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Cuddle Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Published on March 12, 2024
Cuddle means to hold someone close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection. e.g., They cuddled on the couch while watching the movie.

Cuddle Definitions

To embrace or hug closely and affectionately.
The couple cuddled under the stars.
To engage in an affectionate embrace.
They spent the evening cuddling by the fireplace.
To hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection.
The mother cuddled her baby to soothe him.
To lie close and snug; to nestle.
The kittens cuddled together for warmth.
To snuggle up to someone or something for comfort or affection.
She cuddled up to her teddy bear at night.
To hold fondly in the arms; hug tenderly.
To nestle; snuggle
The children cuddled together on the couch.
The act of cuddling; a hug or embrace.
A snuggle; an affectionate embrace, often given to family members and close friends.
Give me a cuddle, Paul, it'll cheer you up.
(intransitive) To embrace affectionately; to lie together snugly.
The young lovers cuddled on the couch.
(transitive) To cradle in one's arms so as to give comfort, warmth.
She cuddled the infant before bedtime.
I'm cold; can you roll over here and cuddle me, honey?
To lie close or snug; to crouch; to nestle.
To lie close or snug; to crouch; to nestle.
She cuddles low beneath the brake;Nor would she stay, nor dares she fly.
To embrace closely; to fondle.
A close embrace.
A close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace
Move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position;
We cuddled against each other to keep warm
The children snuggled into their sleeping bags
Hold (a person or thing) close, as for affection, comfort, or warmth;
I cuddled the baby

Cuddle Snonyms


To hold someone closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection.
They shared a long embrace after being apart for months.


To squeeze someone tightly in one's arms, typically to express affection.
She gave her friend a big hug to comfort her.


To have or keep someone or something in one's arms.
He held her close during the fireworks.


To hold tightly and affectionately.
He clasped her hand gently as they walked.


To gently push or rub your nose or face against someone or something to show affection.
The horse nuzzled its owner affectionately.


To settle or move into a warm, comfortable position.
They snuggled under the blanket to stay warm.


To settle or lie comfortably within or against something.
The baby nestled in her mother's arms.


To engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and kissing.
The young lovers were canoodling in the park.


To hug or hold someone very tightly.
She squeezed him tightly, not wanting to let go.


To wrap or surround someone with one's arms.
He enfolded her in a warm hug.

Cuddle Idioms & Phrases

Cuddle session

A period of time spent cuddling.
They had a cuddle session while watching their favorite movie.

Cuddle buddy

A person with whom one cuddles, often in a non-romantic context.
Her cat is her favorite cuddle buddy.

Group cuddle

A hug involving several people at the same time, often for comfort or celebration.
The team shared a group cuddle after winning the game.

Cuddle up with a book

To make oneself comfortable while reading.
She decided to cuddle up with a good book for the evening.

Cuddle up

To snuggle up close to someone for warmth or affection.
On cold nights, they love to cuddle up in front of the fire.


To lie close to another person with both facing the same way, where one person has their back to the other's chest, resembling the position of nested spoons.
They preferred to spoon while sleeping as it made them feel closer.

Need a cuddle

Expressing a desire for physical closeness or affection.
After a tough day, she really needed a cuddle.

Cuddle weather

Weather that makes one want to stay indoors and cuddle, typically cold or rainy.
This rainy day is perfect cuddle weather.

Cuddle Example Sentences

The cold weather made them want to cuddle under a warm blanket.
The teddy bear was her favorite cuddle companion at night.
He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a tight cuddle.

Common Curiosities

How is cuddle used in a sentence?

"Cuddle" is used to describe the action of holding someone close in one's arms for warmth or affection, e.g., "They like to cuddle on the couch while watching movies."

What is a stressed syllable in cuddle?

The stressed syllable in "cuddle" is the first syllable, "cud."

How many syllables are in cuddle?

There are two syllables in "cuddle."

What is the pronunciation of cuddle?

"Cuddle" is pronounced as /ˈkʌdəl/.

How do we divide cuddle into syllables?

"Cuddle" is divided into syllables as "cud-dle."

What is the verb form of cuddle?

"Cuddle" itself is a verb. The forms include the base form "cuddle," the past tense "cuddled," and the gerund or present participle "cuddling."

What is the root word of cuddle?

The root word of "cuddle" is not clearly defined, but it may be related to the Middle English "couthie," meaning "friendly or cozy."

What is another term for cuddle?

Another term for "cuddle" could be "snuggle" or "embrace."

Why is it called cuddle?

The term "cuddle" likely originates from the early 16th century, possibly from the Middle English word "couthie," meaning "friendly or cozy," which is related to the Old English "cūþ," meaning "known." It refers to the act of holding someone close in one's arms to show love or affection.

What is the first form of cuddle?

The first form of "cuddle" is "cuddle," which is the base form.

What part of speech is cuddle?

"Cuddle" is a verb.

Is cuddle a noun or adjective?

"Cuddle" is primarily a verb, but it can also be used as a noun in contexts referring to the act of cuddling.

Is cuddle a negative or positive word?

"Cuddle" is generally a positive word, associated with warmth, affection, and comfort.

Is cuddle a countable noun?

When used as a noun, "cuddle" can be countable, as in "They shared a few cuddles."

Is the word cuddle imperative?

"Cuddle" can be used in the imperative mood as a command or invitation, e.g., "Cuddle me!"

Which vowel is used before cuddle?

The vowel or consonant used before "cuddle" depends on the preceding word in a sentence, not a specific rule for "cuddle."

Which determiner is used with cuddle?

As a verb, "cuddle" does not directly take a determiner, but when used as a noun, determiners such as "a" or "the" can be used, e.g., "a cuddle."

Is the word cuddle a Gerund?

When used with -ing, as in "cuddling," it functions as a gerund or a present participle.

Which article is used with cuddle?

When "cuddle" is used as a noun, articles like "a" or "the" can be used, e.g., "a cuddle," "the cuddle."

What is the plural form of cuddle?

As a verb, "cuddle" does not have a plural form, but its usage varies with the subject (e.g., "I cuddle," "we cuddle").

Is cuddle an abstract noun?

As a noun, "cuddle" refers to the act of cuddling, which is tangible in the sense that it involves physical touch, so it is not considered an abstract noun.

Is cuddle a collective noun?

No, "cuddle" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Which conjunction is used with cuddle?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used in sentences with "cuddle," depending on the sentence structure.

What is the second form of cuddle?

The second form of "cuddle" is "cuddled," which is the simple past tense form.

What is the third form of cuddle?

The third form of "cuddle" is also "cuddled," used as the past participle in perfect tenses.

What is the singular form of cuddle?

"Cuddle" is already in its singular form as a verb.

What is the opposite of cuddle?

The opposite of "cuddle" could be "push away" or "separate."

Is cuddle an adverb?

No, "cuddle" is not an adverb; it's a verb and can also be used as a noun.

Is cuddle a vowel or consonant?

The word "cuddle" starts with a consonant.

Is the cuddle term a metaphor?

"Cuddle" can be used metaphorically to describe close, affectionate relationships or interactions, not just physical cuddling.

Is the word “cuddle” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a verb, "cuddle" can take a direct object, as in "She likes to cuddle the baby." The baby is the direct object.

Which preposition is used with cuddle?

Common prepositions used with "cuddle" include "with" when referring to someone else being involved in the action, e.g., "cuddle with me."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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