noun, not a verb. The related verb might be "credibilize," though it is not commonly used. "Establish credibility" or "gain credibility" are more common phrases.

What is the root word of credibility?

The root word of credibility is "credit," which comes from the Latin "creditum," meaning something entrusted to another or a loan.

What is the pronunciation of credibility?

Credibility is pronounced as /krɛdɪˈbɪlɪti/.

What is the singular form of credibility?

The singular form is "credibility."

Is credibility an adverb?

No, credibility is not an adverb.

Is credibility a noun or adjective?

Credibility is a noun.

Is credibility an abstract noun?

Yes, credibility is an abstract noun, as it refers to a concept or quality rather than a physical object.

Is credibility a vowel or consonant?

The word credibility begins with a consonant ('c').

Is the credibility term a metaphor?

Credibility itself is not a metaphor, but it can be used in metaphoric expressions to describe the concept of trustworthiness or reliability.

Is the word “credibility” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

In a sentence, "credibility" can serve as a direct object, e.g., "The scandal damaged the company's credibility."

What is another term for credibility?

Another term for credibility might be trustworthiness or reliability.

What is the opposite of credibility?

The opposite of credibility could be "disrepute" or "unreliability."

Which vowel is used before credibility?

The vowel used before "credibility" depends on the specific sentence structure and the preceding word, not on "credibility" itself.

What part of speech is credibility?

Credibility is a noun.

What is the plural form of credibility?

The concept of credibility is typically treated as a singular, uncountable noun, so it doesn't have a traditional plural form. However, in contexts where different types of credibility are discussed, "credibilities" might be used.

Is credibility a negative or positive word?

Credibility is generally considered a positive word, as it denotes qualities like trustworthiness and reliability.

Is the word credibility a Gerund?

No, credibility is not a gerund; it is a noun. Gerunds are verbs functioning as nouns, ending in -ing.

Is credibility a countable noun?

Credibility is typically treated as an uncountable noun in its general sense.

Is credibility a collective noun?

No, credibility is not a collective noun.

Is the word credibility imperative?

Credibility is a noun, so it does not have an imperative form, which is used for verbs.

Which determiner is used with credibility?

Determiners such as "the," "some," or "any" can be used with credibility, depending on the context.

Which preposition is used with credibility?

Prepositions such as "of," "for," and "to" can be used with credibility, e.g., "the credibility of the source," "credibility for the claim," "to establish credibility."

Which conjunction is used with credibility?

Conjunctions are not specifically used with "credibility"; it depends on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with credibility?

The definite article "the" is commonly used with credibility to refer to a specific instance or type of credibility, e.g., "the credibility of the witness."

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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